Chapter 21

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~Harry's POV~

"So Harry, Garrett, I understand you that you too are here to tell us some important news?" The interviewer, Michele said to us as we sat in front of a live studio audience on some national news network that I don't even know the name of. The show was premiering live too so both mine and Garrett's nerves were through the roof.

Before the show we had talked to Simon and decided that I was going to be the one to tell everyone and that we wouldn't show and displays of PDA other than maybe a simple hand squeeze, if it came down to that.

Michele looked at us and raised her eyebrows expectantly. The audience was silent. Even the fans outside didn't make a sound. (There was a live screen showing them) I looked towards the boys and Madison who were all standing off to the right, just off stage. I felt the sweat breaking out under the curls that hung loosely on my forehead.

Then I felt Garrett's fingers entangle with mine and suddenly, everything seemed so much easier. I felt as though we could somehow make it through this with no complications. Garrett and me against the world.

"Well...?" Michele asked, eyeing our entwined fingers.

I took a deep breath and relaxed. "So... we are here to announce that this boy, Garrett and I are dating. He is my boyfriend and I love him."

"And I love Harry," Garrett chimed in, his accent as thick as mine. There was a loud gasp from the crowd and Michele included but I didn't care. All I cared about was the relief I felt from telling the world our secret and as I stared into Garrett's gorgeous blue eyes, I knew it was all going to be okay. It doesn't matter what they say, as long as we had each other.

Michele stared at us wide-eyed, obviously she had not been expecting this. Especially since we didn't even do a run through of the show before we came on. "So... you guys are gay? And this why you you don't care that your best friend is dating your ex-girlfriend?"

"Yes ma'am. Madison is totally okay with and so are the rest of the boys and even Management excepts us so now all we need is the support of our fans and we will be happier than ever." I looked over to the boys and Madsion and they all smiled at us and then I looked onto the screen that showed the fans outside and saw that a girl who had once been holding a neon pink sign that said "I LOVE HARRY" had now flipped it over and wrote in black Sharpie, "I SUPPORT HARRETT."  My heart melted at the sight of the sign because it hadn't even been two minutes and she already supported us.

Then I saw a girl holding her hands above her head in the shape of a heart and within a few moments, the entire crowd outside was doing the same. Then I looked to the studio audience and saw that they too were holding their hands high, forming a heart.

But the most touching part about this scene was that everyone was silent. Not a word was spoken and somehow the silence brought more power and meaning to the moment. I couldn't help it, before I could stop myself, a tear slipped from my eye, and then another and another. I felt Garrett reach up and wipe them away and I leaned my face into his touch.

I saw Michele put her hand to her heart and jut out her bottom lip while stifling sniffles, as if she was about to cry.

"Wow... this really something beautiful. Look at all of these people supporting you." She said sweetly.

"I know, our fans are truly amazing and we love every single one of you guys, we would be no where without you and your support means the world to both of us. You guys are the best," I said and Garrett agreed.

"Awh, how darling. But that's all we have time for today. Hope to see you soon and best of luck you too!"

~Garrett's POV~

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