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Requested by EmilyEverdeen02

Disclaimer: I'm American and don't know if any of this is actually correct so just put on your imagination hats and pretend with me!

Chris's POV

"I still just can't believe how stupid I was!" The loud sound of Harry's voice blasts through the speaker of my computer. I just sighed and shook my head at the image of Harry covering his face with his hands through my screen.

Harry was supposed to be back in Guernsey right now from staying in London for some Sidemen meetings. Instead, here we are. Harry somehow managed to misplace his passport. I'm currently at his house in Guernsey. His plane was supposed to land in about thirty minutes, but he never even boarded. Instead he called me through Skype, very angry with himself.

"Harry, babe, just calm down. Everything's going to be okay, it's not the end of the world," I said calmly to the distressed boy. He moved his hands away from his face and looked up at the webcam. He had tears in his beautiful blue eyes.

"But now I can't see you, and hold you, and kiss you, and it's all because of my stupid self losing shit!" Harry confessed. Sorrow and disappointment dripped from his words.

"Stop beating yourself up, it was an honest mistake, no one is blaming you except for yourself," I tried to make him calm down. He sighed and was about to say something else, but was interrupted by a new voice.

"Harry, why the fuck are you yelli- oh shit, sorry mate. I didn't know you were talking to someone," the voice of Josh could be heard in the background.

"Hey, Josh," I said as I recognized the voice. Josh's head appeared next to Harry's in the frame and he smiled and waved. I waved back.

"I'm staying at the Sidemen house because the Cals taped my door shut and I can't be bothered to undo it all," Harry explained after seeing my confused expression.

"Ah," I said and nodded my head. The Cals can be a bit mean to Harry at times, but I guess they are just pranks.

"It was kind of funny, though," Josh said. Harry turned to him and playfully hit his arm. Josh cowered away as if Harry had actually hurt him and chuckled a bit. "So still no luck finding the passport, huh?"

"Nope, I still just can't believe how stup-," Harry started after being reminded of the matter at hand.

"Seriously, Harry. It wasn't your fault. We are going to figure this out so stop worrying yourself further," I said as I cut him off from blaming himself for the third time in twenty minutes.

"Well I'll be off then, bye Chris," Josh said and left quite hurriedly with a quick wave. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes before Harry broke the silence.

"I really miss you," Harry said with his voice thick. Tears threatened to slip down his slightly flushed cheeks. I just wanted to hold him and wipe the tears from his eyes, but I can't.

"I know, I miss you so much, but don't worry too much. We will figure something out wether you find your passport, or you register for a new one, or I fly out to London. We are going to find a way," I said gently. A genuine smile graced Harry's face, even if it was a small one, it was still a smile.

"Really?" Harry asked with hope evident in his voice. I chuckled at his sudden change in expression.

"Yes, really. How about this, I'll look and see if there are any flights to London within the next week and if you find your passport before then then I'll cancel my flight, deal?" I asked as a plan formed in my head. Harry nodded his head vigorously.

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