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Dash's P.O.V

The cauldron seethes a sage froth I gulped and swiftly stir it down "Did it work Dash?"  a wooden spoon chomp down on with my canines "No," I spat the sirring spoon on the ground "Then what is it doing," his tail wagged eagerly like a puppy. My caramel eyes dart to the potion. It effervesces and the chameleon potion emitted fetor vapor "Y/N get out of here!" there was an explosion as I hurled in the hallway wall. My ear rung with Y/N's screeching yowls. My eyelids grew heavy and I did have enough strength to lift my head. I allow my eyes to shut. 

Y/N's P.O.V

My vision is blurry as I reopen them I feel a sharp pain on my neck "Dash, are you okay?" there is a limp in my step as hobble towards the king Charles Spaniel who laid motionless. My snout poke his curly ear "Dashy," his small body spasms "Vicky!" I jerk back noticing the blood splatter on the teal wallpaper "The blasted must've made you hit your head," he winces "Your neck Y/N!" I raise a brow "Your more important at the moment, can you stand?" Dash stands and I help him reach the bathroom I clean the wound as best as I could with paws. His head was bandaged and he looked goofy with his ear tucked into the wrap "I'm okay, now you should look at your neck," I scoff. My eye widen at the mark on my neck "What is this?" he pouts his reflection cringes behind me "I'm sorry, I must've read the spell wrong," I shake my head "It's a little burn, I've been hurt worse," he winces staring at me pity in his caramel eyes "It's my fault," tears swell his big eyes. I roll my eyes patting his bandaged head "Don't worry about me Dash we have a war to fight," his lip quivers "Who cares about war your health is more significant?" my heart tightens "I do, why are you getting all worked up over a little brand?" my tone is venomous a sharp he flinches his tear threatening to fall. His silence infuriates me more "You got a tongue to speak use it, no need to act pusillanimous!" pathetic tears trickle down his cheeks "I'm contrite that I'm cemented to you because you're all I have left!" I glare "This is war, go if you can't handle it," he skitters away. 

I curl up in the bathtub missing Phantomhive's scent as I breathed into a towel the porcelain bath made me curl tighter for warmth "I hate him,". Lies that I tell myself to mend. There was a soft whimper as I peek my head over the tub "What do you want?" he ignores my gruff tone and climbs beside me nuzzling into my side. My breathing hitches "Why are you so mean?" I glower memories flash into my mind of being a bait dog "Shut up," he glances up at me surprised by my soft tone "I'm here for you," I tense "You don't understand," he grumbles and furrows his brows "I do you acting tough because you are weak," I sigh "I hate myself for being mean to you it's how I cope," he blinks flabbergasted "You what?" he sits up "I miss Phantomhive," he relaxes to my heartbeat "I hate what you've done to me," I pat his head "I hate myself for it too, I won't expect you to choke down," he giggles to himself "You and Ciel would be good for each other, same temperament," I scoff "He has a fiancee," he frowns "Then, I'll have to get rid of her," I bark a laugh "As a king's Charles Spaniel I hope,".

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