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Vikk's POV

"What the fuck did I tell you!?" An angry Cal screamed at me. I was standing in the middle of the trashed lounge of mine and Cal's flat. His blue eyes were laced with red from his anger and the fact that he is drunk out of his mind. He had decided to host a party earlier in the night but didn't want anyone to be around me. He gets extremely jealous and he is very possessive.

"Y-you told m-me not to c-come out of the b-bedroom," I said quietly as my voice quivered. Josh was looking for the bathroom and stumbled into the bedroom I was hiding in earlier. He questioned as to why I wasn't enjoying the party and then he drug me into the party.

"And what did you do? You disobeyed me. I saw you all up on Simon and Josh!" He yelled as his blond hair swayed and his veins in his neck popped. Simon and Josh were actually drunk as well and started to dance extremely close on either side of me. I tried to escape but I was sandwiched between them. When Cal saw, he called off the party as politely as possible and as soon as the last person left, he exploded on me.

"You listen to me. You. Are. MINE. And you always will be because no one else would want a piece of shit like you," he bellowed. With each word he had taken a step closer to me until our noses were practically touching. I flinched and cowered away from his words. Cal hasn't always been the nicest, but he has never said hurtful things like that before.

"Don't cower away from me," he said in a low growl as he raised his hand and brought it down on my cheek. The impact was so harsh that I fell to the floor, cupping my red and probably bruised cheek. Tears welled in my eyes and a couple trailed down my cheeks.

"Oh Vikk. You are so pathetic," he raised his voice again and brought his foot back and it collided with my side. I screamed out in pain. I scooted back as far as I could before I hit a wall. My breathing was uneven from the blow I had just received.

"P-please...," I whispered out as he stepped closer. He pulled me up by my shirt collar and punched me in the face twice. Once in the eye and the other catching my lip.

"You stupid little slut," he grumbled and I could hear the door open but Cal didn't care. He punched me in the gut a few times until someone grabbed Cal and pulled him away. I was to weak to stand without him holding me and fell to the ground. I watched from the floor as Simon, JJ, and Josh tried to control the outraged Cal.

"You little bitch, I don't even want you anymore! Get the fuck off me! Get your shit and get out of my house you faggot!" Cal screamed as the other three were holding him back. Once they had a hold of him and made sure he couldn't get loose, Simon turned to me while the other two held Cal. It was now clear to see that everyone had sobered up already.

Simon knelt down in front of me. I backed myself into a corner and curled myself into a ball. He started to come closer.

"N-no. P-please don't hurt me," I sobbed. I was shaking uncontrollably as tears ran down my face. A salty tear slipped down to my lip and it burned from where Cal's fist must have cut it.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Vikk," Simon said in a soft, soothing tone. He held his hand out and I flinched and went to cover my face with my arms. I heard him sigh.

"Look at what you've done to him, you fucking bastard!" Simon yelled as he stood and turned to Cal who now looked scared.

"Take it easy, Simon," JJ said trying to calm the now fuming man.

"How can I 'take it easy' when he just fucking abused Vikk. He did absolutely nothing to you, you selfish prick! He can't even trust someone that actually loves him any more because of you!" Simon yelled at Cal and tried to lunge at him but was held back by Josh who had left Cal seeing as JJ can hold him on his own. Tears were now falling from Simon's eyes as he tried to get to Cal.

"Now what do we do?" JJ asked when Simon had stopped struggling against Josh and was now leaning on him because he had worn himself out trying to escape his tight grasp.

"Take him to Harry and Cal's flat down the hall and tell them what's happened. We will take Vikk back to ours," Josh said and JJ nodded. He started to lead Cal out of the room.

"Just you remember, you little bitch, no one will ever love a slut like yourself-," Cal started but was cut off by JJ's hand clamping over his mouth as he continued out of the room. Once they were gone, Simon was released and he and Josh instantly turned to me. I was still sobbing and shaking. I could feel blood dripping from a cut on my cheek, my nose, and my lip.

'He can't even trust someone that actually loves him any more because of you' kept playing over and over in my mind.

'Can't even trust someone that actually loves him'

'Actually loves him'

Then I kept thinking to 'no one will ever love a slut like yourself'

'No one will ever love'

I was snapped back to reality as Simon's hand lightly touched my leg. Him and Josh were both crouched down in front of me, cornering me. I tried to shuffle away from his hand but there was nowhere for me to go. Their faces were so concerned. Simon's hand slowly made its way to my wrist. He grabbed it and pulled me into his body. I felt his warmth and heard his heart steadily beating. I felt comfortable and latched myself to him and shook more violently.

"It's okay, Vikk. I've got you. Everything is going to be alright. I won't let anyone hurt you," Simon repeatedly whispered into my ear. He wrapped his arms around me, creating a shield around me. He slowly rocked us back and forth. I started whimpering as every time I closed my eyes, the horrible scene of everything that had happened played back vividly in my mind.

Josh stood from the dirty floor and pulled out his phone. He dialed a number and from his side of the conversation, he was calling a cab. JJ appeared back in the room and his face dropped at the sight of me, broken and beaten, holding Simon. He held out a hand to help Simon up. He held me with one arm and took JJ's in the other. He then tried to set me down but I wouldn't let go, I was too scared.

"Come on, Vikky, there's a cab waiting downstairs," JJ said gently and placed a hand to my back. I flinched at the contact and tightened my grip on the blond. Simon shifted his hold on me so he could carry my properly since it didn't look like I would be letting go anytime soon. JJ looked somewhat hurt by my reaction and Josh put a hand on his shoulder.

"He won't let me touch him either," Josh said quietly as he leaned close to his ear. His hand traveled down JJ's muscular arm and grabbed ahold of his hand. JJ flushed a pink color and looked down at the floor. I closed my eyes and a flash of Cal bringing his fist to my face made me whimper and sob again. Simon's hold became tighter on my small, broken figure.

Josh started for the door and dragged JJ behind him. Simon followed the other two and we made it down into the cab. I still wouldn't let go and was sitting in Simon's lap.

"Don't listen to anything that monster told you. I love you so much," Simon whispered into my hair and I cuddled my head closer into his neck as we were driven home.


My goodness that was a long one. There will be a part two to this one don't worry. I hope you enjoyed this oneshot. If you have any requests or suggestions let me know. Until next time, Ilya, bye!!

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