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Ciel's P.O.V

My orchid orb peeked out the window "Sebastian, it's an order for you to find Elizabeth," a smirk visible in the corner of my eye "Yes my lord," I watch his tailcoat flutter before leaping out the moving carriage "Next is that filthy mutt," the snow crunched under my heels at Argentino assisted me out my carriage. He trails behind me "Phantomhive sir, will you like me to find the rebels?" my jaw dropped as my eyes landed on the damage of my manor "What happened here?" he shrugs and shuts the door. I step over a broken chair in the dining room "I'm not sure sir,". I glared at the wine-stained walls "First, repair the damage, then find those curs," he nodded at I headed to my bedroom. My eye twitched at the sight of my bedroom "My locket better be here," I sigh is relief discovering the untouched locket with curvy engravings in the gold "13 July 1866, Cloudia P,". I hold my breath as I open the locket revealing the delicate features of the black and gray photograph of a woman. It sends a shiver down my spine as I hid it under a Dogfighting case file "Maybe it makes sense," I'm not sure completely at the meaning of my sleep-deprived mumbo jumbo. I scoff and allow myself to sink into my bed "Something is different,".

Dash's P.O.V

Our bodies are numb from the cold at magpies peck a wet acorn beside a bare English oak that had an immense mesh of twisted branches that formed a witch's broom. Their guttural squawks could be heard as stumbled inside the unlocked manor. Y/N sets a small fire with the little lumber we had left and I cuddled into his chest for warmth "After we get heated up let's go find a way to heaven," I gulped and squinted out the rose smudged window seeing the scarlet streaks in the magenta sky "It's getting late Y/N we should find it before them," I smirks as I get up "We should change the dust is on us,". 

We felt for the five keyholes in the oil painting "We don't have any keys for them, Y/N," he smirks and pops the door open with brute force "It's an old house," I chuckle "I see,". The room sends chills through me. Y/N picks of potions labeled in English he narrows his eyes to read "What does this say?" I raise a brow "You don't know how to read do you?" he flushes "I'm a dog," I scoff and take from his clammy palms "That is a bad excuse, I'm a good reader," I sigh "My Latin isn't as good as my French," he crosses his arms "Purse dog," heat creeps to my cheeks as I begin to decipher "Potio Mihi vindicta," Y/N glares at me "What does that mean?" I chuckle "Revenge potion," he smirks and snatches from my hands it bubbles as he touches it. The opaque black crawls closer toward Y/N sensing the darkness in his heart "We should use it on Angel," the viscous liquid trembles and turns a bright neon green. I yank it out his hands and it settles and because natural his eyes return to his shade of E/C "Malice implies you're similar that vile demon," he pouts "Fine, I'll be a good boy," I set the potion next other glowing love potions and yearned for me the neon pinks glint in my brown eyes "Why does Zlata have multiple love potions?" I pick offf a scorched script on a bible with tiny penmanship lines scratched ontop of them making the reading difficult "Maybe she likes someone," I raise a brow at him "They are love potions if it's true that she does it means she feels deeply about them," he shrugs "I'm not reliable in the feelings department," I nod "True," I watch him gulp "The potion I gave you from Zlata could've been made by both love and revenge," his words intrigued me and I grasp the both of them the liquids cling to different sides of the container trying to stay away from each other.

Y/N orbs watch me evidently as I pout the two in a cauldron they suddenly combine into a maroon as I stir "What do you even get when you mix revenge and love?" he strokes his chin "Balance," I idea forms in my head "You know Angel's perfume what if we mix it with our harmony potion," he shrugs "I don't see why not, because if it's truly naturalized the two of the potions, then mixing it with a diluted version of the perfume could make the cure," I blink "Are you saying we should use the snow?" he nods "A flaw in her plan I assume," the masked Y/N comes back with a bucket full of the rose snow "We should run diluting test with fire," the snow lights and we add more water. It was a pale pink while we fuse it with the balance potion and the potion becomes pink "The potion Zlata gave me was an orange," I frowned at the H/C haired male. 

We begin searching for a clue to get to heaven when Y/N points out an on the floor scroll while I discover a lock of Zlata's hair "Dash, I think I found it," I come closer as he flattens it on a sticky table "It's a portal but it takes magic to open it," Y/N sees the cherry-brown clump in my hands and smirks "That's perfect, but I want to try something," he removes a strand and drops it in the cauldron and it bursts into an amber. I grin and embrace him "You illiterate erudite you did it," he pats my back "Careful on the big words," I chuckle and bottle the liquid in the cauldron "You take a bottle and so do I," he nods and hides it in his trousers I raise a brow "What?" I shake my head "Never mind,".

Good Boy: Ciel Phantomhive x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now