chapter 8

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The cafe^

We are the champions by Queen was blasting through the radio. I was on my way to work. Which carter still doesn't know about.  I was bobbing my head to the song as I drove.  About ten minutes later I pulled into my spot at my job. I got out of my car and grabbed my purse. As soon  I stepped foot into the diner, I was almost   Knocked over,  by someone squeezing me to death. I looked down and realized it was max. Max was the owner's kid. He had brown hair and green eyes. He was in the  5 th grade. He always had a positive attitude about everything. Even when the family dog died. He didn't cry. He simply smiled and said" it's alright she is with grandma and grandpa and all the other angels in the sky. God will take care of her. And she wouldn't want us to cry. She would be upset." he was such a good kid. I saw him smile up at me. He had the happiest smile I have ever seen. I instantly smiled back and hugged him. 

"Hi! Sister!," he said as he let go of me and stood in front of me with his hands behind his back.

"Hey," I said as I reached out and ruffled his hair. He shook my hand away giggling.

"Stop it. Stop it. You know how my hair gets," he said defensively as he puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms.

" I'm sorry, your highness," I said while smirking.

"Am I interrupting something?" A soft voice called from the doorway. I looked up and saw max's mother Katie, leaning against the doorway with a  small smile dancing on her lips.

"No," Max said as he ran from my side towards his mother 's. I stood back up straight and walked forward." Good morning, Mrs.white." I said as I set my purse down.

" how many times have I told you to call me mom," she said as she playfully hit my shoulder. Her eyes softened  when I winced, she instantly  pulled me in a hug and whispered."Is he still doing it ..?" I simply nodded. " oh my poor girl," she said as she let go of me. "Come on, I have a muffin calling your name," she said as she lead me to the kitchen. I saw max's dad eric cleaning the counter while listening to shake it off by Taylor swift." Good morning, Mr.White" I said. He froze and turned around. A dark blush decorated his cheeks before he turned off the music and pulled me into a hug." that's father to you," he said as He let go of me.  He had blonde hair that was  pulled into a short ponytail. He had dark brown eyes and a slim frame. His wife Katie had dark hair and blue eyes. Her skin tone was darker than his. She spoke with a foreigners accent. Max had his mother's skin tone but he had his father's bone structure. They were a perfect family. And when I came along to ask for a job they became my family.

" eric move I need to get the poor girl something to eat," she said as she shoved her husband out of the way. They were in their late 30's. She had max when she was 28.  That was a bad time for her. Her ex-husband was an alcoholic and a drug dealer. She met Eric at a party one night and they fell in love. Once her ex found out she was pregnant with another guys child he threw her out and filed for a divorce. After the divorce was over, she was living on the streets until eric suggested that they move in together once he had the money to buy a place and create a little diner. And fast forward a couple of years and here they are.

I jumped out of my thoughts when max decided to jump in my arms. I moved my arms around him so he wouldn't fall." aren't you getting a little too old for this," I grunted out while holding him. He faked a hurt expression  ." Are you calling me fat?" he said. My eyes widen a fraction before I shook my head no." Mom big sister called me fat," he said to his mother. She was in the middle of trying to break free from her husbands grasp."Well, sweetie, you are on the chubby side," she squeaked out as her husband suddenly picked her up. "You jerk put me down, I am not a bag of potatoes," she gasped out. He simply chuckled and put her down." Now, now love don't act so unladylike in front of the children," he said. She just shook her head before getting the muffins out of the fridge."See what I have to deal with every day," she muttered. Her husband just smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close." you mean what you have to deal with forever," he said. She sighed and leaned against him. 

I stood there with a smile on my face. How I missed this. I haven't been able to come to work for a while because of carter's abuse.  Max started squirming in my arms so I put him down on the floor.  A few minutes later I looked at the time and realized it was almost opening time.

"Sorry to interrupt but can you lovebirds go somewhere else while I get the diner ready," a deep voice said behind the couple. The couple jumped apart. It was frank, Katie's older brother. He was tall and quite handsome. He had black shaggy hair and dark skin. His eyes were the color of the ocean. He was wearing black pants, a brown waiters apron around his waist and on his top, he wore a white button-down with a brown tie. The main reason why there were a lot of customers  was because of this guy. He was a real looker. He saw me staring at him and he raised an elegant brow. I quickly looked away, embarrassed. 

" Come on, go get changed, we don't have all day," Frank said as He pushed me towards the changing rooms.

I smiled and shook my head at his antics. I quickly took off my normal clothes and slipped on my uniform. It was a white mid-thigh dress. In the front, it had a white apron that had a small pocket for the note pad. It had short sleeves, that went up till your elbow. And on my feet, I wore white mary janes. I grabbed my heavy-duty cover-up and applied that on. A few minutes later I was looking much better than I did when I walked in. I quickly put away my clothes and exited the changing rooms. While I was passing the kitchen I grabbed a pen and a muffin

I then made my way towards the front entrance and turned the sign from close to open. Let the chaos begin.  I thought.

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