Zerksi - Our Son pt 7

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The doorbell rings and Simon bolts up from the couch. Josh barely beats him to the front door. He opens the door and the other three Sidemen members walk in.

"Uncle Vik!" Simon shouts as he runs and hugs his legs. Vik was the first person in the door and he hasn't seen Vik for longer than the others. Vik bends down and scoops up the toddler in his arms. Laughter erupts from the small boy as Vik lightly tickles the small boy's side.

"Hi, Simon," Vik says as he tickles the boy.

"Save me, Uncle Ethan!" Simon manages to get out between giggles. He tries to reach for Ethan who is the second one through the door.

Ethan takes the boy into his hold, but holds him upside down. Ethan walks over to the couch and playfully drops Simon down onto it without hurting him.

"Hello, little dinosaur," Ethan says as he kisses his forehead. Ethan then goes to sit down.

Tobi walks over to the little boy and sits next to his sprawled out figure. He collects the boy into his lap and just gives him a hug. Simon reciprocates the action and sits happily in his lap. The others including myself and Josh sit down around the lounge.

Josh turns on the television to the football game which is the main reason that the boys came over. Millwall v Leeds United. There is still a while before the game kicks off. Josh decides to order pizza for us all. He takes down everyone's orders and goes into the kitchen to call it in.

"Papa, how much longer until the game starts?" Simon questions impatiently.

"Not for a while still, Si," I reply to him.

"So what's up with the red hair?" Ethan asks as Josh walks back into the room.

"I wanted cool hair like Papa," Simon explains excitedly before Josh and myself could answer. His eyes are trained on the television that flashes with bright and colorful advertisements.

"He found a sharpie," I elaborate.

"So it doesn't come out?" Vik questions while he tries to hold back his chuckles. The others also struggle to hold back smirks and grins.

"Unfortunately not," Josh sighs. I send him an apologetic look. He gives me one right back that says 'it wasn't your fault'.

Simon slips off of Tobi's lap. He runs out of the room. He returns a moment later with his crayons, paper, and triceratops. He sits on the floor by the coffee table and starts drawing.

"Have you had a chance to look into the charity football match that we were thinking about last time?" Tobi asks. The last time we were all together we had a meeting to discuss future events and videos that we would be interested in doing. Someone came up with an idea to host a football match that we could do against other YouTubers. All of the proceeds would go to a charity.

"I did some research and it seems very doable. If we really want to do it, we need to start planning sooner rather than later so that we can rent out a stadium and all of that. I think it's a really good idea," Josh speaks up. He was put in charge of doing the research and all of that since he is the most responsible.

"I agree. I think it will be really fun and a good way to donate to charity. Plus I think the fans will really enjoy it," Ethan states his opinion. The rest of us make similar statements.

We get so caught up in talking about the football match that we all don't hear the doorbell ring. Simon taps on my leg.

"The doorbell rang," he informs me.

"Thanks, Si," I say as I ruffle his hair playfully. I stand and make my way to the door. I pay for the food and carry it all into the kitchen. The rest of the boys are too enthralled in their conversations to notice that Simon and I have the food in the kitchen.

"Can I have some soda with my lunch?" Simon asks as he stands beside me.

"Sure. Will you go tell the boys that there is food in here?" I request of the boy. He nods and rushes out of the room.

"Food is here!" Simon is heard shouting and then running back into the room. I can't help but chuckle at what he did. It is something that I would have done when I was younger.

I open the fridge and take out a can of Dr. Pepper. I pour half of the can into one of Simon's cups with a lid. I take my pizza and place a piece onto a plate for Simon. The boys all walk in and collect their food.

"Simon is drinking the other half," I say to Josh as I hand him the half can of Dr. Pepper.

"He is a Daddy's boy, isn't he?" Tobi chuckles jokingly. The others all snicker and chuckle along.

"He does take after Josh quite a lot," I grin at Josh. He is just admiring Simon as he hops around the kitchen waiting for his food.

"He follows is your footsteps as well," Josh replies. He runs his fingers through Simon's hair to prove his point.

"Come on, Simon. I've got your food," I call the boy. He follows me into the lounge. I set his plate and cup on the table. He sits where he had previously been coloring.

I return to the kitchen to collect my food. The rest of the boys return to the lounge when I do. We all sit down with our food and wait for the game to start.

"Who do you guys want to win? I could literally care less," I ask for their opinions. Everyone already knows what Josh is going to say.

"Millwall," Simon says excitedly.

"That's my boy!" Josh exclaims. He ruffles Simon's hair.

"He really is a Daddy's boy," Vikk laughs.

"Both teams suck to be honest. I'm with Jide," Tobi speaks up. By now we have all finished our food.

"Mill!" Simon and Josh both shout as the final whistle blows. We all just laugh and chuckle at them.

"You guys are ridiculous," I chuckle.

"You're just jealous that our son has better taste in football teams than you do," Josh jokes back. I just shake my head and chuckle at the pair.

I hope you enjoyed. Until next time, Ilya, bye!!!

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