You Belong With Me (Niall Horan)

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A/N: I KNOW, I KNOW! I took forever to update and I am truely sorry about that. I do my one shots when I'm stuck in a rut. So here is my latest update! Thanks for waiting, and thanks for reading! Enjoy loves :) x

"I don't know why he's even with her. You're the one that he should be with. I hate that I can't help you with this since I'm being forced to go on this stupid retreat with Zayn. We don't get along well! What's the big deal. It's not like we get into fights." Lee continued to talk and talk and talk.

"But seriously. That girl Niall's dating is absolutely horrible. I just want to punch her in her ovaries sometimes." Lee spat. I couldn't help but laugh. I was glad that Lee was on my side. She is literally a great friend, not to mention hilarious. 

"I know, but what can I do?" I sighed.

"Man up and take him for yourself!" Lee pumped her fist. Here we go again, I thought to myself. She was going to give me another one of her lectures.

"If he means that much to you and you really want to be with him then put on some pants and go get'em!" Lee was always so animated. I rested my elbows on the table resting my chin on my hand waiting for her on going talks to quickly finish.

"I mean who wants a girl that wears short skirts, high-heels, and is the cheerleading captain?! I think girls like you, who wear t-shirts, eye-glasses, and sneakers are damn SEXY! BAND GIRLS ARE SEXY" I jumped a bit when Lee started getting louder.


"Lee! Shut up!" I hissed at her. 

"NO! I am angry. You are MUCH better than that barbie doll!" She complained.

"What are you complaining about now?" A familiar voice spoke. Then suddenly, right around the corner came Zayn and Niall. I blushed at the fact that he could have heard Lee ranting.

"Zayn this has nothing to do with you, so get lost." Lee snarled.

"Whatever, it's time for us to go. Uncle Simon is waiting." Zayn mentioned and grabbed Lee by her wrist.

"Whoa there hot pants, what do you think you're doing? I can walk on my own!" Lee grumbled as Zayn grabbed her luggage in his free hand and dragged her away.

"Zayn stop! I'm still talking to Nic!" I heard Lee say as she struggled to get free.

"NICOLE! REMEMBER WHAT I SAID! PUT ON SOME PANTS!" She shouted back with me. I looked down and shook my head at how embarrassing she was, yet I still loved her anyway.

"I don't think I can!" I yelled back.

"NO!" Lee protested. And before she could say anymore, Zayn shoved her into the car.

"Whoa, what was that about?" Niall laughed then shifted his stare down at me. I looked up at him and smiled. He was too perfect.

"She was giving me guy advice." I admitted.

"Really? Who's the lucky guy?" Niall asked.

"Secret." I teased. Suddenly, Harry, Louis and Liam popped out of nowhere just as the school bell rang.

"C'mon guys, we're going to be late to class! We have a test!" Liam announced. Niall and I groaned. 

"Ugh, Zayn and Lee are so lucky that they're excused from this test." Niall groaned.

"Yeah but I wouldn't want to be on that retreat with uncle Simon. Those two are going to go through hell." Louis reminded.

"That's true. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes." I shuddered at the thought.

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