Zerksi - Our Son

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So this is a bit different. AU where the Sidemen only consists of Josh, JJ, Tobi, Ethan, and Vikk. You'll figure out about the others later. Don't worry, they aren't dead or anything. Also this will be a multiple part thing. I don't know how many, as many as I feel like I guess. Anyway, enjoy!

Josh's POV

JJ's leg is bouncing in anticipation as he sits shotgun in my car. Our fingers are intertwined as our hands rest on his leg. I am currently driving and trying to keep my eyes on the road and focused.

"How much longer?" JJ asks like the child he is. I feel his gaze on me and glance over at him briefly.

"Not much, about ten minutes," I estimate. JJ sighs and leans his head back against his seat. I squeeze his hand.

"I'm just so excited," JJ explains himself.

"I know. It's cute to see you this excited," I complement him. I mostly want to see how the compliment will affect him. A small smile pulls at his lips as his thumb rubs over my fingers.

We are on our way to adopt our son. JJ and I decided that adoption would be the best option for us. It also means that we get to give a deserving child a loving home. We have been on a waiting list for a newborn for a couple of months now. We don't care what our baby looks like, we will love them all the same. We got a call a couple hours ago and jumped straight in the car.

Ever since we started the process, we have been working on the nursery. We didn't have a preference for a boy or a girl, so we kept it very neutral with light greens and yellows. When we received the call, they congratulated us on having a baby boy. We were so excited that tears of joy were seeping from our eyes before we could even end the call.

Our little boy's name is Simon. He is two days old. His parents made the tough decision of giving him up because they didn't think they would be able to financially provide for him and give him the life he deserved. They also made the decision to stay out of his life because they don't want to become attached once they can't have him later in life.

They described Simon as a blonde haired babe. He allegedly has blue eyes that are to die for. He is quite the ladies man already from what the ladies at the adoption center told us. He has the most precious smile that the lady gushed about.

Thinking about finally being dads makes my heart swell. My eyes gravitate to the car seat/baby carrier in the back seat through the rear view mirror. Before too long, it will be occupied by our baby boy.

I refocus on the road ahead of me. I notice the sign for the center and pull into the parking lot. I can barely park before JJ is already unbuckling himself and preparing to open the door. I park the car and stop him by placing a hand to his cheek and directing him to look at me.

"This is the last time that we won't be parents. The next time we are in this car, we will be dads," I start getting choked up a bit. My thumb strokes over his cheek as my hand is still holding his face. He smiles back and leans forward to connect our lips one final time as just husbands. The next time we kiss will be as fathers.

"You ready?" JJ questions as he pulls away. The excited glint in his eyes is almost blinding. I nod as s wide smile spreads across my lips.

"I love you," I say quietly as I wipe the tears from my eyes that threaten to fall.

"I love you, too," JJ returns. We both share one more happy smile before we both rush out of the car.

We walk up to the building together. JJ slips his hand into mine as we walk faster than we normally would. We enter through the doors and the lady at the front desk greets us.

"Josh and JJ Bradley here for Simon?" She guesses. I can't help the grin that slips onto my face at the mention of JJ having my last name even a year after we've been married.

"Yes," I reply as we reach the desk. The woman shuffles around a few papers before she steps out from the desk and motions for us to follow.

"Right this way. We will get the paperwork out of the way as quickly as possible so that you can meet your baby boy," she explains with a smile. We follow her down a hallway and to an office. She motions for us to enter and then closes the door behind herself.

After about twenty minutes of signing and reading, we are done. He is ours now. Simon Edward Bradley. JJ chose his middle name since he has my last name. We will have to go to the courts later to make it official. JJ wanted to have his middle name be Wolverine or Goku. I rejected that, and he settled for Edward.

"Okay, now that the hard part is done, we are going to move you to a meeting room to meet and get Simon. You guys will be able to stay and bond with him there for as long as you want before you leave for home," the woman explains politely.

She leads us to another room that has a door on the opposite side of the room as the door that we entered through. A couch and two chairs surrounds a rug and table in the center of the room.

"You guys can get comfortable and we will be right back with Simon," she says cheerily. She leaves through the second door. JJ and I reluctantly take a seat on the couch. We are both too excited and emotional to sit still at the moment. During our time of waiting, JJ sets his phone up on the little table right in front of us so that he can record our reaction for our YouTube channels.

"Are you guys ready?" The woman asks as she opens the door and peeks her head into the room. JJ and I both nod. We are unable to move. I am getting choked up already. The woman holds open the door and another woman comes in cradling a blue swaddled blanket in her arms. As she comes closer, my hand raises to my mouth to hold back my happy sobs. She hands the baby over to JJ who cradles him in his arms with a look of pure amazement. The women quietly excuse themselves to let us have our time together in private.

Simon is absolutely beautiful. He has the palest skin with noticeably rosy cheeks. His hair is fair and bleach blonde, almost white. His eyes, god his eyes, they are the brightest, most vibrant light blue with a dark blue rim and flecks. Tears are freely falling from my eyes as I stare down at our baby boy.

I raise my hand and let the back of my finger lightly brush his cheek. A smile tugs at the corners of Simon's lips. His swaddled figure shifts as he tries to move his arms, but they are held to his sides by the soft fabric. A chuckle leaves JJ.

I look up and over at JJ. He has tear tracks trailing down his face. He looks so proud and accomplished. I don't blame him though. This is the happiest day of our lives alongside our wedding day. I place my arm around JJ and wipe his opposite cheek. I place my head against the side of his as sobs fully leave my body. This is everything that I ever wanted in life.

Was this good or weird? I told the idea to someone after I wrote this part and started a second and they gave me a weird look sooo... yea. So Simon it pretty much the same person, but born at a different time. So his personality, looks, and interests will all be the same.
Until next time, Ilya, bye!!!

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