Chapter 3

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~Liam's POV~

I was sitting on the end of my bed, head in my hands, when Zayn walked into my room.

"You were acting like a total dick you know." I looked up not hiding the look of confusion on my face. "To Madison. You totally made her feel like shit. She thinks she did something wrong, which she didn't so I don't know why you are acting the way you are. It was unnecessary and uncalled for and she deserves an apology from you." With that, he turned and left just as suddenly as he came.

I know I acted like a douchebag to her but I couldn't help it. I always acted like that when I was jealous. And I don't even know why I was jealous, it's not like I even knew her. She was Harry's girlfriend. They had been dating for what, eight months if I heard correctly.

It's just that when I first laid eyes on her, it was like nothing else in the world mattered anymore. I just wanted it to be me and her.

So I guess since I know that  isn't really possible, I was just trying to push her away so I wouldn't get too attached. It has happened before.

A while ago, I met this girl named Cindy who was dating this guy named Alex and I couldn't stop myself from keeping in touch with her. Slowly, I began to fall hard but I knew she was taken. She ended up tearing my heart up by choosing Alex over me.

Why do I seem to have a thing for the taken ones?

Zayn was right though, I needed to apologize to her and I don't think it could wait. There were better ways to keep my distance from her than hurting her feelings. 

I left my room, grabbing my keys on the way.

"Anyone know where Madison's apartment is?"

"It's on James Dr. I think it's the fourth building on the left. Why?" Niall answered.

"Zayn, you're right. I need to apologize." Then I was out the door.

~Harry's POV~

There was a knock on the door. I sighed. Who the fuck could that be? I thought. I rolled off from on top of Madison, watching her sigh as well. I pulled on my boxers quickly before heading over to open the door. Madison pulled the sheet over her because her apartment was so small that there wasn't a bedroom, everything was just one room.

I opened the door and my eyes widened in shock. Standing there was Liam. He looked me up and down and seemed to notice Madison, on her bed with just the sheet over her and his eyes widened as well.

"Oh, uhm, sorry... I didn't mean... I just wanted..." Then he looked directly at Madison whose cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry for acting like such a dick." Then he turned on his heel and walked away. 

I turned and jumped onto the bed, wrapping Madison in my arms. "Well, that was awkward," I laughed. She seemed distant though... like she had ever since we left the hotel.

"Tell me about it... At least he has probably seen you in your boxers before," she said. Then added, "Well that was nice of him to come over and apologize. I wonder who convinced him to do that..."

"Probably Zayn, he's like that."

"Ah..." she said and I cut her off with a kiss.

~Madisons POV~

The next morning, Harry and I drove over to the hotel but I couldn't get my mind off of Liam. The way he came by last night to apologize and he looked so sincere about it too. He looked like it had truly bothered him that he had hurt my feelings. I also couldn't stop thinking about the emotions that washed over me every time I saw him. Harry interrupted my thoughts by saying,

"We have a signing today and I want you to come so I can sort of introduce you to the fans. I'm sure they'll be psyched to meet you, and they will absoutely love you when they do." I smiled and took his hand in mine.

"I hope so... I'm nervous about the fame that I will start getting though. I mean you always talk about the paps being everywhere, even with El. I mean, do you think they will start following me around too?"

"Probably but we have people that make it easy to stay on the down-low." I squeezed his hand.

"I hope so..."

Once we got to the hotel Louis immediately greeted us saying that he knew what happened last night. "Looks like some people were having fun." Then he winked making me feel sort of uncomfortable.  I noticed Liam, eating a bowl of cereal while leaning against the counter with a small smirk on his face. Great... we are never going to live this one down. I thought. But again I felt those emotions sweep over me when I looked at him, hair all disheveled from just waking up. He had on a tight grey shirt that accented his biceps and shoulder muscles. And he had on grey plaid pajama pants that just made him look really sexy. Then he put his bowl into the sink and disapeared into his room to get ready for the signing. Everyone else appeared to be all set to go so Harry and I took a seat on the couch and turned on the television.

"Zayn, was it you that talked Liam into coming over last night?" Harry asked. Zayn threw up his hands in defense,

"Hey I only told him that he needs to apologize to you and that he was acting like a dick. It was his decision to do it right away." Harry and I laughed.

"I can't even tell you how awkward that was..." I said while laughing so it came out all short of breathe. Pretty soon all 5 of us were laughing uncontrollably for no good reason. Then Liam stepped out of his room and looked around confused.

"What did I miss?" He asked.

"We were just laughing about how awkward that was last night," Harry laughed. Liam broke out into laughter as well and said,

"You have no idea!" It hit me that this was the first time I actually heard Liam laugh and the sound was like heaven on earth.

Suddenly the door bust open and Paul came running in, "What are you all doing? We need to get going or we are going to be late!" The mood was instantly killed and we filed out the suite and out into the van, waving at the fans who were waiting for us.


Cast your eyes over to the sidebar, that picture of Liam is just tooooo damn sexy. I'm sorry

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