Zerksi - Our Son pt 11

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Josh's POV

Once we had all finished getting ready for our outing to the football pitch, we collected all of the footballs that we could find and loaded them into the car. Simon was so excited to just mess around at the pitch that he literally couldn't sit still in the back of the car.

On our way to the pitch, we passed by a couple walking their dog. I watched Simon's facial expressions light up as he watched the dog pass. I guess a dog might be something he would be interested in. JJ caught my gaze and gave me a 'told you so' look. I playfully rolled my eyes as I refocused my attention on the road ahead of me.

Once we arrived at the pitch, we all unloaded the footballs and headed into an empty pitch.

"What do you want to do first?" JJ questions the blonde boy.

"Penalties," the boy states as he rolls a ball up to the spot. He takes a couple of paces back and then runs forward to kick the ball. The ball soars into the net down the middle and gaining a bit of air.

"Nice," I compliment him. His finish was fairly decent as well. A wide smile stretches across his face in accomplishment. JJ takes his turn and kicks a ball at the net. It is too high and barely brushes past the crossbar before hitting the metal fence with a bang.

"Dang, do we take skimmers for the crossbar?" JJ asks Simon.

"Hmm. No skimmers," Simon concludes. A smile adorns his lips. He loves being on the pitch. I can't wait to see how he progresses over the years.

After a while, JJ goes into goal and allows myself and Simon to try and score penalties against him. Simon had made it very clear that he didn't want JJ to go easy on him. Many attempts by Simon were made before he made a beautiful shot right at the top left corner. JJ dives to it but misses. Simon stands in complete shock as he has never been able to hit the ball with that much power before.

I run at the boy and scoop him in my arms. I gently tackle him to the floor as not to hurt him. JJ runs over and does the same all while yelling and screaming out of happiness for our son. Simon is a laughing mess as his face radiates pure joy. It's hard to think that this is the same boy who was in tears from being bullied just last night. It's moments like these that will stick with me forever.

We had spent a good four hours at the pitch before we decided to call it a day. The wind had started to pick up which made it a bitter cold that was hard to stand. We all rushed to collect all of our balls and shove them back into the car. We decided to head back home and cook dinner together as a family.

"So what do you want to cook for dinner?" I ask as I turn to the back seat. JJ volunteered to drive us back to the house.

"Can we make pizza?" Simon asks hopefully. We occasionally make pizza from scratch and Simon absolutely loves it. It takes quite a bit of work so we only do it on special occasions. I guess today is a special day. It's Simon's day.

"Sure," I reply.

"Do we have all of the ingredients at home?" JJ asks as he reaches for my hand to hold it. I ponder for a moment before speaking again.

"Yeah, I think so," I reply as I run through the recipe in my head. I didn't even realize we were in our neighborhood until we pulled into our driveway.

"Since it is so cold out we can leave the footballs in the car for now so that we don't have to be out in that horrid wind," JJ says as he parks the car.

We all jump out and race to the door. Simon reaches it first with JJ right behind him. I have the key so they are both stood at the door for a few seconds jumping around to stay warm.

"Took you long enough," Simon says playfully as I reach the door and unlock it. We pile in and sigh in relief as warmth takes over our bodies.

"I'll make us some warm drinks so we can warm up while you lot start the pizza, yeah?" I suggest to my husband and son as we place our shoes by the door.

"Yeah!" Simon exclaims excitedly as he runs off to wash his hands.

"I'm so glad that you suggested we spend the day with him. He is so happy," JJ says as he wraps his arms around me.

"Me too. Today was priceless," I mumble into his neck as a smile forms on my lips.

I pull away from JJ and head into the kitchen to start preparing drinks. A coffee for JJ and hot chocolates for myself and Simon.

Simon returns to the kitchen and he and JJ start gathering ingredients to make the pizza dough. I hear a gasp and immediately turn to the two. The entire bag of flour is sat on the countertop. When JJ went to pick it up from the counter, the bottom gave out.

"Oh my god," I breath out as Simon begins giggling uncontrollably. With a smirk on his lips, JJ picks up a pinch of the white substance and lightly flicks it into the boy's face. This causes JJ to be the one chuckling. Simon then does the same back to JJ while he is too busy laughing to notice.

"Alright boys, we don't need to have an even bigger mess than we already have," I tell the boys before an all out war starts that will result in the entire kitchen being the war zone.

The boys continue on with the dough and then move onto the sauce. I just sit back and watch the two as they work together. It's more enjoyable for me to be watching them together rather than trying to help. My two boys working together and having a blast.

Once all of the pizzas are assembled, we set them on the oven to cook and all sip on our beverages. We end the night in front of the TV eating our pizza and watching some movies. Days like these are my favorites.

OooOOoooooOoo. An update. That's unheard of. Welp. I hope you enjoyed. Until next time, Ilya, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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