Chapter 18

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~Harry's POV~

He was beautiful, flawless, perfect to say the least. His eyes, ocean blue beamed as they looked me in the eye. I felt my back get hot like it always does when I'm embarrassed. I introduced myself and he continued stare.

The longer he stared the more butterflies went up in my stomach. But then a look of first confusion, then fear and then shock flashed across his face as he registered my name. Maybe he's a male Directionator? Who knows, but I wanted to know his name.

"And you are?" I prodded. I really wanted to know. No I HAD to know. I had to know him better. He just looked so innocent and loveable. His face looked slightly boyish but in a handsome way. His lips, they looked so... kissable and his eyes I could stare at them all day.

"Garret Torez." He stated, his voice was shaky, like he was nervous. But then it registered for me. Garrett Torez. That's Madison's brothers name. He is Madison's brother. Holy shit.

His face twisted up in a weird sort of way like he was thinking about something intensely. I knew he knows who I am. She must have told him about me, she always talked about how they were so close.

I didn't even  notice the people staring all around. Right now, it was just me and him in the room.

Wait what the fuck? Harry, you're not gay. Are you? You always had a bit of a thing for Lou but that was just because of the fans right? Maybe... Thinking about Lou made me remember why I actually bumped into this boy in the first place. He was making a fool of himself somewhere while I stood there and had some weird connection and instant feelings for this boy, whom also just so happened to be Madison's little brother. No. No. You can't have feelings for a BOY! You're NOT gay Harry! I was ready to slap myself upside the head to snap out of it.

Say something... You are beginning to look stupid just standing here and people are staring at your staring. A little voice inside my head told me.

"Are you Madison's brother?" I asked, even though I already knew. That was a stupid question. Why did you ask that Harry?!

"Uh... yeah. Nice to finally meet you." He held out his hand for me to shake. Cute and polite, I thought.

I took his hand in mine and as our skin touched something strange happened.

I was suddenly flashed forward to the future.

Maybe a few years or so and I was in a church. It was decorated nicely, as if it was ready for a wedding. That was when I noticed that I was sitting in a pue and I had a nice, exspensive sports jacket on. There were people around me too. They were all dressed fancy and there were little pink flowers all around us. I saw famous people all around as well. And there was preist standing at the alter and a familiar man standing in front of him. It was Liam. There were three other men on Liam's left. They were Naill, Louis and Zayn. Why wasn't I up there?

Then a voice came from behind me.

"Please rise for the bride!" Wait, if Liam is standing up there, that means he's the one getting married. But to who? I went to stand and realized that I was holding someones hand. I looked at them and saw it was Garrett. He was looking down the aisle, smiling like a moron but he didn't let go of my hand. I also noticed that we were both wearing silver wedding bands around our ring fingers.

Then the bride emerged from the once closed doors. She looked stunning, dressed in a white, strapless wedding gown. It had a sweetheart neckline and it corseted down the the waist and then it poofed out, creating a ball gown effect. She had a veil over her face and pink flowers in her hand. As she  got closer, I saw her face. 

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