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Elizabeth's P.O.V

The stout walls of the safe house sheltered us from the raging war outside, my arched back leaned on the metal girder. I flipped the glaucous shilling. The curvilinear face of the queen. He smiles softly "Morning," he offers me a roll while nibbling on another "Do you miss Zlata?" Aradhaka chuckles scratching his neck "That's an understatement, lady Midford," I smirk at the pink creeping to his cheeks "You're in love with Zlata that's so cute!" he gulps "L-love, ha she's only a friend," I smack his arm "It's obvious that she likes you back," he lights up "Really!" I watch his fidget with his spice belt "What's that?" he gets to grinding sparkling rose water into the bowl from his belt "Perception spell,". A violet liquid becomes a mist and he waves his hand through it. I try to touch the cloud with Ciel talking to someone with a scowl on his face "Trancy get out my manor," the blond slams the door to his office door "Twat," a red-tipped man pops a grape into his mouth as he laid on his desk "Profane Phantomhive," Ciel glances and shoves him off the desk "Get to work that's an order," the butler smirks and rises brushing the dust from his uniform "I want a treat when I find that pesky sod," my fiancee rolls his eyes "I need to get him out this war you may play with him when you bring him here," the butler turns on his heel "Deal,". The spell ends and we gawk at each other "Ciel is brainwashed,".

There are shrieks and crackles of the fired guns supports of the building begin to vibrate "What's happening?" he stores the spices and shields me from the fallen beams and pink gas "Don't breath," I nodded and covered my airways with a tore piece from my dress. The guns stop. A silhouette stood above the rubble "Lady Elizabeth, I came to retrieve you," Sebastian I shove Aradhaka off me "Go now," he spirits off. I lift a metal rod from the frame the tip, sharp like a spear. He claps "I didn't wish to be rough with a lady, but my master didn't say have you in one piece," the other servants emerge behind him "Come willingly and you'll not get hurt," I hesitate to glance at the princess in Finnian arms struggling with a hand over her mouth. I stare up into Sebastian's fuchsia eyes with a murderous glint to them "I'll come," I drop the rod and the princess kicks and muffles screams. He smiles and grabs me roughly "My, that was easier than I thought it would be," I glimpse back as he ran to the Phantomhive manor a faint figure waved at me in the bright hours of the morning. Aradhaka please don't fail me.

Ciel's P.O.V

 The blond marched out of my office slamming the door his demon butler behind him "Twat," Argentino crunches a red grape into his mouth as he laid on my desk "Profane Phantomhive," I scoffed and shove to the floor satisfied at the loud thump "Get to work that's an order," the butler smirks whisking the pink dust from his trousers "I want a treat when I find that pesky sod," I roll my eyes my reflection mimicking me "I need to get him out this war you may play with him when you bring him here," the dog turns on his heel "Deal,". 

I arouse at a tap to my windowpane my butler smirks holding my finance in his arms. His lanky leg reaches the floor stepping in through the window "The princess is currently being watched by Finnian and Mey-Rin," her mouth is covered "How did you know about this gas?" I untie it watching her eyes flash a pink returning to their emerald green "Aradhaka to me to cover my mouth," her tone is lifelessly and forced. I sweep her away and she obeys "Play with Paula,". I twist in my chair towards the ruby sky "Almost everyone is transformed," I twitched a smile my nails dug into the tough maroon fabric "It's almost time for the real fun to begin,".

Aradhaka's P.O.V

The snow bonded to my mask my chattering teeth filled the rutted paths "This is the end," I gulped at the miles of naked trees. The branches coiled amongst carcasses of fawns. My stomach growled "Damn fast metabolism," my boot snaps a twig and I gasp at the fledgling skull. My eye dart towards a bear launching at me I touch a tree and the branches sprout into his stomach and he bleeds out. I store the blood and begin skinning it. I hold a twig to my chest and it combusts. I cook the meat seeking shelter from the blood-red rain in the branches. I peek through a slot in the trees the world sizzled by the rain "It must be like the gas," I tighten my mask sleeping on the bear kaross devouring the lean meat. My thoughts were heavy with death. As I bit my lip "Didn't Zlata start this war?".

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