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Simon's POV

I followed an upset Josh up the stairs.

"Josh, wait-!" I was cut off by his bedroom door slamming in my face. Freya had just been over and broken up with Josh. I tried to calm him but he ran off. I rested my head and hand on the closed door. I heard a sob through the door and all I want to do is comfort him.

I've liked Josh for a while now. I get distracted by him all the time, his eyes, his laugh, his smile. The only problem was her. Freya. Josh was head over heels for her. Sure she was nice and everything but there was a part of me that hated her. Now I'm somewhat pleased that he is no longer hers but I feel bad for Josh. I hate to see him hurt.

I turned from the door and went up to my own room. Maybe I can edit a video or something and then go check on him. I sat down at my desk and started my editing process.

A knock on my door made me turn to the doorway. Vikk was standing in the door frame.

"I went to go check on Josh and he won't let me or JJ in the room. He's asking for you," Vikk said with a slight smirk on his face. I felt my cheeks burn and I knew they were red. Vikk left and I stood and went down to Josh's door. I knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Go away," Josh's voice traveled through the door.

"It's me, Josh," I said and the door suddenly opened and I was pulled inside. Josh closed the door and slid down it. He sat on the floor with his head hung and his legs outstretched.

His face was tinted a shade of pink. Sobs racked his body. Tears flowed down his cheeks. But he was still beautiful. He was still Josh. I sat beside him and put my arm around his shoulders. He leaned into my touch.

"It's okay, Joshy. Let it out," I said soothingly. After a while of sitting and listening to his crying, he settled down. He continued to lean on me. He let a yawn escape his perfect pink lips.

"Why don't you lay down for a while and try to sleep," I said and I could feel his head nod against my shoulder. I stood up and grabbed his hands. I pulled him up before he walked over to his bed and flopped onto his stomach. I started for the door before his hand grabbed my wrist.

"Stay with me," he said and his eyes were half lidded and staring up at me. I nodded and pulled his gaming chair closer to his bed and sat in it. I pulled my phone from my pocket and scrolled through Twitter. I glanced up at Josh and assumed he was asleep for he is still, has even breaths, and his eyes were closed. I put my phone down in my lap and sighed, staring at Josh's peaceful form.

"You look so peaceful. Your black hair laying just right. Eyes closed. Body still. Breathing steady and continuous. You are beautiful, Josh. I just wish I could tell you all of this when you're awake. I love you Josh. I've loved you since before that bitch Freya was here," I paused during my confession. I sighed again and lent my head on my hand.

"If only I would have told you before, you wouldn't be heartbroken. We could have lived happily together, you and me. I could have held your hand whenever we went out. We could have sneaked glances at each other when the others were around, waiting until they would all leave. We could have cuddled close and held each other every night. We could have been happy. You could have been happy. I could have been happy," I stopped to wipe a tear from my cheek. I took a deep breath and continued.

"But none of that really matters. A god like yourself wouldn't have feelings for a stupid blond like me. I'll never find out though. I can't tell you while you're awake. I made that mistake before," I finished and closed my eyes while a couple tears fell down my face. I felt someone's thumb wipe a tear from my flushed cheek. I jumped a bit, startled, and opened my eyes to see Josh sat on his bed. He heard everything.

"I'm sorry, I'll just be going," I said trying to keep myself together as I stood and headed for the door.

"Simon-," I heard Josh call but I was already out of the room and to the stairs. I climbed them up to my room and closed and locked the door. He was probably going to tell me how he was straight and that he didn't like me back. I climbed into my bed and cocooned myself in my blankets. I could hear my door handle jiggle as I tried to silence my sobs. Talking was heard outside the door but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

A couple minutes later the sound of a key in the lock on my door echoed through my room. My door opened and closed, allowing the light from the hallway to briefly illuminate my dark room before the darkness swallowed up the light.

"Oh, Simon," Josh said as he walked over to my bed and sat beside me on my bed. He cleared my face of tears and pulled me to sit in his lap. He held me and rocked me slowly until I calmed down.

"I'm not heartbroken over Freya. I was just surprised that she broke up with me. I didn't really love her. The only reason I started dating her was so that I could forget the feelings that I had for you. Why didn't you just tell me?" He asked and I stared up at him in shock. He feels the same way about me.

"Do you remember a couple of years ago when I didn't leave my room for a few weeks?" I asked him and he nodded. "I told Cal I thought I had feelings for him. He told me it was probably just a phase and it would pass. I went back and told him again and he told me I was stupid for thinking like that. He told me he didn't and would never like me like that," I explained as a sob racked my body. Josh held me tighter and I could feel him tense with anger. "I was broken. I thought that if I told you I had feelings for you, you would do the same thing."

Josh was quiet for a while. I nuzzled my head into his neck and he tightened his grip on me.

"So Cal is the entire reason why you spent two weeks cooped up in your room and then prevented us from being happy together?" Josh questioned and I nodded. He tensed and I could feel the anger radiating off of him. I brought my hand to his cheek and let my fingers graze over his beard. I felt him relax and look down at me. He smiled.

"But we can start now," I said and his smile only grew. His eyes flicked to my lips and then back to my eyes. I giggled and leaned up to connect our lips. We pulled away from the slow, sweet kiss.

"Be mine?" Josh asked. When he spoke our lips brushed on another's.

"Of course," I said and Josh laid down on the bed.

"You said you wanted to fall asleep cuddling every night, right?" Josh asked and I could feel my face darken in color as I nodded and snuggled closer to his warm chest. He chuckled and we laid there and eventually fell asleep together. Both of us happy.


Adorable. I love minizerk. I'm glad that I finally thought of an idea for a new one instead of writing a part 2 or 3. I'm taking any requests or suggestions. Until next time, Ilya, bye!!

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