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Y/N's P.O.V

The morning after my fight the dogfighter knotted a rope around Dash's and my throat leading the way down the arena stairs and to a dimly lit room. A noblewoman occupied in the room she had meek amber eyes that resembled a doll's glassy ones. The dogfighter hands our leashes to the cherry brown-haired woman "The Gull Terr is a trickster," she smiles "I don't mind," next we were taken to an elegant carriage pulled by two ash horses. Show dog was blissfully accepting scratches behind the ear from the woman, while I remained in my corner. She pats a seat beside her "Come," I ignore and gaze outside the window at the peaceful sunrise my heart flutter once I realized I was wanging my tail "You want to be outside," I hid my face from her she sighs "Your not a people person," I barked in response as she beams.

You have to be dull not to realize why I wouldn't like people I had never had and never will have a connection like a lapdog. I am not a pet, I'm a creature humans watch die in an arena. The scars on my skin are my web and humans weave it.

We arrived at a manor white rosebushes in front of it the woman took us to a room that looked like a library she takes a seat in a leather red desk chair "I feel something special from you two dogs," Dash eyes her his tail falling as we gaped as she chuckles "I sense an aura from both of you," I gulp as she reaches under her mahogany desk displaying three keys she motions for us to follow her out the library.

Dash's P.O.V

I scrambled at her heels as she walked into the hallway to an oil painting of a landscape sliding each key into hidden locks "You may call me mistress Zlata," she twists the keys as the painting popped exposing a door from behind it "I need your help," the room is tiny compared to the others in the manor, but it had something that made me cower behind Y/n tail. The room had strange artifacts and multiple scrolls on the ground. The ominous presence of the room made my blood run cold "Don't be scared it's alright," she frowns pets my head she selects a scroll making the ink drawing of a dog obvious to us "The hell is rising in London and I can't defeat it alone," I gulp and rub my head on Y/N's who appeared provoked from the closeness she begins grinding spices together Y/N tread closer to the rustling witch who smiles down at him as stands on the short table "You want to know what I'm doing?" he briskly bows his head "I'm brewing a potion," the dry leaves were sheeted over a bowl of water as she swirls it with a wooden spoon the water dyed lilac she sets it on the ground by our paws "Drink," I tremble while Y/N observe it before guzzling the potion "How does it taste?" he shrugs "It's decent, but I prefer water," I nod and lap it up until it was gone she set the bowl on the table "You might feel a tinging sensation across you body," after her words my body felt like it was being pricked by needles my eyes became blurry.

Good Boy: Ciel Phantomhive x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now