Zerksi - Our Son pt 9

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Simon sat with us for a while after our little talk. It didn't take too long before he was out like a light. He is sprawled out across both mine and Josh's lap. His head is on my lap as my fingers gently comb through his blonde locks.

"I can't believe that some kids from his school would say shit like that," I comment once I know that the boy is asleep. We try to refrain from cursing in front of our son.

"I know. I really thought that time would have changed for the better. I can only hope that it stays online and through games and doesn't leak into real life and face to face confrontation," Josh expresses his concerns. I hadn't even thought about that. My fists clench at even the mere thought of that happening to Simon.

"Calm down. It hasn't happened yet. If it does, we will worry about it then," Josh calms me down. He places a hand over my fist. He gently untangles my fingers and holds my hand. I take a deep breath and smile at the man I love.

"Should we take him up to bed?" I suggest after a bit of silence. We both look down to the sleeping boy. Josh nods.

I shift the boy more into my lap so that I can pick him up easier. Josh pulls the duvet off of me. We both stand and head upstairs and into his room. I lay the asleep boy down in his new bed. He wanted a new bed because his race car bed was for 'babies'. The dinosaur decals have been taken off the walls. Now football memorabilia litters his white walls.

Josh pulls back his duvet so that I could lay him down. As I place Simon into his bed, Josh moves to the boy's Xbox that is still turned on. He turns it off and the room becomes dark. I kiss Simon's forehead and walk out of the room to wait for Josh.

Josh emerges from the dark room. He carefully closes the door behind him. His hand reaches for mine as I reach for his. We walk down the stairs and into the lounge. Josh grabs the duvet from the couch and continues to pull me along to our room.

"You tired?" I chuckle lightly at his eagerness to be in our room. He suddenly turns around and engulfs me in his arms. I place my arms around him as well.

"No, I just want cuddles," he says like the kid he really is deep down.

"Go get in bed, then. I'll be there in a minute," I  instruct the older male. He briefly tightens his grip around me before he releases it.

I move into the walk in closet to find some more suitable sleeping clothes. I find just a comfortable pair of sweatpants and put those on. I discard my shirt. When I return to the bedroom, Josh is laying down on the bed. The duvet is covering his hips and lower. His shirt has also been taken off.

I make my way over to my side of the bed and get situated. Once I'm laying down and comfortable, I open my arms up to Josh. He shuffles into my hold so that his head is on my chest. I wrap my arms around him. I love it when Josh is more submissive and cuddly.

Before too long, soft snores can be heard from the supposedly not tired man. I quietly chuckle to myself as I run my fingers through his soft hair. I let my eyes fall closed as I hold the man I love close to me.

I open my eyes and wake up when I hear the sound of our bedroom door creaking open. Josh is still cuddled into my side with his head on my chest. As the door is closed again, I catch a glimpse of a little blonde boy. Small sniffles can be heard from his direction.

"Hey, buddy. What's up?" I catch his attention. He says nothing as he sniffles again. "Come here," I call him over to my other side. When he is by the bed, I pat the spot next to me. He wastes no time in climbing onto the bed. He tucks himself under my arm, somewhat similarly to how Josh is.

"I had a bad dream," Simon mumbles after a while of just cuddling. My arm around him tightens.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I quietly question the upset boy. He shakes his head no. "Do you want to stay in here tonight?" I offer. He immediately nods against my chest.

I pull the duvet from under him and place it over his body. He cuddles even closer to me. Once I think he is finally situated, he lifts his head. I'm about to question him, but he kisses my cheek before I can.

"Love you, Papa," he whispers once he pulls away. I can't help the smile on my lips. This boy is precious.

"Love you too, Simon," I reply to the sweet boy.

"Love you, Daddy," Simon whispers as he leans over my body. He leaves a light kiss to Josh's forehead. Once he pulls back, he lays back down and closes his eyes. Within minutes he is fast asleep. I guess it's my turn to follow.

It's in the early hours of the morning when I wake up to Josh trying to get out of bed. The sun is just beginning to rise through the window. Josh stands from the bed and carefully makes his way into the bathroom.

Simon is still cuddled close to me. I run a soothing hand up and down his back. He is a pretty heavy sleeper, so I know it won't wake him up. Josh walks out of the bathroom and notices that I am awake. A questioning glance is thrown at me when he notices the blonde eight year old at my side.

"He came in after he had a bad dream," I explain to my confused husband. He gets back into the bed and cuddles back up to me.

"What was it about?" He asks curiously. His hand lightly caresses the side of his sleeping face.

"He didn't want to talk about it, so I offered for him to stay," I explain.

"He had a rough night last night with the boys online and then the nightmare. We should do something special with him today," Josh thinks aloud.

"Weren't we supposed to record with the boys today?" I question because I can't really remember.

"Yeah. We can reschedule that though. I want to spend the day with Simon," Josh mumbles as his thumb traces the boy's cheekbone.

"What do you want to do with him?" I ask Josh as I comb my fingers through his hair. He looks up at me and away from Simon.

"I don't know. Whatever Simon wants to do, I guess," Josh answers. I nod. We lay in silence for a while just enjoying each other's company.

I hope you enjoyed. Until next time, Ilya, bye.

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