Minizerksi Part 2

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A month later

Josh's POV

Whimpering and movement brought me to my senses and out of sleep. Simon was in bed next to me curled up on his side facing me. I look to the opposite side of the bed to see it empty. I squinted into the darkness across the room to see the figure of JJ at one of the cribs that are placed directly next to each other.

A loud cry causes Simon to startle awake. He rubs at his eyes and starts getting up before I stop him.

"You go back to sleep, I'll get her," I say to Simon. He opens his mouth to protest, but I silence him by pressing my lips to his. He melts into the kiss. "You need to rest, baby," I explain as I pull away and cup the side of his face. He nods tiredly as he lays back down.

Simon went into labor three days ago while we were watching a movie. He was in labor for 13 hours before our two baby girls finally made it into the world. Amara Erin Bradley and Camden Eve Bradley. Simon and the twins were discharged from the hospital last night, so this is the first night in the house with the babies. Simon is extremely tired and out of it, so we are trying to give him as much of a break and sleep as possible.

I get up from JJ's bed, which is pretty much all of ours now, and make my way over to the crib that JJ is now stood at. He has Camden in one arm while his other hand is on Amara, trying to show her some comfort as she cries. I lean down and scoop the infant up in my arms.

"Sh, sh, sh. You're okay," I whisper to Amara. My finger wipes away the tears away from her eyes. Her arms try to squirm around, but she is swaddled up in a blanket, unable to get free. My finger grazes her cheek and she calms down. Small hiccups still slip past her lips, but the crying ceases. Her ocean eyes stare up into mine.

"Should we go feed them?" JJ suggests as he glances at the clock, 5:37am.

"Sounds good," I agree as I see Simon getting up out of the corner of my eye. He walks over to us in just a long sleeping shirt and and boxers. He places a hand on JJ's cheek and kisses him gently. Then he kisses Camden's forehead. He does the same to myself and Amara. He then leads the way to the kitchen with myself and JJ following.

JJ and I sit at the counter as Simon mixes up formula. He pours it into two bottles and pops them into the microwave. After they are warm, he checks them to make sure they won't burn the girls. He walks around the counter and hands a bottle to each of us. 

I place the bottle to the infant's mouth. I lightly press it into her mouth and sh latches on as soon as she realizes what it is. Her eyes close as she gulps down the formula.

After the twins finished their bottles, Simon had practically fallen asleep at the counter. JJ took the twins into the lounge to wait for me to return because I was planning to take Simon up to bed.

I hook my arms under Simon's knees and around his back. I lift him from the stool he was previously sat on. A squeal is heard from the lounge, so I stick my head in the doorway to make sure JJ is okay with both of them at the same time.

"You good, babe?" I ask somewhat quietly as not to wake the blonde in my arms and to not startle the twins.

"Yeah, we're good, just a bit excited," JJ says and can't help the smile that spreads across his face. His smile is contagious as a similar one adorns my own face.

With that, I make my way upstairs to our bedroom. As I make my way over to the bed, a pair of lips press to my neck as a hand creeps up my chest. I reach the bed and let Simon flop back onto the mattress. He stares up at me with an innocent smile on his lips. I lean down over him and connect our lips together.

Simon's legs wrap around my waist as I'm still standing and pull me closer to him. My hands run down his shirt covered body until I reach the end of the fabric at his thighs. My hands then move under the fabric and work their way up his unclothed legs and to his boxers. Simon immediately pulls away from the kiss.

Ever since Simon became pregnant, he has hated any sexual contact. He is extremely sensitive and hated the fact of being pregnant and having to use parts of him that he never wanted. I always feel so guilty when he gets uncomfortable like this. I just want him to be comfortable in his own skin. I want to be able to love him and show him how much I love him. I can't wait for him to finally get what he so desperately wants: bottom surgery.

"I'm sorry, baby," I apologize immediately. I wrap my arms around him and just hold him. I burry my face in his hair as his face snuggles into my neck. I can feel a couple of tears against my skin that slipped out. "God, Si. I'm so sorry," I say again. I hate making him feel this way.

Simon eventually wraps his arms around me in return, signaling that he forgives me and he is okay now. I pull away from him enough to look at him. His eyes are slightly red, but a small smile rests on his lips. I know what's coming, so before he can even say anything, I quickly peck his lips before unwrapping my arms from around him and stepping away from the bed. I move to JJ's closet and find one of my hoodies. I walk back out to Simon as he is sitting up on the bed with his legs folded.

His smile grows as he sees the piece of fabric in my hands. When I reach the side of the bed, I tap his arm. He raises his arms and I lift the preexisting fabric from his body. While his arms are still raised, I slip the hoodie over his body. The hoodie is just as big on him as the shirt was, going down to his mid thighs.

"We better get back down stairs, we left JJ alone with the girls. I hope he is coping okay with both of them at the same time," I suggest and Simon nods. He stands up on top of the bed so that he is at least two feet taller than me. He smiles down at me and cups my face in his hands as he lightly kisses my lips. I take his hands in mine as he steps off.

We walk into the lounge, hand in hand. I expected to see JJ pacing back and forth with two upset girls, one in each arm. At first, the three were no where to be seen. Simon releases my hand and walks around the couch. Once he is on the other side, a smile spreads across his face as his eyes slightly water and his hoodie covered hands cover his face. I walk around the couch to stand beside him and see what he is reacting to.

What I see is the cutest thing I have ever witnessed. I can feel my heart literally melting. JJ, the big, tuff boxer, is laying on his back with the twins, our girls, laying on his bare chest. JJ has a hand on each girl's back, making sure they won't roll off of him. His shirt is laying on the floor in a crumpled pile. JJ's eyes are closed as his breathing is steady. The girls' heads are turned towards us. Both sets of eyes half way open. Camden's eyes widen as she squeals at myself and Simon.

JJ starts rubbing her back to settle her back down, revealing that he is actually awake. His eyes open and he notices us. His eyes travel to Simon, and he notices the hoodie. He knows what that means. His hand leaves Amara and reaches out toward Simon.

"Come here, baby boy," JJ beckons to the blonde boy. He makes his way over and sits on a small fraction of the sofa by JJ's waist. I walk over and retrieve Amara from JJ so that he and Simon could have a more intimate moment.

I sit at JJ's feet. He straightens his legs out so that his calfs now rest on my thighs. One of my hands rests on his leg while my other arm holds a sleepy Amara. Simon had laid down so that he was half way laying on JJ and next to Camden.

I can't believe that this is my life and that I am so lucky to have two handsome and amazing boyfriends and two beautiful and healthy daughters. What more could I ask for?

It's a long one, you're welcome. Until next time, Ilya, bye!!

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