Chapter 1

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Hey Guys, well I'm unsure about the title to this story so if you have any ideas please please please let me know! I hope you enjoy!

"Harry, we can't keep hiding like this. It isn't fair to me or to you." I said as my head rested against his naked chest. My finger was slowly tracing the star that was tattoo'd on his left bicep. His other arm was wrapped tightly around me and his palm rested on my hip. He took a deep breath,

"I know. It's just that once we tell them they are going to want us to go public, and I don't know, but I like having you all to myself." He rolled over on top of me, his body pressing against mine. I giggled, he is so cute, I thought as I stared into his deep green eyes and entwined my fingers in his brown curly hair.

He pulled the sheet up over us once more.

Later, as we were both getting dressed he let out a long and intentional sigh.

"What?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"I love you, you know?"

I smiled, "I love you too."

"And if you want to come out to the boys, and even the public then we will do it. I just want you to be happy. So, how about we head back to the hotel now and we can all go out for dinner?"

"Really?!" I jumped up and down in excitement, like a little girl who just learned they were getting a puppy.

"Yes really!" Then he picked me up and spun me around, landing a little peck on my lips.

We drove my car over to the hotel and parked in the back so the crowd of screaming girls wouldn't see us. In the elevator on the way up, my stomach was all jittery and I twirled a piece of my naturally straight blond hair in between my fingers. It was a nervous habit and Harry knew it. He took my hand in his and whispered in my ear,

"Don't be nervous, love. They will adore you, i know it."  I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

We stood outside the door to the King's Suit. "You ready?" he asked. I inhaled sharply and nodded my head. Then he inserted the room key and turned the handle and pushed open the door.

It was a big room, with two couches and a large flat screen. Behind the TV were doors to a balcony and over to the left was a small kitchen. There were four separate doors, each of which I was guessing was a bedroom and then then there was a hallway leading to another set of two doors. On my left was a coat closet and next to that was a bathroom.

Sitting on the couch watching a football game were three heads. One was blond, one had dark brown, almost black hair that was neatly styled and the other had light brown hair. Even from behind I could easily recognize them as Niall, Zayn and Louis.

Harry cleared his throat and Louis started saying, "Haz! Finally! I was-" but he stopped short when he noticed me standing hand in hand with Harry. He glanced quickly between the two of us before smiling widely and jumping over the back of the couch, hand extended. "Hi! I'm Louis the Tomo Tomlinson!" Harry and I laughed in unison. I shook his hand.

"Hi! I'm Madison Torez!" By then both Niall and Zayn were getting up from the couch to come greet me. They both introduced themselves and then Harry said,

"Where's Liam?"

"He's hiding in his room. He was having a little temper tantrum that Great Britain lost to USA." Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Well anyway guys, this is Madison and she is my girlfriend."

"When did this happen?!" Louis exclaimed loudly. Harry and I looked at each other. It was better that they knew the truth.

"Uh, well, when you guys came to a signing here in London, we met and we've been seeing each other ever since," I said timidly. There was a silence and then Niall said,

"Wait... the last time we came to a signing here was eight months ago..."

"Yeah... Madi wanted to tell you guys sooner but I didn't want to go public and I kinda liked having her all to myself..." Harry trailed off. The three boys exchanged glances before Zayn stepped forward and wrapped me in a big hug, saying,

"Welcome to the family!" An instant waved of relief washed through me and Haz as Louis and Niall started clapping like it was some sort of ceremony.

Just then, the door to one of the bedrooms opened and a God like figure stepped out. He had light brown hair that was styled to perfection. His lips were full and delicious looking, he had a few moles on his face and neck and they just made him look even more sexy. And then his eyes, a deep brown, so full of depth you could get lost in them.

"What's all the commotion about?" Then our eyes locked and the world around us stopped.

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