Chapter 11

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hello lovelies<33 the video for the song is on the side bar... i hope... first timer over here.. lol okay well watch it cuz I love this song it got me through a tough time! --------->

Oh and I put in a cast for the story; Julianne Hough is playing Madison and Logan Lerman(Percy Jackson) is playing Garrett who is introduced in this chapter! heehe

~Madison's POV~

Just a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather, I was prayin' that you and me might end up together.

It's like wishin' for rain as I stand in the desert, but I'm holdin' you closer than most, cause you are my heaven...

Oh you are my heaven.

Tears stung my eyes for the millionth time that week.

I listened to the song, Drop in the Ocean by Ron Pope, over and over again while I packed. It described my situation exactly, but not the one with Harry but with Liam. I want to be with him more than ever right now. That kiss, that was just the most exuberant and exhilarating thing I had ever felt.

I'm not exactly sure what it is about Liam, but when I am with him, I just feel so real and alive, and like now I actually have a reason for being on this earth.

God, I missed him already. It's been a week since they left and I have only heard from Louis once. Nobody else. I haven't really tried texting anyone either... I kept telling myself that if they wanted to talk to me, they would.

I understand that they are really busy and stuff but, I just wanted maybe one little text, maybe even a Tweet from Liam so I knew that everything was okay. I hope he didn't tell anyone about our kiss.

Just then my suitcase, which I was packing with enough close to last me a week and a half, tipped off my bed, scattering my neatly packed clothing all over the floor.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself as I bent down to pick everything up.

"You know, Mum doesn't approve of cursing,"  a male's voice said from the doorway. My head snapped up and I saw my little brother Garrett, leaning against the threshold. My eyes lit up in surprise as I jumped up and threw my arms around him. I haven't seen him in ages because he is only 18 and still lives with our parents, 45 minutes away.

"Wait, how did you get in?" I asked, pulling away but keeping my hands on his shoulders.

"It was unlocked, you should know better. Don't want any robbers comin' in and stealin' my big sis away." I laughed and so did he. It felt good to see him again.

"So anyway, what are you doing here little brother?" I asked, calling him the nickname I have used since he was born. I turned and started picking up my clothes again, placing them back in my suitcase as neatly as possible. Garrett came over and started helping me.

"Well, Mum informed me that you are taking a "Spontaneous" trip to America and I decided to come and see why you are really going," he said, air quoting the 'spontaneous' and emphasizing the 'really'.

"It's just a trip. For fun," I said, avoiding eye contact. Garrett always new when I was lying.

"Mmhhmmm. Sure. Look me in the eyes and tell me that then." I remained silent. "Madi... tell me why you are really going. Is it to follow your boyfriend around? Does he know you're going. If he doesn't that's kinda creepy."

"No little brother, it is NOT to follow Harry around. How did you know I was even dating him? And we broke up last week before they left."

"I know because I'm not stupid. Even though I don't watch TV much or follow the tabloids, I do happen to notice when my sister is all over the news because she is... was, dating Harry Styles, 1/5 of the most popular boy band in the world, and then I hear that they have been dating for EIGHT MONTHS and she didn't even have the decency to let me know," he ranted, not actually mad but I could tell he was a little hurt.

"I'm sorry Gar... it's just that we agreed not to tell anyone until we came out to the public and I guess I just forgot to let you know. Please forgive me?" I begged.

"I'll forgive you if you tell me the REAL reason why you are suddenly heading off to America, with less than a weeks warning. And no lies this time." I sighed. I knew I had to tell him, he would find out sooner or later and it's probably better that it was sooner.

"I'm going to find Grandma and Grandpa..." I looked to the suitcase, just as an excuse to not see his facial expression. I thought I was gonna hear it. I thought he was going to start screaming and waving his hands all over the place, and tell me it was a bad idea but then he surprised me, as usual.

"Can I go with you?" He asked in such an innocent voice that I knew I had to say yes.

"I would love it, if you came with me," I responded.

"Really?!" He asked, his face lighting up like a little boy on Christmas. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, of course! My plane leaves in three hours so as soon as I am finished here, we will get you all packed up and head over to the airport!"

"Thank you! And on the way, you need to fill me in on all that's happened in the last few months. Starting with why you have a cast in your arm and cuts all over your face." I sighed... Oh boy... I'm going to get hell for not telling him this sooner. I thought to myself.

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