Author's Note!!

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Sorry it's not an update :(
I have been saying that I will take a break but I never do. LOL.
This time I am serious...... You guys probably don't take me seriously anymore...
3 weeks off wattpad.. Serious wala yaar. (But that doesn't mean that I won't be reading.. But yeah won't be starting any new ones.)

Also, I know last few chaps are poorly written so I will be going back and editing those after my exams. Or maybe before that... Haha yup! Between study time.

I might also put up another chapter if I get time between study time. Although I think I won't be able to.

So yeah! Super serious now. I am gonna fail if I don't stop spending time writing this story :( If I can put a pause on my other stories then this one can wait too, I guess.... :/ just 3 weeks. PROMISE.

PLEASE stay with me and wish me good luck!! :D they are gonna my last ever school exams.

You guys are awesome!!

Love You All,
Stay Blessed. :)

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