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y/n's pov

mattia and i had a good time for the rest of the trip. julia still got on my nerves once in a while but after our boat ride, i stayed unbothered.

last day in italy
"thank you for letting me stay here," i say, hugging his grandma.

"i hope you come back soon," she says smiling.

i wait for mattia's family to say their goodbyes and then we drive back to the airport.

back in jersey
"this trip was fun," i say to mattia.

"i know, maybe we could go on more trips ?" he suggests.

"of course."

mattia drops off his luggage at his house and helps my carry my suitcase to my house.

once i get inside, someone familiar jumps and hugs me.

"y/n you're home."

once he pulls away i recognized him immediately.
"oh my god, Mason?"

mason was my childhood friend but he recently moved away about a year ago.

"what're you doing here ?" i ask.

"i'm actually attending college in new york so i'm staying in jersey for a while," mason answers. he looks over at mattia. "sup i'm mason."

"i'm mattia." they dab each other up and then he turns to me. "i'm gonna go unpack but i'll see you later?"

"yeah i'll see you later." i kiss him on the lips and he walks out, closing the door.

"oh.. you have a boyfriend," mason points out.

"yeah, we got together a couple months ago," i nod, awkwardly. "wanna go up to my room and watch a movie?"

"uh yeah sure."

mattia's pov

as i was unpacking in my room i saw y/n and mason walk into her room.

i immediately get out of sight and listen to what they were saying.

"i really don't wanna be a dick but you got a boyfriend?" mason asks. "after our last conversation?"

"yeah.. i did and i really like him," y/n answers. that's right.

"i don't get it," mason scoffs. "you told me you liked me— loved me even."

"yeah.. as in past tense, mason," y/n corrects him. "i'm with mattia now, i'm sorry."

"wasn't he a fuckboy that never gave you the time of day last year?" mason brings up.

"well things have changed since you left."

"clearly," mason says with attitude. "he's going to break your heart."

"no i don't think he will."

mason sighs. "you can't possibly know that."

"and you can't possibly know that."

mason doesn't saying anything.

"look mason, you're back now so let's just try to make the best of it. okay?" y/n says.

i hope mason isn't going to be a problem for us.

the next day

y/n's pov
when i woke up, i saw that mattia's window was open so i decided to pay him a visit.

i crawled through his window and jumped on top of him while he was sleeping.

"ow," he groans.

i giggle. "morning baby," i say, kissing his neck.

"hmm i could get use to waking up to this," mattia replies, wrapping his arms around my back.

i started rubbing my pussy against his member and was about to go further until something interrupted us.

"y/n?" mason shouted, walking into my room. "i got you your favorite breakfast."

"you've gotta be fucking kidding me," mattia groans.

"sorry," i whispered and got off. "mason, i'm over here."

he looks to the left and saw me sitting next to mattia.

"oh you guys are neighbors," mason points out, "perfect..."

"yea.." i turn to mattia. "i'll see you after?"

he nods and kisses me on the lips.

i crawl through the window and back to my room.
"hi mason," i greet him.

"so your rooms are just right next to each other..." mason says.

"yep," i say. "can we eat downstairs?"

"yeah okay."


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