Chapter 8

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Soo over 60 reads and I can't thank you guys enough. Seriously, that gives me motivation! So that last chapter was pretty suspenseful right? What do you all think is going to happen to Madison? hmmm... well this chapter is dedicated to my bebe Robin <3

~Madison's POV~


They are so bright.

They are enveloping me in their greedy grasp.

I am frozen.

All I see is lights.


Then I see Harry, and I am scared.

I'm scared because I know that Harry is the reason I am here.

I am scared because I know I am leaving him, in more way than one.

And I am scared because I know the end is coming.

Suddenly, I am flying.

No pain, no hurt, no fear.


And all I want is him.

The one who wasn't there.


Suddenly I am pulled for my place of dreams and into consciousness. My eyes feel heavy so I wait to open them. But I can hear soft beeps and, and, and... someone talking? To me? I feel pressure on my hand and I realize that someone is holding it. But this hand feels unfamiliar. I recognize the voice as well but I can't tell from where. I begin to make out what they are saying.

"I have to make this quick because nobody knows I am here. I know I kind of acted like a jerk at first but that's just because I was scared. I was scared that I felt feelings for you that I shouldn't have felt after literally just meeting you. You were... are, just so perfect and beautiful and I was overwhelmed because I know I can't have you. There is no way you can be mine. You're Harry's." Harry, I know him. How? "And that's why I was kind of avoiding you but then you started talking to me about your grandparents and it just felt so good that you felt like you could trust me with something like that and I started to let my boundaries down. My walls began breaking and honestly I don't even really know you. Crazy huh? So then two days ago when we were in the restaurant, I just couldn't stop staring at you. The way you move is mesmerizing and I just was captivated. That's why Harry got pissed and ran outside and you followed and you... you..." his voice broke off and I could tell that he was crying. It all came back to me. Everything that happened in the past week with Harry, my boyfriend and Liam, the boy I have undeniable but unwelcome feelings for. And here he is, telling me that he feels the same way and that he feels guilt and regret. He didn't say those things but I knew that's what he was feeling.

Without even thinking, I gave his hand a little squeeze and my eyes began to blink open. I saw his head snap up to look at me and I gave him a weak smile.

"Hey Liam," I said and I saw the tears that were streaming down his face. He smiled and suddenly his tears stopped coming.

"Hey..." he whispered. "Erm, how much of that did you hear?"


"Enough," I say and he knows that I heard it all. His cheeks flush red with embarrassment and he turns his face away from me. I take my hand from his and I put it on his cheek, turning his head so he is facing me. "Hey, I won't tell... mostly because, well... I've felt the same things for you..." I admit and now my cheeks are the ones turning red. His eyes glisten and I can't help but feel my heart tug at the sight.

"Really?" he whispers again, almost like he believes that if he talks louder it won't be true. I nod my head and for some reason tears invade my eyes. Why am I crying? I blink them away as quickly as they can then say,

"But you can't tell anyone. I'm confused right now, especially with this whole thing," I wave my hand around at the hospital room that I am. "and I just have to figure some things out and I just don't know. It's all so confusing right now." I whisper the last sentence wishing it were easier.

"I promise I won't and to be perfectly honest, I am confused too. I don't even know what I am feeling. It's all just so strange..." He said, his eyes drifting around the room.

"It'll be our secret then? And please, please don't blame yourself for what happened to me. It was nobodies fault but mine. I should have looked both ways before I crossed the street," He nodded and said,

"You better tell Harry that. He's been beating himself up pretty badly thinking it was his fault."

"Oh no... speaking of what happened to me, uhm, can you tell me what exactly did happen to me?"

"Well, you were crossing the street, I'm assuming to go yell at Harry for making a scene and it was wet and a car was coming and you just didn't see it and it didn't see you in time. They girl tried to stop but the road was wet and she was going a little to fast and then you landed and broke you arm in three places and got a concussion and you have been in a coma for two days. They put a titanium rod in your arm by the way." I glanced down at my other arm and noticed for the first time the heavy cast that was cemented around it. "And Harry was the first to reach you since he was right there and he told Emily to call an ambulance and then he thought you were dead but Paul checked your pulse and announced you were still alive and then the ambulance came and took you away. I was really scared though. I can't even describe it." His eyes filled with tears again and squeezed his hand again.

"Wait... Emily?" I asked, confused. I don't remember an Emily.

"Oh... well it was kind of a weird coincidence. Remember that girl that was pulled from the audience at the interview the other day? Yeah well she just so happened to be the girl that hit you. Weird right? Anyway we were all pretty pissed at first until we realized that it really wasn't her fault, I mean she tried to stop and it's not like she killed you. But she's been here everyday and actually her and Niall sort of really hit it off... I think they are going to go on a date, with your permission of course. You have every right to be mad at her, she did almost kill you, but it was an accident and I guess we are all hoping for the best, because she is really nice and I mean if you don't forgive her she understands that and she'll leave Niall alone and I'm babbling aren't I?" he asked suddenly looking embarrassed. I laughed out loud. God he is cute.

"It's okay, I think I just got the whole 411 in about fifteen seconds." This time we both laughed, just as Harry walked in to see us laughing and holding hand.

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