Zerksi - Our Son pt 2

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When we finally arrive home, Josh runs up to the house to unlock it as I get Simon from the back. Simon's eyes are closed as he sleeps peacefully. Well it's good to know that the car puts him to sleep. I unhook the carrier from the holder and carry it up and into the house.

"Let's take him to our room and we can start some skin to skin bonding," Josh suggests as he closes and locks the front door behind me.

"Sounds good," I agree as I set the carrier down in the lounge. I unbuckle the sleeping infant and gently lift him to my chest and shoulder. I have a hand resting on his bum and another on his upper back and supporting the back of his head. I follow Josh past the staircase and to the hallway where our bedroom is.

Josh starts taking off his shirt and pants as I lay Simon down on our bed. I gently unwrap him from his blanket to expose his small and frail body. I can't help but audibly awe at the adorable onesie he is wearing. It has thin light blue and white stripes over the whole thing. His hands are covered by little paw prints where his hands should be poking through. A little bear is sewn into the chest of the fabric. Josh chuckles at my out of character noise from where he is sitting in bed.

I undo the buttons that run along the front of the outfit. I delicately remove his arms and legs from their coverings. At the sudden coldness of the outside air, Simon's eyes blink open. He starts whimpering as his arms stretch out at nothing. His legs kick out and then fold back together. I immediately start to hush him as I lift him from the bed and hand him over to Josh. Josh places the almost naked baby on his bare chest so that Simon is laying on his stomach on Josh's chest. Josh lays down and makes himself comfortable while I remove my shirt and pants to join Josh in being in just boxers.

I walk around the bed and climb up onto it. I sit there for a moment and just admire the scene of my two boys. The two people who mean the world to me. I'm pulled from my thoughts as Josh opens his arm to me. I move over to him and cuddle up to his side. My face is level with Simon's entire body. Josh has one hand on Simon's body and one hand tracing light shapes into my back.

I am so relaxed that I almost fall asleep. My eyes are closed and I'm almost gone, but a small snorting grunt noise make my eyes snap open. Simon is moving his head the best he can along Josh's skin. His mouth stutters open and closed. His little pink tongue twitches in his mouth. Josh tries to settle him back down by brushing his thumb over his back.

Simon's eyes blink open. His skinny arms squirm against Josh as he works a hand up to his mouth. Slobber coats his hand and fingers. When he finally removes his hand from his mouth, he replaces it to where it was originally resting. By doing this, drool is spread over part of Josh's chest. Josh and I both chuckle at the series of events.

About ten minutes later, Simon begins to get fussy.

"Shh. Simon, it's okay, baby," I try to coo the crying boy.

"I'm going to change his nappy. Why don't you go prepare a bottle for him. After he eats, you can have som skin on skin time with him," Josh suggests. I nod. I sit up and stretch a bit. I rub the tiredness from my eyes as Josh stands while holding the still upset boy. He moves to grab the nappy bag as I exit the room.

I move about the kitchen as I prepare the bottle with formula. I test the temperature of the liquid on my wrist before heading back into the bedroom.

Once the feeding and burping is done, I lay back on the bed as Josh gently lays Simon on my chest. Josh then moves to be in the same position to me as I was to him earlier. Simon looks very tired and eventually closes his eyes as he falls into sleep.

"It's getting kind of late. Let's put him to bed and text the guys about what's happened," I say and Josh nods. We have been so excited and busy that we didn't even tell anyone what happened. I stand from the bed and walk over to the crib against the wall. The nursery is upstairs, but we don't feel comfortable leaving him up there at night when we are down here just yet. I grab the baby blanket that we bought a while back from the railing and take it back over to our bed.

"You do this, Josh. I'm shit at it," I hand him the blanket. Josh chuckles and moves to stand beside me. He folds the blanket in the correct way and then takes Simon from my arms. He lays the infant on the blanket and proceeds to swaddle him up. He lifts him from the bed and allows me to place a kiss to Simon's forehead.

"Sleep well, Simon. Love you, baby," I whisper to him as I gently run my fingers over his soft and fine hair. Josh then carries him over to the crib and does what I had done before he lowers him into the bed.

Josh stands and walks over to me. When he was at the crib, I moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Josh wraps his arms around my neck and I place mine around his waist. My forehead rests on his chest as we stay in each other's arms.

"Should we call our parents and tell them the news before we text the guys and go to bed?" Josh questions as he runs his fingers through my hair. I nod against his chest and leave a kiss to his skin.

The rest of the night was spent calling our parents and friends and telling them the exciting news. There was chatting, cheering, and happy tears from all parties. This is the life I've always wanted, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I hope that you guys are enjoying this short series. Until next time, Ilya, bye!!!

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