An Exclusive Interview~ Part 2

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Q – Were your parents supportive of what you did when you guys had just started?

Shehry : Yeah! Every time we made a video, we showed it to them. We showed them the first few videos that we made and they would tell us whether it’s good or it’s bad. My dad would tell us this is good, this is bad. My parents were always supportive of what we did. But as long as we kept it PG-18, they were okay with it.

Hussain : PG-13. PG-18 is…..

Waqas : Yeah PG-18 is……well, not what it should be.

Hussain : Don’t want PG-18 (laughs)

Q – You guys recently completed one year to ‘The Perfect Memory’ and you’ve received an award for it as well. How does that feel?

Shehry : We filmed it and then submitted it to a competition and we won an award for it. It came in first place in the whole Tri-state area. We felt good about it. We put a lot of hard work in that because it was too cold and the conditions weren’t favorable but that was our first long video. It was of 18 minutes and I think it was worth it.

Q – And you guys are also starring in a film called ‘Yaari’. What is it about?

Hussain : It’s our first film, our first really big project. It’s more fun because we’re doing it as a whole, as a group. We’re not involving a lot of outside people. It’s more fun and at the same time more complicated. Because it takes a lot of effort specially when you’re learning from each other and using it in the movie. We don’t have outside experience. We are learning from each other and it’s from our own experience that we’re making a film. It’s a very challenging thing but its fun because we are working with people we’re used to working with.

Q – What are the characters that you all are playing in ‘Yaari’?

Waqas : I’m playing a very insecure and nerdy person Faraz and throughout the movie, these guys are gonna to help me in finding my confidence.

Hussain : I’m playing Armaan. He is the main lead and he is in love with this girl and his story revolves around what happens between him and the girl.

Atif : My name in the movie is Danny. He is an American cultured boy. He doesn’t have parents and is spoilt. He is not used to having any family with him but he has good friends. He is very close to Shehry’s character, Zeb. You can say that he is the bad boy in the group.

Shehry : My character’s name in the film is Zeb, the name is actually Jahaanzeb but everyone calls him Zeb. He is a student. His parents live in a different state and he wants to stay in New York for his skating competition. He’s always cracking jokes and is the funny guy in the group like I am in real life too.

Q – You guys recently finished shooting for the webseries ‘iDeewane’. And it is not like the other videos that you make. It had a lot of emotional scenes as well. So was working in it emotionally exhausting for you guys too?

Hussain : I learned a lot from iDeewane. At first, I thought I wasn’t gonna learn much but I ended up learning patience. Because having fun with videos is another thing. It’s what we do all the time. But in iDeewane, we had to be serious. We had to listen to the director and to the lines he is telling us. Sometimes, you don’t wanna do that but you still end up doing that and I guess that’s how you learn working with different people. And that is exactly what I wanted to learn. I wanna be an actor. So I would have to work with other people. It’s kind of hard but I’ve learned a lot from iDeewane.

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