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Victoria's P.O.V

The new puppy scurried around my bedroom falling on his face I laid on my bed "Mom said I should move on, but I can't," I say to the corgi relieving himself on my floor "So she gave me a dumb mutt!" there was a knock on the door "Come in avoid the puddle!" Cora opened the door biscuits and tea on a tray "He did it again!" she grumbled as the puppy circled her heels "Cora, I don't want this dog," she sets the tray on the nightstand and sat on my bed "Is this about Dash, Cora?" I nod and lean on her shoulder "I didn't like this dog, it's not my dog," she sighs moves and hair of my hair behind my ear "You need to understand the possibility of him being dead," I cried into her "No, no, he's not dead!" my tears soaked her apron she pats my head "Your highness, it's a possibility if a hunter can't find you dog who can?" I dried my tears and stood "Maybe I could have a companion for whoever finds him get an award," she shakes her head "That shouldn't be the way you solve your problems," I cross my arms "I love Dash, his like a son to me!" there was a tap on my windowpane golden eyes stare at us shattering the window and the glass shards spurt everywhere. A blond boy climbs through my window on my bed "It seems you have another problem," a butler stood next to him "Angel, are you sure this is the right lass?" a woman smirks "Hundred percent take her and we'll be on our way," the blond sighs "Ugh, she's bland,".

Angel's P.O.V

Argentino laid next to my heels as the princess was shoved before me "Hello princess royal," Alois stepped on her back "Speak while you still have your tongue," the girl gulp "Who are you?" I stand drawing the attention of my servant "My name is Angel," I kneel closer to her face "Why am I here?" I simper "Your dog Dash is working with my slave to protect the world from me and my friends," her electric blue eyes possessed delicious terror "My dog?" I smile and gesture towards "Your dog is like my butler," Argentino stenches "We were turned human," the girl's face is pale "My dog is human and is saving the world," I chuckle "Chain her up,".  The blond sat across from me "Are you sure that he'll come?" I smirk "Wouldn't a good dog save their master," he sighs "How long will it take?" I shrug "We'll see,".

Dash's P.O.V

The mistress perched on top of the castle watching them steal Vicky "We should do something," she holds a finger to my lips "Watch," I nodded. 

The room was icy as I tiptoed near the princess cage she glimpses up tears leaking from eyes "Dashy," she croaked and I pat her head "I'm here to get you, Vicky," she leans towards my touch "You're alive," I smile and lock her cage. I pick her up and we were taken to heaven. 

Good Boy: Ciel Phantomhive x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now