Zerksi - Our Son pt 6

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Josh's POV

JJ went to start cooking breakfast while I make myself slightly more presentable. I put on some sweatpants and run my fingers through my messy hair.

I walk into the kitchen to see JJ placing frozen waffles into the toaster. Simon is sitting on the edge of the counter next to the toaster. His cup is up to his lips as he watches his Papa. On the counter beside the boy sits his triceratops. I stand in front of the coffee maker and start a cup for JJ.

"Do you know what time the others are coming over?" I ask JJ. I want to know how much time we have to lounge around.

"They will be over for lunch and said they would text when they leave their places," JJ clarifies. The toaster pops up and Simon jumps a bit before giggling to himself. He goes to touch one of the waffles, but I quickly catch his hand.

"That's hot, Simon," I lightly scold him. He frowns slightly, but folds his hands into his lap. JJ quickly transfers the hot food to a plate so he doesn't burn himself.

"Go sit at the table. I'll bring you these and the syrup in a second," JJ instructs as he lifts Simon from the counter and sets him on his feet. The boy scoops up his toy and juice and scurries to the table.

JJ carries Simon's food over to the table. He makes sure to give him a reasonable amount of the sugary topping so that he doesn't get a stomach ache or a sugar rush. JJ's coffee finishes brewing and I fix it the way he likes it. I carefully carry it over to the table and set it at his place as he is busy cutting up Simon's waffles for him.

"Thank you," JJ says gratefully as he finishes cutting Simon's food. Simon starts munching on his breakfast. JJ pulls me into a hug. His arms are around my waist. Mine are around his neck with my head snuggled into his neck. When we pull away, JJ turns me towards the direction of my chair at the table. He taps my bum as he turns to go make more waffles. I sit at the table and watch as Simon shovels his waffle into his mouth.

"Slow down, Simon. Smaller bites," I direct him. Simon stops with his fork in the air. He puts the fork down and tries to finish what is in his mouth. He can't even keep his mouth closed because he has way too much in his mouth already. I shake my head at the boy as he manages to finally get it down. JJ brings over two more plates of waffles. He sets one down in front of me.

"Thanks, babe," I thank JJ. He sends me a smile and proceeds to eat. While we eat, Simon plays with his toy quietly.

"Are you ready to go get dressed and ready for the day?" I ask Simon as I finish eating. I lightly tickle his side and stomach so that he knows I'm talking to him. His little giggles pour from his mouth and cause a smile to form on my face. He makes me so happy and proud. I can't imagine my life without him.

"Yeah," Simon says without looking up from his toy. I grab my plate and his and take them over to the sink. JJ is still eating and finishing his coffee. I then go back to the table and collect Simon. I rest him on my hip as we make our way upstairs.

Simon remains in my hold as I open his closet door and look through all of his clothes. Simon reaches out and grabs a SDMN shirt that we had custom made in a kid size for him. I help him remove the shirt from the hanger. He clutches the shirt to his chest.

"Do you want jeans or joggers?" I question the boy as I open a drawer inside the closet.

"Joggers," Simon requests. I pull a pair out of the drawer and then close it.

"Are you going to be a big boy and put your clothes on by yourself?" I question him as I set him down by his bed. I lay out his clothes onto his bed. He nods enthusiastically and then lightly pushes me out of the room. I chuckle as I stand in the hallway. His door closes and I wait for him to come out.

He eventually opens the door again and steps out. I immediately notice that his shirt is backwards, his joggers are inside out, and his socks are all bunched up on his feet. An accomplished smile is on the boy's face. I try to hold back my laughter.

"Let's go show Papa that you got dressed all by yourself today," I say. I can't wait to see JJ's reaction. Simon sets off scurrying down the hallway and down the stairs. JJ is sat on the couch scrolling through his instagram.

"Papa! I got dressed all by my self!" Simon exclaims as he runs to stand in front of JJ. JJ starts chuckling.

"Good job, buddy. Let me take a picture of you," JJ says while still chuckling. Simon puts on a big grin as he waits for JJ to take his picture. JJ goes on to post it to his instagram. We occasionally post pictures and do some videos with Simon in them. By occasionally, I mean all the time. How can we not? He is adorable!

"Come here, Si," I call him over as I sit on the couch. He walks over and stands in front of me. "Where are the letters that were on the front of the shirt?" I ask as I point down to his chest. I don't want him to feel upset about doing it wrong since he was so excited about dressing himself.

"They fell off!" Simon exclaims as he looks down. He starts to rush off to go and find them. I gently grab his arm to stop him.

"They are right here," I say as I trace the letters on his back. Simon tries to turn in a circle to see them. I start laughing. Simon slightly pouts at me. "It's okay. Come here. I'll help you," I try to calm the boy. He walks closer and I hold the sleeves of his shirt. "Pull your arms out," I direct him. He does as I said and removes his arms. I twist the shirt around. He replaces his arms and looks back down at his shirt to see the letters.

"Thanks, Daddy!" Simon exclaims. He starts to run off and I stop him again.

"Your joggers are inside out, too," I say. Simon looks down and immediately pulls them off. He starts trying to get them right, but struggles. He sighs and JJ reaches out and takes them from him. He makes them right and hands them back. Simon slips them back on.

"Thank you, Papa," Simon says happily.

"Now you can fix your socks on your own. Jus pull them up more," I instruct him. He nods and pulls himself onto the couch in between myself and JJ. He pulls them up all the way.

"Good jod, Simon," JJ says and holds his hand out for a high five. Simon slaps his hand agains JJ's.

We spend some time just sitting on the couch and watching cartoons together until it is time for JJ and I to get ready for the day.

I hope you enjoyed. Until next time, Ilya, bye!!!

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