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Your POV

Thank god it's finally summer break! Another year of Uni done! I put all of my belongings into my book bag and walked out of the lecture hall of my last class of the day. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out to see who it was.

From Josh:
Hey Y/N! I can't come pick you up from Uni today so I sent JJ and Simon to pick you up. Love you!

Josh is my brother. Ever since our parents got divorced I moved in with him and his YouTube housemates. They are all really nice and treat me like one of the guys. I have a slight crush on two of them though. I like both Simon and JJ and it confuses even me.

I walked out of the building and down to the parking lot. I heard my name being called.

"Y/N! Over here!" I heard JJ yell. I walked over to them, they were both leaning against JJ's lambo.

"Hey guys," I said as I reached them.

"How was your last day of the year?" Simon asked.

"It was good, I only have to do one project over the summer instead of three like last year," I said and the both smiled.

"Sorry we had to bring the lambo, Josh took his car to go to Freya's for the weekend, Vikk is at Kay's for the weekend, and Simon'a car won't start. You'll have to sit on Simon's lap," JJ said and smiled.

"That's fine," I said and JJ took my bag and put it right behind the two seats on the dash. JJ got in the drivers side and me and Simon walked around to the other side. Simon got in and I waited for him to get settled before I got in and sat on his lap.

At first it was a bit awkward but after a few minutes of driving I relaxed and bit and I guess Simon noticed. He snaked his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I leaned back into his chest. It was actually really comfortable and I didn't ever want to move from that position. JJ turned on the radio and plugged his phone into the aux. He started playing Lamborghini and started singing and raping to it. I started laughing before joining in. Simon eventually joined in too and we were all shouting the lyrics.

We finally pulled into the driveway of the house. I tried to get up but Simon still had his arms wrapped around me.

"Don't get up, I'm too comfortable," Simon said and rested his head on my back. I blushed.

"Well it's jut us three for the weekend, we can go get comfortable in the lounge and watch movies if you want," I said. I felt Simon nod his head and he released his hold on me.

"Let do it, we can Netflix and chill," he said and then laughed. We all laughed because he was obviously joking. We all got out of the car and went into the house. I went up to my room to get changed into some more comfortable clothes. I had shorts and a tank top on when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in," I said and JJ walked in.

"Hey Y/N, I brought your- your bag," he said with a pause when he saw me.

"Thanks you can set it on the bed," I said as I grabbed a hoodie. He set it on my bed and stared at me for another second.

"Sorry for staring but you look beautiful, Y/N," he said before leaving the room. I was blushing so bad right now. I quickly pulled the hoodie over my head and made my way down the stairs and into the lounge where Simon and JJ were already on the couch. There was popcorn, a pizza, and three beers sat on the coffee table.

I went and sat in between the two boys. JJ started a movie and Simon opened his beer and took a sip.

Halfway through the movie the pizza and popcorn were gone. We had each downed our beer also. One beer was enough to make me a bit woozy but I know that it takes at least four before the alcohol even starts to have any affect on the boys.

Simon put his arm around my shoulders and I, being slightly drunk, don't even think before leaning closer to him. He pulled me on his lap so we were in the same position we were in the car earlier. He then scooted closer to JJ so they were now side by side. We continued to watch the movie until it ended and JJ turned on another one.

After JJ put the remote back on the table he placed his hand on my thigh. I tensed up a little and then relaxed again. It felt nice to have physical contact with both of them at the same time. I could be brave and try something but what if they are just doing this as in a friendly manner? I could blame it on being drunk.

JJ moved his hand to the inside of my thigh and started lightly stroking his fingers over my skin. It started to turn me on a bit. I let out a sigh and leaned my head back against Simon's shoulder. JJ looked over and I could tell he knew what he was doing. Simon ran his hand down my other leg and smirked when I let out another sigh. They knew that I get easily turned on when I'm drunk.

I turned my head to look at JJ and he reached his other hand over and into my hair. He ran his fingers through my hair a couple of times before I couldn't take it anymore. I leaned forward and kissed him. It took a second for him to kiss me back but he finally did. Simon's grip on me loosened and I swung my leg over so that I was straddling JJ. My hands went to his neck and his hands went to my waist. We were in a make out session for a couple of minutes before I felt Simon climb onto JJ's lap as well. He scooted forward so that my back was to his chest.

Me and JJ pulled away out of breath, breathing heavily. Simon started moving his hands over my exposed legs and my breath hitched. JJ started kissing my neck and I leaned back onto Simon. JJ's breathing was normal by now so the only sound that was heard over the TV was my loud, heavy breathing. I brought my hands up and behind me to the back of Simon's head and started running my fingers through his hair. JJ kissed a certain spot on my neck and I moaned and pulled on Simon's hair causing him to moan. JJ giggles and left my neck and went up and started kissing Simon.

Simon continued to run his hands along my legs and I moved my hands from his hair to JJ's chest and started running my fingers across his very toned chest.

JJ and Simon pulled away and JJ moaned out at the feeling of my hands on him.

"Okay Simon, that's enough for tonight. I don't want to take advantage of her while she's drunk," JJ said. Simon nodded and stopped rubbing my legs. I whined at the loss of his hand feeling me. JJ and Simon both laughed.

"You know I'm not even that drunk right now," I said.

"We know but you are still a bit drunk," Simon said.

"Let's talk though. Y/N, I really like you, like a lot and I really like Simon a lot," JJ started.

"And I feel the same way about you and JJ," Simon said.

"And I like the both of you, a lot," I said.

"Would you like to be in a three way relationship with me and Simon?" JJ asked. He moved his hands to my legs again but just let them sit there.

"Yes, I would love that," I said. They both smiled widely. "But what are we going to tell the other boys? What if they find it weird?" I asked starting to get a bit worried.

"Don't worry about it, the whole reason Josh went to Freya's was so that we could do this and the rest of the guys would be accepting if Josh is," Simon said gesturing to the three of us in the position we are in.

"So Josh knows and is okay with this?" I asked and they both nodded. I was shocked.

"Now how about we finish our movie?" Simon suggested.

"Really?! You're just going to get me turned on just to stop!?" I whined and they just laughed.

"It's a little soon for that just yet don't you think? And you are still drunk," JJ said and kissed my cheek. I sighed as Simon got off of JJ and then I squeezed in between them like when we first started the movie.

Later on in the night we moved to JJ's room because he has the biggest bed out of the three of us. We all snuggled together and fell asleep. The rest of this weekend alone with my new boyfriends was going to be amazing.....


Okay so that got a bit heated. I always liked the idea of a three way relationship but there aren't many fanfics or oneshots like that out there so I wrote my own. I hope you guys liked it and I and taking requests if you want a specific ship. Until next time, Ilya, bye!

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