Let's Get Together (Harry Styles)

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My best friend Lee and I were on the top of the hill in the middle of the park. We had just ditched school and were now relaxing and looking up at the sky singing One Direction songs that came up on my iphone.

"Think that we got more time

When we're falling behind

Gotta make up our minds

Or else we'll play, play, play all the same old games

And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change

And we take, take, take it for granted that we'll be the same

But we're making all the same mistakes"

We sang in unison. The air was cool and the rustling of the trees and the birds chirping only made the moment all the more tranquil. Suddenly a futball came flying into the air over us. It seemed like everything was in slow motion. The ball came falling towards us and I screamed when it got closer. 

"HIYA!" I heard someone yell. I opened my eyes and saw Lee standing, towering over me. She looked as if she had just kicked something. I sat up and saw the ball flying in the air. I should have known that she would have taken this opportunity to kick a ball around. She was such a tomboy. 

"Whoa! Look at that beauty go!" She chirped putting her hand over her eyes to block out the sun. I shook my head, laughing at her boyish ways. 

"Good job you manly woman." I laughed.

"Shut up! I'm not manly!" She whined. Before I could come back with a witty reply, someone else spoke first.

"Great kick!" A deep voice came ringing in.

"Thanks, I'm a great Midfielder and Forwarder." Lee's team ego kicked in. 

"Oh please don't boost her ego." I sighed.

A guy started to come into view and I gasped realizing who it was. It was Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. Soon after, the rest of One Direction came into view. I glanced over at Lee who looked shocked as well.

"Hello." Harry smiled at the both of us.

"I'm guessing you guys know who we are?" Zayn asked knowingly from the looks on our faces. 

"Hi there." Liam greeted.

"Hey." Niall grinned. 

"Of course we know who you are." Lee gushed.

"This is so cool!" She continued.

"I'm Lee and this here is Courtni." Lee took the initiative of introducing us.

"Courtni. That's a really cute name." Harry smiled down at me. I bit my lip trying to hide my smile. 

"Thanks." I replied.

"Does Hazza have a little crush on the pretty girl?" Louis teased. Harry didn't deny anything but smiled bashfully.

"Aww! How cute!" Lee cooed in a sing-song voice. I blushed crimson from embarrassment. Lee was to me and Louis was to Harry. She really was the girl version of Louis, in every single aspect, no matter how much she denied it.

"By the way, isn't there supposed to be school today? What are you two doing out?" Liam noticed.

"Oh. Umm. Well, I'm going to a Uni near by, but futball practice was cancelled so I felt like not going today. Therefore, here I am." Lee admitted.

"Yeah, and I just didn't want to go to college." I confessed.

"A bunch of rebels we have here." Louis grinned. I noticed that he was checking Lee out.

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