Chapter 14

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~Garrett's POV~

Madi and I waited outside of the hotel in utter silence. The frisk Autumn breeze rustled our hair and I watched as Madison tried desperately to hold onto her beanie but it was no use. She eventually ended up ripping it out of her hair and shoving it into her much to large 'purse', if you could even call it that. It looked more like a large dog bag that was missing the dog.

I could tell her was nervous too, she kept tapping her pointer finger and thumb together and then after three taps, she would shake her hands violently as if to start her pattern over. It was her nervous habit; it had been that way since we were children.

"You're nervous," I stated. She looked me, pretending to be oblivious.

"Why would you say that? I'm not nervous. Why would I be?" I took her hand in mine to stop her tapping.

"I can just tell. No need to lie me Mads, I understand that you haven't seen him in eighteen years and it's harder for you because you actually remember him. I don't so that's why I'm not so nervous. Just relax. Everything's going to be fine." I gave her hand a squeeze and I felt her relax a bit. We then fell into another silence as we stared at the passing cars. I checked my watch. He should be here any minute. I felt my own nerves starting to act up but I sent them away as quickly as they came.

A couple minutes later, still hand in hand, we watched as a black Audi a4 convertable pulled up the curb directly in front of us.

Then a man stepped out and starting walking towards us.

His face was wrinkly and he had a big nose. There were worry lines above his dark eyebrows and his hair was a soft gray and a bit wavy and unkempt. His eyes were brown and he had a mole on his right cheek. He gave us a slight smile as he got closer and closer.

I glanced at Madi nervously, making sure he was the right guy and I saw that her eyes were brimmed with tears and I knew this was him. This was our Grandfather.

He stopped right in front of us and looked at us in such a loving way.

"Wow, you guys are big!" He exclaimed as he took in first my appearance and then Madison's, eyes resting on her cast after examining the scratches on her face. "My God, what happened to you!?" his American accent ever so present.

"It's a long story..." she whispered, keeping her eyes downcast.

"Well we have a lot of time," he smiled. Then Madi shocked me, she let go of my hand and stepped towards our grandfather, arms opening for a hug. He opened his arms as well and she all but hurled her body into his. "I've missed you," I heard her mumble. He stroked her hair, looking rather surprised by the affection. "I've missed you too sweetheart. You have no idea," he whispered back.

Then she pulled away and took a step back. Gene looked to me and stuck out his hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm your Grandfather." A flashback played through my mind of the scene from Star Wars were Darth Vader says, "Luke, I am your father." I smiled at the memory and shook his hand willingly.

"Hi, I am Garrett. Your grandson," we laughed together and he said,

"I know, I know. Well I guess we should start heading home, we have a lot to catch up don't we?"

Madison nodded in unison as we grabbed our bags and followed our grandfather to his car.

Once we were on the highway, Madi in the passengers seat and me in the back the small talk started flowing. Nothing heavy, just the light and easy stuff and it felt good. It was almost unreal actually. I never thought I would have to the chance to "catch up" with my grandpa. I never thought I'd actually meet him either  but here I am, sitting in the backseat of his car.

Madi and Gene agreed that they would save all the explaining and stuff for later when we were at their house with our grandma Marie. "It would be easier to only explain it once" Madi said.

We all agreed and for a moment, I forgot about the secret I was keeping from everyone. The one that had been itching at the back of my head for months, bursting with the desire to be told, but I knew I couldn't. It wasn't in the rules to tell.


hello! Soo hmmm... what could be Garretts secret!? heheehee cliffhanger. Sorry love those. No joke. But theyre grandpa is over in the sidebar. I picked Robert De Niro to play him, soo yeah. Next chapter youre gonna me Marie annd I am going to do a little Liam AND Harry POV"S! whoohooo! ehehee bye bye lovelies<33

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