Stolen Paradise

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Argentino's P.O.V

"I want your help to rule Heaven," I swallow my porridge with a loud gulp "Heaven... never heard of that," I wipe some oats from my chin. She raises an arch eyebrow at me "It's an afterlife that only the holiest are sent to," I chuckle "Then, why do you want to rule it?" she grimaces letting the illusion veiling her skeleton side reveal itself "They sent me away to hide, they sent me to rule the damned, I am Hel the goddess of death," her voice laced with built of agitation "Who sent you?" her spoon clacks against the ceramic bowl "Allfather,". I nodded "Why do you want me to help you rule?" she smiles "You know how it feels to be seen as a monster, but a monster we're made in the eyes of many, well make Heaven fair for other beings like us," she cackles "Beings like us," I stare down at my hands like my future was written in my hands. I gaze up at her hopefully "Who stands in our way?". Hel stands and leans close to my ear "Gods," we stare into each other's eyes "And the protector of gods," her chartreuse orbs glanced away hatred simmering in the glimmer of them.

I gawk at her "You know the protector?" she nods her fingertips brush through my snow-white hair. Darkness flows through her hand and pigments it the color of charcoal she jerks her hand away leaving the tips white. She groans her midnight wings unfurl from the exposed back of her flowy dress "Yes, and she spoiled my last plan making it so that I was forbidden from Heaven,". 

Stomping blared through the unkempt courtyard from the Church "Get outta there' you'd demon!" the glass made the men look colorful as they yowled curses "Ye disgraced thee lord's name!" a stone shatters the window. The glass scatters out on the chipped greenwood "Go to Hell ye cursed demon!"  her jaw locked in a scowl "Look's like we have to deal with some ninnies!" I chuckle shaking the shards from my midnight cassock "Yes, let's slay these dolts,". 

The cobbler came at me with a stubby awl as his knife laid lossless at my ankle I duck and grab flipping him on his back slitting his throat. Hel fought beside me a vein in her forehead twitching as she threw her hands in the air. Variant pink spews from her point paint nails "Et tibi caedem in vos fecisse!" her voice thunderous as she spoke in Latin. The almondy gas chokes the men. They gasped for breath other than toxic fumes. She shoots me a death glare.

"Gramr fidelibus hellhound tollere haec imis Niflheim lateri terminentur inprudentium!"

"Gramr, my faithful hellhound raise from the depths of Niflheim to my side and terminate these fools!"

The silky cassock whipped in the swift winds that knocked me on my rear. The goddess threw head back it peal of corrupt hilarity. Her painted nails seemed like claws the way they were crooked. I gawk up at her a lump forming my throat. Moist dirt jammed under my fingernails. A demonic dog rose from the ground and again battering the men in bloody slices of flesh. The mass murder before my eyes made nauseous. My mind became fuzzy. The blood splattered across my face. I licked my lips at the sweet metallic tang freckled upon them. I stood ripping the men to shreds. My teeth, my nails, and the cobbler's knife were all covered in blood. I barked in laughter as the angel smirked. 

Soon all the men's corpses laid lifeless. My cassock spoiled in scarlet and mud. I sat continuously stabbing the last man. No more scream! No more stomping! All the pitchforks blew away by the gust of wind. Hel benevolently placed a hand on my shoulder. I come to halt the slim knife to the butt of the hilt in the glassblower's chest. I gaze up at her innocently like a child who was caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar "Yes," she chuckled "Let's run you a bath to get this grime off you!". I nodded taking note of the dissolved hellhound. My blush was unseen through the layers of caked crimson. Red covered almost everywhere on me exposed "I suppose I do need a bath,". 

The bathwater was a rusty orange with flecks of dry blood floating at the surface "Blood... is really... difficult to get... out of white," she shrubbed at my hair with a rag "Did the protector of gods send those men?" she groaned plopping the rag in the filthy bathwater she wiped her sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand "Yes,". I fished the cloth for her out the water "Why are you fighting to take back Heaven?" she smirks and chortles "That is a fair question to ask because there is a reason for everything," the bathwater effervesced with tiny bubbles rimming the wooden tub "And what would be that reason?". Hel's grip around the rag tighten "If I rule Heaven, Midgardians will have no choice, but to love me," her voice trails off at the end "We've been hated because we bring people's demise," Hel refocuses on the suds on her hands while kneading washing my hair "Now we'll something to Gramr," I chuckle a grim creeping to my face.

I stood in front of the mirror in a clean cassock "Why do I have to wear these clergy clothes?" she rolls her eyes combing through my hair. The blood pigmented the tips of my raven hair bright red. She smiles fixing the white-collar "They remember me of my holy days," I smirk "You miss being alive?" Hel shakes her head swaying her warm brown hair "I miss the bliss of ignorance, then that ignorance became fuel hatred," she stares at her reflection pained once revealing the decomposed side. Her hair becomes an ink once the facade falls. The facade she kept for herself "If you were holy in god's eyes, why did he take that away?" she rolls her shoulder "Balance perhaps, I'm unsure with that man,". 

I pout at her "How were you different from everyone else?" she sighs caressing her satiny black wings "I wasn't, I stayed in line and I listened to every lie from the bible," the decomposing side flickers back showing the fury in her eyes "I was beautiful until he made me a monster, but the worst part is that I follow him blindly," I raise a brow "Then, what changed in you?" she smirks "I met protector of the gods," Hel grips the marble of the sink "It wasn't fair, she had so much to her title before becoming god's pet, I, on the other hand, had no one to turn to not even god," tears glisten her eyes "I became a monster, even to the man who swore to love us all equally," I gaze at her sadly "I know how that feels," the angel hisses at me "No you don't!" I winced covering my ears at the high pitch screech "I found out what I've been working for was a complete lie, he took my life, he took my faith, he took my wings, he took my title!" the mirror cracks down the middle.

 I frown "He stole your happiest," she drapes her wings around me sniffling into the cassock "He gives just to steal, so I stole Zlata's family, I stole her purity, I tainted an angel as she did the same for me, she made me insane," I embrace her back softly scared she'd break like the mirror "We'll get your title back, I'll stand with you, Hel," she grimaces "We'll kill billions," I nod "I'll slay beside you on the battlefield," she sighs "We'll be the end of the world," I chuckle "And the beginning," I smile kissing her knuckles "Why are you willing to go that far of lengths for a stranger?" I shrug "We share this fork in the road,".

She was made a monster, but I can still see beauty. I can see the child gazing back at me. A broken child. A faithless god. A bringer of death. Held the fragile beauty of a monster before it strikes. 

I kneel before her "I'll rule Heaven with you," my lips brush her knuckles as she smiles down at me with tears rolling from her chartreuse eyes. 

My head laid in her lap as she skimmed through the bible, the pages sweep by as she knows every single lie. She hums softly a verse. Her slender fingers tousle my wet hair. The angel's perfume was luring me to resting my eyes peacefully. Her glossy heels located next to the pew. She began to sing the rhyme aloud. Voice lovely and pacifying in the abandoned church. It made the rats stop and listen. 

"Sed timeo autem ne sicut serpens Evam seduxit astutia sua ita corrumpantur sensus vestri a simplicitate et duci quo modo sola devotione et Christum,"

"But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ,".

Familiar Latin made the hairs on the back of my neck prickle but fall into the words. The words vibrated from her being like an eerie lullaby. I felt my eyes droop.

Good Boy: Ciel Phantomhive x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now