Chapter 9

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~Liam's POV~

The look on Harry's face said it all. He absolutely hated me. Madison and I could see the vain that was popping from his forehead as he stared at us hand in hand. Then Madison pulled her hand from mine and said,

"Harry! It's not what it looks like!"

"Oh yeah? What is it then? Because it sure as hell looks like my girlfriend just woke up from a coma that was entirely his fault," he pointed to me "And now she is holding his hand like she forgives him for doing this to her," He bellowed, waving his hand around Madison's body. Harry... blamed me? I looked at Madison and I could see the hurt that reflected from her face.

"Harry..." she said quietly. "It's not his fault and it's not yours either. It's nobodies fault but mine. I was stupid enough to cross the damn road without looking and now I'm paying for it. Apologize to Liam." She said motherly. Harry was quiet for a moment, just staring at her, searching her face. Then he turned to me and said,

"Get out."

"What?" I asked.

"I said, get. out." He said through gritted teeth, pointing at the door. Without another word, I stood from the chair by Madison's bedside and exited the room quickly and quietly, knowing that I didn't want to upset Harry again.

Once I was out in the hallway alone, I paced the corridor.

Harry thinks that Madison's accident is my fault? He thinks that I caused this? Why? Because I was staring at her and he got pissed? I mean I have thought it was my fault too but I thought that Harry thought it was his fault this whole time! Then Madi tells me it's her fault and Harry says it's mine, we all thought it was Emily's at first so who is really at fault here?

It's nobody's fault. Sometimes in life unlikely events happen. And when those events happen in a short period of time and one after the other, they are called an unlikely string of events. And when those events add up to something extreme, it is called coincidence.

If Emily hadn't been at the interview today, she would have gotten the errands she was running done sooner and she wouldn't have been driving down that street at that time. If I hadn't been staring at Madison, Harry wouldn't have gotten jealous and pissed. If Harry knew how to control himself, he wouldn't have made and scene and stormed out, and went across the street. If Madi hadn't been so embarrassed and upset about Harry's outburst, she wouldn't have forgotten to look both ways before crossing the street. If it hadn't been raining ten minutes beforehand, Emily's car would have been able to stop quicker.

This was all just coincidence and a harsh reminder that our lives do not rest souly in our hands but the hands of others as well.

~Madison's POV~

I was so mad at Harry. How could he be so rude? That side that I saw of him wasn't the Harry that I knew. That was the jealous, mean, angry, hateful Harry, and all of that was directed at one of his best mates.

"I can't believe you..."  I whispered, keeping my head turned away from him so he couldn't see the anger that I was feeling.

"Madi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it," he tried to turn my face but I held it where it was and he gave up.

"Yes you did Harry. You meant every word."

"I was just mad and a bit jealous!"

"I don't understand why though? What did he do?! Why are you so mad and jealous of him?!" I practically yelled, turning my head to finally look at him.

He was silent for a few moments, thinking his response over carefully. "I was mad because he was here when you woke up, not me. And I was mad because it's his fault that you are like this. And I'm mad that he looks at you the way he does. I am jealous that you were holding his hand and I am also jealous that he was here when you woke up too. I wish it was me. And I am jealous because you look at him the same way he looks at you and I am jealous because I heard you, calling for him during your nightmare the other night and you were telling me to go away. And lastly I am jealous and SAD because I feel like I am losing you to him." His words cut through me like knives and I see that there are tears streaming down his face. I notice that they are falling down mine too. I reach out and wipe them from his cheek but leaving my hand caressing his face.

"Oh Harry... you know I love you..." I said, leaving the sentence hanging.

"But?" He said knowingly. I didn't know what to say so he answered for me. "But not the same way you used to. You have some sort of feelings for Liam don't you?" He said and more tears began to fall from his beautiful green eyes. I could feel my heart breaking, knowing that I was causing this. I love him, I really do, but I'm just so confused right now. I don't know what to think anymore.

I let the tears flow freely. "I don't know. I'm just so confused right now. Nothing is making sense in my head. I am not being fair to either you or Liam and I am especially not being fair to the band. I am causing tension and it's affecting you guys. You and Liam had such a good friendship and it kills me to know that I am ruining it."

"Are you... b-breaking up with me?" he asked so brokenly that I just wanted to rip my heart out of my chest to stop the pain it was causing me.

"I think I just need some time right now. I need to get everything sorted out in my head and plus you guys are going away to America in what, a week? I think it's best we take a break and when you guys come back to Europe, we will get everything together again and see how things go from there, okay?" He nodded and he just looked so helpless as he sat here crying.

"I love you. I really do. Don't forget it. I'll always love you, even if we aren't together," he whispered, avoiding eye contact. I turned his face so he was looking me straight in the eye.

"I love you too Haz, there will always... always, be a place in my heart for you, and don't you forget that either," Then I leaned in and kissed his forehead.

"Goodbye Madison," he stood from the chair and turned to walk out the door. He looked back before he turned the handle, tears staining his cheeks.

"Goodbye Harry. I'll talk to you soon okay?" He nodded and then he was gone.

I have never felt more alone.


Hey guys, thanks for all the reads<3 this chapter was so hard to write! Like i was getting all choked up! ),: Poor Harry Madi and Liam! </3

okay let me know what you think! thankss(:

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