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y/n's pov
i was chilling in my room with my friend paige until she said the worst thing possible.

"i can't believe we have school tomorrow," she whined. "can i just drop out and become a stripper?"

"why'd you have to remind me?" i said as i threw a pillow at her.

"you know, you've changed so much this summer. in a good way— i don't know explain it.. you became more confident?," said Paige.

"i think this was just the summer i needed." i look out the window and saw him. Mattia recently moved into the house next to me and i wasn't 100% complaining.

"chileee mattia polibio is fine as FUCK. id let him dick me down any day," she said with a smirk. "wouldn't you?"

"of course, i'm not blind. he can get it any day." i look him up and down.

mattia was still settling in and he was moving his bed to the corner while his desk was a across from his bed. i'm not gonna lie, last year he'd definitely caught my attention a couple times but i was always too scared to do anything. his confidence always intimidated me and the fact that EVERY girl liked him? no thank you, so i steered clear.
i never really thought of mattia during the summer, you know too busy partying with other girls and guys.

"alright," paige interrupted my thoughts. "i'm gonna go home and start gathering school materials together."

"oh shit me too." i toss paige her car keys and she catches it while opening my door. "drive safe"

"i will. love you babe. see you tomorrow"

mattia's pov
the new house i moved too wasnt so bad and i only say that now cuz i looked out my window and saw my new neighbor. she looks familiar but damn she was cute.
we make eye contact and i stare at her hard. she walks to the window and i thought she was gonna open it and say something but nope. she closed the curtains. whatever. i'll get you one day.

the next day
y/n's pov
i wake up and immediately get dressed for school.

i wasnt use to waking up this early— my head was throbbing like crazy

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i wasnt use to waking up this early— my head was throbbing like crazy.
"hey mom i'm gonna go to school now," i yell while walking to the door"

"okay honey have a good first day," my mom replied from her room upstairs.

as i get into my car, i see mattia do the same and he looks over and winks at me. i roll my eyes and get into my car.

school was about a 5 minute drive which wasn't too bad but of course.. mattia gets there at the same time as me and parks directly next to my car.

"so my neighbor goes to the same school as me," he says as he closes his car door.

"i've been going to the same school as you Polibio," i say annoyed. i mean i know i was shy last year but come on, how did he not know i went to school with him?

"sorry ive never notic-", mattia began to say before he was interrupted by one of my friends.

"hey y/n there you are ," said jason.

jason was one of my good friends.. except we hooked up a couple times this summer. i realized that i never really wanted to settle down so i just messed around with boys. it's not hurting anyone right ? we strictly discussed that were no feelings involved.

i turn to mattia. "bye Polibio."

"it's a bye for now." he winks and we go our separate ways.

"what were you doing talking to mattia?", asked jason as we walked into school.

"funny story, he's my neighbor now." we walk to the gym to pick up our schedules and run into paige.

"hey bitches," paige says happily. "let me see your schedules."

we compare our classes together and i had 1st and 3rd with paige and 4th with jason.


my first period went well until i got to my 2nd period and realized who my seat partner was.

"my neighbor and my seat partner," mattia says as he sits down next to me.

"it can't get worse than this," i whispered.

soon one of mattia's best friends, alejandro rosario walked in. oooooh he got so much hotter over summer, finally got rid of that damn edgar cut.

thankfully for me, alejandro sits all the way across the room because when mattia and alejandro are together, they get so fucking obnoxious snd loud.

halfway through the class i noticed something touching my thigh. it was mattias hand.

"what're you doing?" i yelled and whisper at the same time and slap his hand away.

"sorry i couldnt help it." mattia scoots closer to me and places his hand on my thigh again.

if i was being honest, i didn't hate it— it felt good. or maybe i was just horny. another thing, my hormones went UP this summer, it's crazy. and when an experienced guy like mattia starts touching you..

"someone's enjoying this," mattia whispers into my left ear.

he reaches higher and higher to my heat and i started breathing heavily. i decided to return the favor and i start rubbing his thigh also. i can tell mattia was shocked because he didn't think i was like that, but he was wrong. very wrong.

mattia cleared his throat cuz i was getting closer and closer to his member. i looked at the clocked and noticed that the bell was gonna ring very soon so i decided to tease him. he looks down at my finger tips as i brush by his member but oop. the bell rang.

i got up and acted like nothing happened and left the room.


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