Chapter 10

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Hey, so I think this chapter is going to be kinda short and lame, but my bebe Robin said I should put it in... Soo maybe I'll add another chapter later. Who knows? KK love y'all<3

~Madison's POV~

"Alright Ms. Torez, you are all set to go. Don't forget to take these meds twice a day and don't hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns. Well, have a great day and get plenty of rest," exclaimed the young nurse. Then she exited the room, leaving me alone with the five boys.

I looked around at them awkwardly. I guess it's time for goodbyes... I thought.

"So, this is goodbye?" Niall asked sadly. Apparently Harry had filled them all in on the situation earlier, including Liam.

"Yeah... this is goodbye," I said looking down and shoving my hands into the front pockets of my high waisted shorts. We were all silent for a minute or two, none of us wanting this to come to an end, but knowing that it must. "Look guys, I know that this is hard for all of us but it's what is best for the band right now. Me being around is tearing you guys apart and I can't let that happen. There is something special between all of you, a bond, that's not meant to be broken. But then I come along and I am breaking it. It's not fair and hopefully one day things will be easier but for now we, meaning Harry, Liam and I, need some time away from each other to sort things out. But I need you all to remember that I love you all and I won't forget you and I'll be following you every move and texting you guys and stuff. I'll just act like your most dedicated fan. And then when you guys come back to London we'll meet up and see where things go from there, okay? Now go kick some ass in America!" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. They all chuckled but then grew serious again.

"We love you too Madi and I know I'll text you all the time," Louis said in a soft voice.

"Me too," Zayn added.

"And definitely me three," Niall chirped in. Liam and Harry just nodded, looking at their feet.

I hugged Niall, Zayn and Louis and then asked if I could talk to both Liam and Harry separately. They each agreed and then I pulled Harry into the hallway to talk to him first.

"Harry, I know I've already talked to you a bit but I just wanted to say one last goodbye."

"I'm going to miss you so much Madi... You have no idea. You mean the world to me and I will still keep in touch." I saw tears fill his eyes.

"I'm going to miss you too. I'll talk to you soon though okay?"

"Okay. I'll always love you. Don't forget it."

"I won't, and same goes for you." I kissed him on the cheek and gave him one last hug. And then he turned and walked down the hallway and out of the hospital, America bound.

I walked back into the room where Liam was waiting and he gave me a soft smile.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I said back.

"I don't really know what to say, but I'm really sorry it had to come to this. You and Harry were so good for each other and I just came in between it."

"No Liam, I came in between you and Harry. Even though I love Harry, we aren't mean for each other. I realize that now."

He didn't really know what to say so he just raised his eyebrows and murmured and "Ah.."

"Well, have fun in America! And don't forget about me okay?" I asked.

"I could never.." He said, turning to leave but then stopping abruptly. "Madison one last thing. Follow your heart. Maybe go find your grandparents or something." I just stared at him speechless. I wasn't expecting that.

He stared back at me, waiting for me to say something but I just felt so drawn to him.

In an instant, I closed the gap between us, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his. At first he was shocked, but slowly he melted into my body, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

Our lips moved together perfectly in sync. Our mouths opened together and our tongues danced. It felt so right to be here in his arms, with his lips against mine. It felt like this was where I was meant to be, not with Harry.

I'm not sure how long we stood there like that but when we eventually pulled away, we kept our foreheads touching as we smiled at each other.

"I was not expecting that," Liam finally whispered and I felt his warm minty breath wash over my cheek.

"Honestly, me neither," I whispered back. He placed another little peck on my lips and then pulled away.

"I'll be talking to you soon Madison," and then he was gone.

As I drove home from the hospital in my car which Louis had driven over for me, I replayed everything that has happened in the last week, over and over again in my mind, and as I replayed the last scene, I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.


Okay, that turned out a little longer and more interesting than I was expecting.. haha, hope Y'all liked it! <333

If I'm Louder, Would You See Me?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant