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Simon's POV

I haven't left my room in days. Ever since Kevin cheated on me, I can't eat or sleep or do anything really. I just lay in my bed and cry. Josh and Vikk often come in to check on me but they can't get me to eat. There was a knock on my door and then it opened without a response from me.

"Hey, Si. Brought you some toast," Josh said and walked over to me. He sat on the bed in front of me and put the plate of burnt bread on my night stand. I just looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, Simon," he said and rubbed my back since I was lying on my stomach. I started crying again and he just sat with me for a while.

"Tobi called earlier and he is going to come over in a bit and spend some time with you. He's worried about you," Josh said. I nodded and got a bit happier, but not by much. Josh's phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket.

"He said he will be here in about five minutes. I'm gonna go wait for him downstairs, is that alright?" He asked and I just nodded yet again. I feel kind of bad that I haven't been talking. I really am thankful for them and that they care makes me feel a bit better.

"Wait Josh," I said and he stopped at the doorway and turned. "Thank you, for everything," I said and he smiled.

"It's what mates do, don't worry about it," he said and went out the door, closing it behind him.

About five minutes later I could hear Josh talking to Tobi.

"So how is he holding up?" Tobi asked.

"Well he actually said something to me today but he still hasn't eaten or slept for three or four days now," Josh said. He sounded upset. I feel horrible for making him worry so much about me, no one should worry about me that much.

"Well I'm going to try and get him to eat a little something and maybe take a nap," Tobi said.

"Okay, there is some toast that I took up to him not long ago on his night stand. I doubt he ate any of it though," Josh said and then I heard a door shut and footsteps coming up the stairs. There was a knock on my door and Tobi opened the door.

"Hey Si, how ya feeling?" He asked as he sat on my bed where Josh sat earlier.

"It hurts, Tobi," I whined.

"I know it does," he replied. He put his hand on my back and started running his hand over my back gently. I felt a few tears run down my face and Tobi was quick to wipe them away with his thumb.

Tobi's POV

I wiped the few stray tears from his pale cheeks. It hurts me to see him this way. It makes me want to find that Kevin guy and show him a piece of my mind. Simon doesn't deserve this. He is so nice and happy all the time. He never did anything wrong.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him hoping that he would eat something. Three days is a long time to go without eating. He shook his head. "Please eat something, anything. You are scaring me, Simon. I don't want you to starve yourself," I said and he looked up into my eyes. His eyes were normally a blue so light and precious that you could get lost in them for hours. You could still get lost in them now but they were a shining grey, not near as magnificent as the pale blue.

"Okay, I'll eat a little, for you," he finally said. I blushed a little at the way he said 'for you'. I quickly turned towards his nightstand to grab the toast, hoping he couldn't see my blush. He sat up and took the toast from me and took a bite. After the first bite he devoured the rest. He must have actually been hungry.

"Shall we go down to the kitchen and I'll make you something more to eat?" I asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good," he said and we got up and went down to the kitchen. He sat at the counter and I started making macaroni and cheese. Vikk walked into the kitchen rubbing his eye, he must have just woken up.

"Hey Tobi. Simon you're up!" He said and walked over to Simon and gave him a hug. Simon giggled a bit and hugged him back. "You were really starting to scare me there," he said and went to grab an energy drink from the fridge.

"You want some macaroni, Vikk?" I asked as I started putting some in a bowl for Simon. He nodded and I filled a bowl for him as well. I placed them on the counter and Simon started eating extremely fast.

"Woah, Simon. Slow down or you're going to choke," I said and giggled. He slowed down a bit but was still eating relatively fast.

"I'm going to eat upstairs, got some editing to finish up. I'm glad you're up and feeling better, Simon. See you around, Tobi," Vikk said and took his food upstairs.

"Later Vikk. Want some more, Simon?" I asked him and he nodded. I refilled his bowl and watched him chow down. After he finished he put his bowl in the sink and grabbed my hand. I blushed at his actions and he pulled me into the lounge.

"I want to watch a movie and cuddle," he said and I smiled.

"Sounds fun, you pick out the movie," I said and sat on the couch. He sat next to me and turned on Netflix. He found a movie and pushed play. He then wrapped an arm around the front of my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I put my arm across his back and he snuggled closer into my side.

Halfway through the movie I thought Simon was asleep. I put my hand in his hair and started stroking his golden hair.

Simon's POV

I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of cuddling with Tobi. He was so nice to do all of this for me. I felt his hand running through my hair and let out a sigh. He stopped momentarily and then continued. I like Tobi a lot. I might even like him more than a friend.

"I love you, Tobi," I said out loud without even thinking. I blushed and moved my head into his neck, covering my face.

"I love you too, Simon," he said back.

"No, like I love love you," I said. I must be really tired because I can't even control the words coming from my mouth, even though I mean them all.

"I love love you too, Simon," Tobi said and he sighed in relief? I looked up at him to see him blushing. I wasn't even in control of myself anymore and leaned up and kissed him. He kissed back and it was amazing. You know that feeling when you get your first kiss over, the butterflies in your stomach and your head spins a little and you feel like you are flying? That is what this kiss felt like. It didn't last for long but it felt like an eternity.

"Go to sleep, baby. I'll be right here when you wake up," Tobi said with a smile and cupped my cheek in his hand. He gently rubbed his thumb over my cheek and I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. He lightly giggled and moved his hand back to stroking my hair. I cuddled deeper into his side and finally felt content enough to fall into a happy sleep dreaming about Tobi and what we were going to become to each other.


I liked this one it was strictly fluff. Let me know if you have any request and I will see what I can do. Until next time, Ilya, bye!

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