Chapter 19

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~Marie’s POV~

“So everything is okay between us all now?” I asked quietly, nervous that the answer wasn’t going to be what I wanted. I squeezed Gene’s hand under the table, giving him hope but also giving me hope as well. My stomach was up in flurries wondering what was going on in their minds right now.

Everything was silent for a time that seemed like eternity. Finally they shared a glance that held the answer and it seemed like they were speaking telepathically. But I knew how that felt, Gene and I were like that, we knew each other so well that one glance was all it took to exchange all of our thoughts. 

“Yes, everything is okay between us now,” Our son Lorenzo said like he really meant it. His with Amy nodded in agreement and a huge sense of relief washed through both Gene and me. The weight that had been resting on our shoulders for the last eighteen years was finally lifted away and I felt like I weighed nothing. I felt like if I held onto a balloon, I would float away with it. It was a sensational feeling. I can’t even properly describe it in words.

Before I even realized what I was doing, I was on my feet and embracing first Lorenzo, then Amy and tears of happiness were streaming down my cheeks. Gene hugged them as well and I just felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and in a way, I felt free. I felt free of the burden that I had been carrying for eighteen long years and now they were over.

***** 3 days later *****

~Madison’s POV~

“Shit Liam. Are you going to get in trouble from Management about this?” I asked gripping to magazine in both hands firmly, studying to the words, wiling this to be a dream. I know it sounds stupid to say, but honestly I hate publicity, and that sounds stupid since I’ve dated now two mega-famous people who also happen to be best friends. I just wish that I could date Liam and all of our business would just stay private like normal relationships. But this isn’t a normal relationship! You are dating 1/5 of the world’s most famous boy band! I mentally yelled at myself.

Liam was pacing around my bedroom in my grandparents house while I sat on the bed reading the article over and over again.

“Probably. I probably won’t get in trouble about the photos and stuff but I’ll get in trouble that I didn’t tell them and/or run this by them before we made a scene in public,” his brow was wrinkled in frustration and his lips were pursed and I could tell that he was thinking intently. “I’m debating whether I should call them first and explain or wait for them to call me.” He continued to walk a trench into my carpet and actually his pacing was starting to get on my nerves.

“I would call them first. But on the bright side… these are really cute pictures of us embracing at the airport! I’m going to find one and on my phone and make it my screensaver. We just look so cute and romantic!” I said, staring particularly at the one of me, with my legs wrapped around Liam’s waist and my arms around his neck. He was holding me around my back and we were both leaned away from each other a bit so we were staring into each others eyes and smiling like goons.

“We do look cute but there’s no time for that. I mean re-read the first paragraph in the article!” Liam exclaimed frustrated. I looked down at the paragraph and read.

Singer and member of One Direction, Liam Payne shares a passionate embrace with fellow band member Harry Styles ex-girlfriend Madison Torez, while Styles is standing right by. It seems as though Styles didn’t really care about the embrace and was just talking to Torez’s brother Garrett Torez. Apparently Styles and Payne took a short break from their tour in Vegas to fly back up to LA to visit with the Torez family. Madison and Garrett Torez also happen to be the long-lost grandchildren of movie Director Gene Torez and world wide chef/restaurant owner Marie Torez. The family was reunited two and half weeks ago when Madison and Garrett flew in from London, surprising the elder Torez’s. But he real question to this mystery is what is going on between Payne and Torez and why does Harry seem to not care? See page 15 for the rest of the article.

“Why is the paragraph so bad?” I asked, genuinely confused.  

“It’s bad because first of all, our secret is out. Second of all, Management has to know about this and I’m going to get in trouble and third of all because they specifically mention that Harry didn’t seem to care and Management is going to ask why and we are going to have to tell them that Harry is suddenly gay and dating your brother! And lastly because Management didn’t know that Harry and I left Vegas! That was supposed to stay undercover, so all in all, we are in deep shit,” he explained, throwing his arms up in exasperation. Then he pulled his phone put but before he could dial anything I was on my feet and taking the phone from his hands. I slipped it into my back pocket as he said, “Hey, what the hell? I need to call Management to explain!” I placed both of my hands on his cheeks and forced him to look me in the eye.

“That can wait. Listen to me, you need to calm down. I know this is a big deal but too much stress isn’t good for you. Now let’s just take some soothing breaths because I think you are making this into a bigger deal than it actually is.” He just stared at me. “Close your eyes and take a deep breath,” I whispered, he closed his eyes and I closed mine too. He inhaled at the same time I did but before he could let his air out, I placed my lips gently onto his. I instantly felt him relax and he put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. I moved my hands to the nape of his neck where I played with his short hair. He wrapped his arms tightly around my body and sort of tugged me up a little so I knew he wanted me to jump. I did so and wrapped my legs around his waist and our faces were even. Our lips moved in sync and I opened my mouth, allowing him entrance without him even asking for it. His touched mine and they danced together. He walked forward, towards the bed where he dropped me on my back and climbed above me so his hands were on either side of my head and his knees resting on either side of my waist. My legs were still wrapped around his and I trailed my hands from his neck and down his muscular back. He broke the kiss and started trailing kisses down my jawbone to my neck where he left a small love bite. I started playing with the hem of his shirt and then as I slipped my hand underneath, his phone vibrated in my back pocket.

“Dammit,” I mumbled and he sat up and I handed him his phone. The look on his face as he read the caller ID clearly said it was Management and he hesitantly accepted the call.

“Hello?’ he said nervously.


Omg sorry its been like literally forever! Well almost two weeks but I've been soo busy with volleyball and school and ive had writers block and trust me I know this chapter is really boring but I saw I had 300 reads today and had to upload! Like holy shit! 300!!!??? Omg i love you guys. seriously that makes me sooo happy! last time i updated i had like 155ish! like holy shit you guys are so awesome! Thanks you! bye little eggs<3333

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