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Y/N's P.O.V

I bit the inside of my cheek her vanilla scent vanishes with a gush of wind and a blinding light I reopen my eyes realizing I was alone. The cold glass in my palm that I slip in my vest pocket the clouds of my exhale fill my vision "To the Trancy manor, I assume maybe a local can assist me," I stride down the streets taking in the burnt buildings and wailing babies. A small orange light stops me a woman leaned on the side of the bakery she glares at me "Want business or you'll keep staring?" her voice is harsh as wraps the familiar jacket tighter around her "I have a question," she furrows her drew on brows "Hurry up, I'm not in the mood for many questions!" I nod and step closer to her "Do you know someone name Dash by chance?" she rolls her eyes "I met a lot of chaps to remember their names, how many inches?" I chuckle before realizing she was being serious with her deadpan expression "It's just you have his jacket," she tosses her cigarette to the cement crushing it with her heel "Oh, you're talking about flapdoodle, I met him, but if you want more information you got to pay, my services aren't free," I gulped "I'm searching for him," she scoffs and begins to walk away I trial behind her "Look E/C I need to scramble before gib face comes," I bit my lip "Can you help me?" she sighs "Look, you seem like a reasonable person, but asking harlot for help where's your sense E/C!" I sped after her "I'm Y/N, and desperate," her light brown eyes rolled "I'm desperate too if you can't tell I'm selling my body to horny creeps to afford to feed my son," I bow my head "I'm sorry," she slaps me "Don't pity me I need a lot of things but pity isn't of them," my cheek stings "I wasn't pitying you I was apologizing for my behavior," she grabs me by my collar and drags me to a burnt apartment.

She sets her keys on the counter the jingle alerts the little boy that runs into her arms giggling as he's set down. He's big brown eyes stare into my soul "Mommy, who is this?" she ruffles his dirty blond hair "He's friend went missing with all the chaos and mommy's helping him," the nods and he's eyes drill into me "Mister, your friend probably was burnt to a crisp," I chuckle "I thought Phantomhve was sinister," the boy clings to his mother thigh "That's my little demon," the boy pouts "Mommy, did you see the fire it licked our house?" he peers up at her intently "I see the aftermath," a woman with glasses approaches us was a smile "He's asking everybody that he thinks he saw an angel," the boy glares "I did auntie, she had huge black wings that were bigger than this!" he demonstrates with his arms "Floyd, please your imagination is running wild," the boy crosses his arms "My imagination, you saw it for yourself, auntie!" she beckons him to his room "I apoligize for his behavior he has quite the imagetion,".

We sit down at a table "E/C, how can I help you?" I smile "By chance do you know where Earl Trancy manor is?" she chuckles "That's it you needed directions, so your not a complete fool!" I scratch the back of my neck "He has my friend," she sighs "Get up, I have a friend who can help you," I beam and leap to the balls of my feet "Thank you, thank you!" she rolls her eyes and walks out the door "I'm not doing it for you, only for my guilty conscience," I nod and follow behind her. She takes to her neighbor a coachman who had bags under his eyes and unkempt hair "Edwin, mind giving my friend a ride?" the man groans "It'll cost ya'," she chuckles "I'll let you sleep at my place since your house is burned," he strokes his chin and nods "Deal,".

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