Chapter 13

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~Liam's POV~

"Helloooo Los Angeles! Boy have we missed you!" Louis yelled, spreading his arms wide as we walked out of the LAX airport. We laughed and Harry jumped onto his back and messing up Louis' hair. Larry Stylinson moment.

I saw the flashes of the paparazzi and heard the screaming of fans as we were ushered by Paul to the black van waiting for us, but I didn't pay attention to any of it.

For the past week all I have thought about is Madison. She is constantly on my mind, it's like I am addicted to thinking about her. What is she doing now? Where is she going? Who is she hanging out with? Who is she talking to? Who is she texting? I wanted to text her so bad but I was waiting to see if she would text me first. You know like, if she wants to talk to you she will, kinda thing.

Harry keeps talking about her too. Almost like he is sort of trying to taunt me. He doesn't know that we kissed but he knows I have feelings for her. But him constantly bringing her up is just so frustrating! Like I know you still love her, now shut up!

Things haven't really gotten much better between me and Harry. It's still all tense and awkward.

As I sat in the van, I thought about Madison and wondered where she is right now.

And as we began to drive away, my eyes flicked to the door of the airport, just as a familiar looking blond haired, blue eyed, young woman walked out.

It can't be... I thought as the van pulled away.

~Madison's POV~

Garrett and I walked out the airport doors and the first thing I noticed was 75 or so, screaming girls, all holding One Direction signs.

What the hell? I first thought but then I watched as a black, tinted windowed van drove away.

No... it can't be... They can't be in Los Angeles today. Of all days?  They were just in New York. Weren't they?

Garrett seemed to put two and two together as well and he placed a sympathetic hand on my shoulder. But just as soon as I started to feel a bit better, he slapped my shoulder and said,

"Sure you're not following them, yeah?" I slapped him on his shoulder and said,

"Yes, I'm very sure."

"Alright then, I guess we should start with the phone book?"

"I guess so..."

After about five minutes, we located a phone book back inside the airport, underneath a payphone. We skimmed the pages and found that there was a total of 14 Eugene Torez's and 31 Marie Torez's listed. Great.

"Mad, we are going to be standing here all day, calling these numbers," Garrett whined.

"No we are not." I looked around hastily before ripping the pages out of the book and shoving them in my brown leather hobo bag.

Then we called for a taxi and headed to the hotel I made reservations for.

Once in our hotel room, we sat down at the desk and using the phone provided with the room, we began making calls. We started with the Eugene's because there was a shorter list.

The first ten calls, all started and ended the same way.

"Hi, are you Eugene Torez?"

"Yes, who is speaking?"

"I'm Madison and I was wondering if you ever had a son named James who moved to London?"

"No sorry."

"Okay, thank you for your time."

By the thirteenth call, we were getting tired of repeating the same thing, but we dialed the last number, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Quoting the One Direction "Forever Young" cover.

"Hello, Gene Torez speaking," said a mans voice that I instantly recognized.

Suddenly it was the Christmas right after my third birthday, and before we left for London. I was sitting in the kitchen of my Grandparent's house, watching my grandpa cook the beans and mashed potatoes for dinner. Then the phone rang and he swiftly reached over and picked it up saying "Hello, Gene Torez speaking."

"Hello?" I was pulled from my flashback by the mans voice.

"Grandpa?" I said without even thinking. I could hear the mans breathing stop short and it took him a few seconds before he finally responded.

"Who is this?" he asked coldly.

"It's Madison... and Garrett..." I said shyly and Garrett looked at me questioningly. He was silent again for a good minute and I could hear him taking deep breaths on the other end of the phone.

"Are you guys okay? Are you in trouble? Where are you? Where are your parents? How did you find us?" the questions came pouring out and I decided to put it on speaker phone.

"You're on speaker phone now," I felt the butterflies in my stomach at the fact that I was actually talking to my grandpa after 18 years. Garrett was only a couple months old when we left. "Well, we are fine. We are in LA, staying at a hotel, our parents are back in London and we found you in the phone book." I replayed.

"What hotel are you staying at? I'm going to come get you... if that's okay with you?" I looked to my little brother and he nodded reassuringly. I gave Gene the name of our hotel and he told us he would be here in twenty minutes and that we should wait outside for him.

Eighteen long years and I was just twenty minutes away from seeing my grandparents again. Nothing could compare to the feeling... well except of course, kissing Liam.


Ugh my computer is giving me major technical difficultiessss! grrrrrrrr. Gawd Karen why are you so stupid? "mean girls quote" I named my laptop Karen so I could say that when she starts acting up... lol i crack myself up. ANYWAY! third upload of the day whoohooo! the video for "Forever Young" is on the sidbar.! haha bye bye my lovelies <333

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