Chapter 24~ Epilouge

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***Five Years Later*** 

~Liam's POV~ 

"Man, you sure you're ready for this?" Niall asked as we stood in my dressing room. 

"I've never been more ready for anything in my life. I love her, with my whole heart, she is my world and I need her, forever and always," I whispered, looking down at the intricately designed carpet. 

"Awh, come on, save the mushy gushy stuff for later!" Zayn whined, taking a sip of his first of many glasses of champain for the evening. 

"I wish Harry was here..." I whispered, sighing at the thought that one of my best friends wouldn't be here to support me on one of the biggest days of my life. 

It wasn't planned like this intentionally but Harry and Garrett planned their wedding for the week before mine and Madison's wedding, and they even booked their honeymoon so that's where they were. Vacationing on some Island in the Caribbean that Garrett had always wanted to go to. So my Best Man was Niall and my groomsmen were Zayn, Louis, and my dad Geoff. Madison's bridesmaids were Ruth, Nicola, and her best childhood friend Courtney, and her Maid of Honor was her grandmother Marie.

Just then there was a knock on the door and Nicola stuck her head in. 

"Hey little brother, you ready for this?" she wiggled her eyebrows at me as she took in my suit. 

"More than ready." I held my head high as I walked out of the room following Nicola and followed by Zayn, Niall, and Louis. My Dad was already out there with my Mum. 

After descending the staircase, I followed Nicky down into the church which was covered in pink flowers of every kind. My wedding. Jeez, this is really happening. It's a dream come true. Madi is a dream come true. 

Nicky showed us to a side entrance that went out directly to the front of the congregation. I went out and saw my Dad alreay standing there with the pastor and I went and stood next to him, followed by my best friends. 

We waited up there for about five minutes, waiting for the bridal party to come up the isle. My nerves were flying all over the place. I wasn't scared though. I was excited. I couldn't wait for Madison to become my wife. Five years together and eternity waiting. I didn't realize I was looking down at my fingers until Louis gasped and nudged me with his elbow. 

I looked up and to my great suprise I saw Harry and Garrett taking seats in the last row. Tears welled in my eyes. I couldn't believe they actually came back from their trip early for our wedding. They were due back in two days! Harry saw us looking at him and flashed his usual cheeky smile and waved vigorously at us. We all waved back and the entire congregation turned to look at them.  

The moment didn't last long though because the music started to play, and Madison's five-year-old cousin Maggie and my four-year-old nephew Allen began to walk down the isle, Maggie throwing pink rose petals and Allen holding a pillow with the rings. They were followed by Ruth who was dressed in a flowing baby pink gown. Then Nicola who was dressed in the same gown. Next came Courtney again in the same gown as the others. They all looked stunning. 

And the last women to descend the isle before Madi was Marie who was dressed in a different baby pink gown that complimented her body beautifully. 

Then the music slowed and every eye went to the back of the flower-filled church where Madison and her father appeared. Madison looked absolutely stunning. I'd never seen her more beautiful. She was wearing a ballgown style dress which corsetted down to her waist and then puffed out. It was beaded and accented her curves and her beautiful figure perfectly. (Picture in the sidebar of her dress). And she smiled at me and I felt like I was in heaven. I know it's cliche but I felt like the luckiest man alive and to be honest, I was. 

~Harry's POV~

A voice came from behind me, 

"Please rise for the bride!" I rose, still holding Garrett's hand. He squeezed mine, obviously excited about seeing his sister getting married. 

Then Madison appeared, looking stunning as ever and she had a veil over her face. She was staring at Liam and I could feel the chemistry between them, they were so in love. 

As I watched this scene unfold before me I flashed back to the moment when Garrett and I first met and shook hands, that moment when I was flashed forward to this moment. Isn't that incredible? I saw the exact dress Madi was wearing and the church and everything. It was a real vision. It was real love. 

~Madison's POV~ 

I couldn't take my eyes off of Liam as he stood up at the alter. He looked so handsome and happy and were those tears? Awh, he's crying! I thought. My mind was completely focused on him but somehow I still managed to do the proper walk and keep pace with the music. I didn't notice people snapping pictures around me, or the whispers that went through the crowd as I passed, or how tightly my Dad was holding onto my hand. In that moment it was just me and Liam. 

Finally we reached the front of the alter and my dad gave me a kiss on the cheek and one last hand squeeze. 

"I love you Darling," he whispered. 

"I love you too Daddy," I squeezed his hand back and then he transferred my hand to Liam's and electric transferred through our bodies like it did every time we touched. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. Then the priest began the ceremony. We had decided to write our own vows so Liam read his first. 

"Madi, baby I love you to the moon the stars and back, you complete me and I couldn't imagine my life with anyone but you. You are my other half and the first time I saw you I knew that. I remember exactly when and where I was when I saw you for the first time and in that moment I truly believed in magic. You are a living form of magic and there is not a doubt in my mind about that. I promise to be here for you until the end of forever. I will never leave your side. Five years together and eternity waiting. I promise my love." 

The tears were streaming. That was the most beautiful thing he had ever said to me. Jeez Madi compose yourself, you have to say yours now. I took a deep breath and recalled the vows that I rehearsed so many times. 

"Liam, I don't even know where to start, but I guess I will start with I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't know what I would do without you. I remember that day too, when I saw you for the first time. I felt the magic that transferred between our gazes and in a room full of people, it was just you and me. Not a day will go by where I don't love you. Forever and Always. You and me against the world." I finished with the tears streaming even harder. Thank God this is water proof makeup! 

The preist told us to exchange rings and we did and finally came the first kiss. 

It was magic, all over again. Together we were magic. 

The audience clapped profusely and stood as we made our way back down the isle. 

That was when I saw Garrett and Harry standing in the last pue and I was overwhelmed with more happiness if that was even possible. This was honestly the best day of my life. I couldn't be happier. 

As Liam and I walked out of the church people blew bubbles at us.

Liam opened the door to the limo for me.

"After you Mrs. Payne," he said and eternity began. 


So this is it! Can you believe it!? Sorry this is short but i didn't really want to make it long and sorry it has ttaken me so long to update but no school today so here it is! The last chappie! kinda sadd ): anyway i decided that I am going to be writing a normal love story as my next book. Sorry to all of you fanfic fans but hopefully you'll like this! I'll be starting it as soon as possible and be sending a message out to all of my fans when i do! 

So anyway thank you to all you readers<3 701 reads! so love you guys and please read my next story! love you all <3 ta ta for now little eggs! 

I hope you all enjoyed If I'm Louder, Would You See Me! <3333

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