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Ciel's P.O.V

I wake up to Y/N and Sebastion as Y/N hands me a saucer he smiles "The queen sent you a message," I nod taking the envelope from his hands and he began laying my clothes on the bed I tore into it with my letter-opener.

"Dear Watchdog,

I need your aid to help find my daughter's dog Dash we were at a dog show and he vanished there were rumors of an underground dogfighting ring and I'm afraid that my pooch was stolen, please write back,"

I chuckle "Good thing Lady Zlata knows everywhere illegal is happening," Sebastian raises a brow while dressing me "Are we on a case?" I roll my eyes "Of course we're on a case to find the queen's dog," Sebastian wrinkles his nose in disgust "I think not," I stand up after being dressed "You and Y/N are coming with me to Lady Zlata manor," I watch Y/N expression turned into an uneased one.

We arrived at the manor and Y/N knocked on the door that was answered by the butler who embraced Y/N "Y/N, I missed you!" he awkwardly pats his head "Okay," he frowns and opens the door completely "Meanie," earning a slight smack on the head from Sebastian "Be polite," Y/N rolls his eyes and runs after Dash to the kitchen where Lady Zlata ate porridge "Gross you still eating garbage," Y/N sits down taking a piece of bacon from her plate "For some reason, he acts like a child in your presence," I smile at Y/N shimmering eyes "He behaved for you,"  surprise in her tone "Good boy," she pets him "I'm not a pet," she pouts "Fine," I snickered her eyes glancing at me "Oh, Phantomhive, is there something wrong with Y/N," I sit down "The queen was at a dog show with her dog and he was stolen," she raises a brow "Your life goes from Jack the Ripper to a dog bandit," I laugh "There were rumors about showdogs being stolen prehaps you know where there is taken," she smirks "I'm the queen of illegal I could tell you about drug trades, but you want to know about dogs," I sigh "Will you tell me?" she slumps her shoulders "I will only if Y/N lets me pet him," I hold back a snort "You may," Y/N glares and sucks up being pet by her butler and herself "The old textile factory," I smile "That's close," she sighs "It goes on at night, if you like it stay you may," Y/N's E/C eyes twinkled at me "Fine," the lady's butler embraced Y/N "Want to play tag?" Y/N smirk as he was tag by the childish butler "Your on," Y/N wrist was twisted by Sebastian "Y/N have manners," he rolled his wrist slipping out touch his shoulder "Got to catch me first,".

We get the carriage to the textile factory finding men gambling on dogs and drinking we walk in watching a group of canines attack a small dog we look around at show dogs no Kings Charles Spaniel.

Y/N's P.O.V 

I watch hiding my disgust as the drunk men cheered at the canines gnawing at each other my eyes fall on Ebba and my heart stinks she was more beat up than the last time I saw her. Her master must've made her fight last night on her break night. His eyes find me and struts over "Old Ebba, I see you eyeing, interested?" I stroke my chin and smirk "How much?" he smiles crookedly "Twenty gold," I nod "Find me after the show," he giggles "Phemonal, sees you then," I find Phantomhive in the crowd with Sebastian "Phantomhive, can I burrow twenty gold?" he glares at me "What are you doing Y/N?" I sigh "My friend's dog is here, she was stolen," he relaxes "Your not keeping a fighting dog at my manor," I smile "I'll drop her off at the Mistress's," he groans handing me hundred "I know this crowd," I nod my stomach churned at the word 'talk' "I'll keep an eye out for the dog,". The Ebba's master found me after the show with a cheery grin "Let's make it forty," I glare "Twenty," he sighs and takes the money and waddles away I take her leash and take her to the carriage where Sebastian hissed and Phantonhive massaged his temples I hand him the money "I know that drunkard like the back of my hand," he raises a brow "You've met him," I chuckle "Not sober,".

Ebba snarled at me until held out my palm to her "Hi, Ebba," I smile as she stands on my knees laying her head on my lap she barked a greeting "Phantomhive, any luck on the dog," she eyes me shoving her mouthguard in my hands "Ebba, I'm taking you to a friend of mine to take care of you, don't rip her throat out you little demon," she glares "Fine, fine, you can be Satan himself," they gawk at me talking to a pitbull "What?" Sebastian glares "Your a dog person," I smile "You're the reason I'm not taking her muzzle off she can smell the feline on you," he scoffs "Dogs are too dumb," I glance at the dog and laugh "He's not that smart either," she barked "Fine, I'm not that smart either," she nods burrowing herself into my side.

I wake up with my head on Phantomhive shoulder "We're here drop the mutt off," I nod groggily as the dog stood up "Ready Ebba," I chortle as we raced to the door the stupid human body slowing me down I open the door "Mistress Zlata," I stroll the kitchen, Ebba following me where they ate dinner "Y/N, is that the dog that beat you up!" I scoff and take the muzzle off and leash "Ebba, you're safe here," I lean my forehead on her's "Please, can she stay here she's a complete sweetheart," she jumps on my chest licking my face raw "Ebba, not in front Dash," I blush "Cute, is she your mate," my eyes widen to saucers "No were friends!" the mistress chuckles "Fine she can stay," Dash embraces me and I leave.

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