Chaptet 23:: Stop Freaking Affecting Me!

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I sucked in a deep breath the moment I sneaked out of the room. My cheeks still felt super hot and my breathing was still uneven.

"Preet?" I heard Asmaara's voice right behind me. Uh-oh she so can't see my rosy cheeks right now.

"Hey!" I forced a smile and partly looked her way. No eye contact please!

"What are you doing? As in with Hussain?" Her voice was blunt and quite straight forward.

"What's with Hussain?" I had absolutely no clue what she was on about.

I swear. Not.

"You know what Preet-" she began but paused, closing her eyes for a second, "just remember, you are getting married in two months. If you are not willing to screw it all up for everyone, keep a good distance." Her voice was again blunt but this time it cut me through like a knife.

"We are just friends Asmaara and plus we fighting half of the time!" I tried protesting but she still doubted my words.

"Trust me, I know you enough to read your heart through your eyes," she sighed, looking away, "something tells me that there is something more to this. Good night sista! And just remember, ek story main do Raj nahi ho sakte."

With that said, she walked back to our room, leaving me there, drowning in confusion. Raj? Story?Hussain? Distance? I don't even understand what she was trying to say. Using simple words wouldn't have hurt her, right? So, Why play with my mind?!


I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to get her face out of my head. Her face when I was proposing her. It was all a dare but the softness of her eyes, her pulse in her wrist and shivering hand suggested a different story. When I had asked her to marry me I saw her expressions change like if it was an actual proposal, she would have said yes. When Adeel had asked her to answer my question, she had smartly said, "how about you ask me that the next time I choose truth?" Unfortunately that moment didn't come. But, why am I affected by that. Why am I dying to know her anwer? Simarpreet Kaur, before you drive me insane, I would love to take a long walk in this freezing night to clear you out of my head.

It was 3 in the morning and here I was, next to the same birdbath. A sudden flash of our last night's conversation crossed my mind. Daiyum! It took every fiber in my body to face her this morning as things did get pretty awkward last night.

The glow on her face was pretty remarkable. Despite the rain, moon was still shining proudly and it's reflection on her face made her look no less than an angel. I couldn't stop myself from touching her soft skin but, when I did, I had found myself seconds away from kissing her.

Why does she has an effect on me? I'd never know. Not that I don't want to but, because I scared of what lies deep inside me. Having this girl in my life could be a challenge; a bigger one than Noor and I am not willing to risk it.

"Ahh! Shit!" I heard a groan behind my back. A familiar one! I spun around immediately and saw Preet's fragile body lying on the floor.

What is she doing here? Following me?!

~~~PREET's POV~~~

I give up. I freaking give up! Asmaara's words made no sense and here I was, wide awake at 3AM, trying solve the riddle. I need a walk, I told myself and carefully slipped out of the bed, not wanting to wake up Amaara.

Meeting the late night 'slash' early morning breeze, I allowed myself to yawn loudly, trying to relax myself. Three days. I met this guy three days ago and daiyum! He is already making room inside my mind and possibly.... My heart. As much as I would hate to admit it, I have to accept the fact that he is going to be one of the most loved memories of this trip. Hussain Asif.

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