Past. Pt 1

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Argentino's P.O.V

My canines were covered in the chained Gull Terr's blood who was sprawled onto the stain arena's dirt floor "Get up!" the bait dog smirks at me his snow-white fur now tainted light red "You seem like your enjoying yourself Argentino," his chains rattled as he hops to all fours "I am, you have a problem with that,". He shakes his heads dodging my bared teeth "You see the fat men watching us," I glower at him "Yeah, why about them?" he giggles "Do you like putting on a show for them?" I launch at him. My front paws laid on his chest snarling at him "Shut up!" he crawls from under me winding his chain around my neck "I hit a nerve, didn't I?" the Gull Terr licks his blood from my cheek "Get off me!". He presses his forehead to my neck "After, we make a deal?" I turn to gawk at him. 

This is the strangest bait dog I've ever met in the arena, well at least the wittiest. He smiles "I'll take that as you want to hear my deal, spare my life and I'll free you from this fighting ring," the chain loosens and I ignore it captived at the deal "How can you set me free?" his E/C orbs shimmered with enthusiasm "I could meet you by your cage at quarter after midnight," I cock my head to my side "What's the catch?" he hums "It's fair if you spare my life, you get to live yours not caged and fighting," I glance at the crowd of screaming and gambling posh English men "Deal, quarter to midnight," his ear perked in the direction of beribboned men marching towards us "Excellent, now avoid my neck, please," I chuckle and sink my sharp teeth into his shoulder.

 The blood dotted the ground while he faked a high pitched whimper amusing the crowd and the dogfighters "You're clever for a bait dog," he squeaked as I yank at his erect ear "You have to be in this line work," I nod throwing him to the wooden wall "You know how to fight too I bet," he giggles scurrying a short distance his chain provides. Avoiding me ramming into him. I skid to the ground drawing a dust cloud glaring at him "We need to make this a real fight to satisfy these dim humans," I leap at him. He dodges agile on his feet "You like putting on shows I see," he clicks his tongue "Need to be quicker!" I accidentally bite my lip while snapping at him "Quick, I'll show you quicker," my blood flowed down to my chin. I pin him to the ground tearing a patch if his fur on his back with my canines. The men pull me off him while I bark curses at him while cried being carried away to get bandaged up.

There was a scratching at the metal bars of my cage I peek an eye open at him leaning on the cage for support "Argentino," I stood hitting my head on the top of my cage with a water bowel laid empty. He pushes the pin down from outside and I'm set free "You came," he scoffs "I keep my ends of deals," I nod as he leads me in a small passageway to where the gamblers betted "Have you done this before?" he sighs "More than I could count, been doing this since I was a pup," I smirk "You grew up with this life," he rolls his eyes "Yes," I raise a brow "If you know how to leave why don't you?" weaved through drunken men legs "This is the only place I know, I don't know what the outside is like, I heard from new dogs it was cruel," I chuckled "I heard from other dogs you're a real trickster," he shrugs waltzing out of there while a man wobbled out the door. I follow beside him admiring him in the moonlight against his fur that gleams. He smelt of rose washing powder "Ebba," a chuckle sprang from his throat making me shiver "You know everyone here, don't you?" he glances at me from the corner of his eye "I don't bother to learn the bait dogs names they always die," I gulp a pang of guilt through my chest. He stops at the barbwire fence taking a breath "Are were here?" he grunted "Yes, but this is as far as I take you when you step out of here run until you can't anymore," I stared at him "I didn't catch your name," he smiled "Y/N," I grin back as he lifts the fence at an opening "Thank you!".

The wind whipped my ears at I raced through the thicket of trees jumping over rotten logs and thorny shrubs with poisonous yew berries. The air smelled of mud and grass. Bioluminescent glowworms gave off a pale green light. It was a windless night. The silver moon high above the shade of the oak trees. The stars twinkled. I slowed my pace after running for a good couple of miles in a straight line. I rested by a tree beside a fast-flowing stream. I lap up the water greedily before my eyes focused on a building with a cross on it. Lantern's light caught my attention from the building. I trek closer. 

The door swings open revealing a curvy figure with a pale complexion. The woman beckons me in the building that smelled like roses and burning candles "Why is a doggy out in such weather,  come in," a smile plastered her face. Hesitantly, I step forward into the building. She sets down a bowl with a fragrant liquid in it. I cock my head at her and she chuckles "This will help us communicate so I can help you,". I licked the liquid "Good boy," she strokes my forehead her wings unfurled from behind her dress. When I finish the beverage I slump my head on her lap. Her icy hands caress me into a deep slumber while she sings in a soothing voice. She spoke in a tongue I didn't understand:

"Sed timeo autem ne sicut serpens Evam seduxit astutia sua ita corrumpantur sensus vestri a simplicitate et duci quo modo sola devotione et Christum,"

"But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ,".

Her words were fragile against her tinted lips. The color of blood. My eyelids shut as her wings blanketed me in warmth. Her chest at a constant rhythm of rising and falling. Her scent candied my homicidal thoughts. 

Good Boy: Ciel Phantomhive x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now