Win a Day With One Direction (Zayn Malik)

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"C'mon Kaylee! Stop being camera shy! How are you supposed to win the contest if you won't man up to the camera!" Lee scolded me snapping shots with her camera.

"That's just it Lee, I'm not a man!" I growled back at her for being right.

I entered a One Direction fan-attire contest. Each contestant must wear their own hand made 1D outfit and take pictures of themselves in it. The Directioner that has the sickest 1D outfit will win a day with One Direction. Lee has agreed to help me because the winner is allowed to bring one other friend. Since Lee was my best friend and a pretty good photographer, it was an easy pick.

"Kaylee Sonali!" She growled.

"Lee Vanessa Ricky!" I mocked her tone. 

"Focus you muppet! Just pretend the camera isn't here and just jam out to some One Direction songs." She ordered as she turned on her ipod. 

'Na Na Na' started playing and Lee started dancing like the dork she is. Eventually I joined her and I actually forgot all about the camera as Lee took some shots of me while she danced as well. After playing over an hour worth of 1D songs, Lee brought out her laptop and we looked over all the pictures we took. Some were blurry or parts of my body would be cut off because Lee was dancing, but there were a ton of shots that were just amazing. Lee and I chose our top six to send.

It's already been a week and I still got nothing from the contest. I was laying on my bed bored out of my mind when I heard a faint knock coming from the front door. I was home alone so I had to answer it. I opened the door to see my neighbor Trevor and Lee standing at my door.

"Hey there Trev, long time no see!" Lee chirped giving Trevor a friendly, yet hard, slap on the back.

"Ack! Lee! Why are you always so hyper and... aggressive? Are you an alien or something?" He asked her in a serious tone as he moved his body around to soothe out his back.

"Yes Trev, I'm an alien and I'm here to dominate over the human race with my husbands, One Direction." Lee replied in a weird voice. I laughed at how stupid she was.

"Ha ha. Very funny Lee. Anyways, this was accidently dropped into our mailbox. Here you go Kaylee." Trevor handed me over a manilla envelop package. I looked at the address and squealed loudly making Trevor back up away from me a bit. Lee on the other hand, rushed over to my side to look at the envelop.

"OMG! Quickly, open it!" Lee screamed in my ear.

"Okay weirdos, I'm out." Trevor insulted us, but we ignored it since we thought of it as more of a compliment.

"Better weird than like everybody else." Lee muttered.

I opened the envelope and anxiously read the letter. I could feel Lee's intense stare on me as I read. Immediately my face fell into a frown from what was being said in the letter. I dropped my hands to my sides shutting my eyes tightly.

"Kaylee? I'm guessing you didn't win?" Lee's voice was barely audible but I was still able to hear her.

"I... we... I WON!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"OMG YOU STUPID MUPPET! I'M GONNA PUNCH YOU IN YOUR VAGINA FOR DOING THAT TO ME!" Lee's voice never cracked once as she yelled.

"Do-you-know-how-painful-it-was-for-me-to-try-and-act-like-I-was-bummbed-when-something-this-amazing-just-happened?!" I said all in one breath.

We looked at each other for a moment in silence before grabbing onto each others hands and jumping up and down screaming hysterically. This was the best moment in my life so far and I get to share it with my bestest friend ever! Life was good! 

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