Chapter 6

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JJ went to the nearest hospital. When she walked in, she went up to the desk and asked if Emily was there yet. "You said Emily Prentiss?" the woman asked. 

"Yeah." JJ answered. 

"Like, the bull rider Emily Prentiss?" she asked. 

"Yes, can you please tell me if she is here or not?" JJ asked, starting to get a little annoyed. 

"Why should I tell you? You aren't a family member of hers." the woman said. 

"I'm her girlfriend." JJ answered with a rude tone. 

"Yeah. Sure you are." the woman scoffed and went back to what she was doing before. 

"Are you kidding me right now? My girlfriend could be dead for all I know, and you're just doing God knows what; not telling me where she is!" JJ said, slightly raising her voice. 

"Security!" the woman said. Two officers show up seconds later and asked what the problem was. "This woman right here is claiming to be the girlfriend of the professional bull rider Emily Prentiss, which she isn't. She's being very hostile, and she threatened to kill me if I didn't tell her where Emily was." the woman said. JJ gave her the look. 

"Excuse me? I said that Emily could be dead for all I know but you won't tell me where she is! And I am not being hostile. I literally only slightly raised my voice." JJ said, slamming her left hand on the desk. 

"Ma'am, you're under arrest." one of the officers said. 

"For what?!" JJ shouted. 

"Attempted assault." he said. 

"Excuse me, but that was not an attempted assault. I didn't try to hit anyone or try to harm anyone. I literally just slammed my hand on the desk." JJ said. 

"That's not what I saw. You threatened a nurse. You tried to hit her." he said. 

"In what world?! I'm worried about my girlfriend because she could possibly be dead, that woman won't even let me know where she is because she says I'm not her girlfriend even though I am, and I am getting mad because I just want to see her! I never threatened anyone, and I never tried to hit her." JJ said. 

"Yeah. Sure." he said, and the other guy grabbed her other arm, and they escorted her to the interrogation room. "So. What's your name?" the guy who arrested her asked. JJ didn't answer him. "I asked you a question." he said. 

"I have the right to remain silent." JJ said. "Now, I believe I get a phone call, so I would like to utilize that now." JJ said. 

"Not until you answer some questions." he said. 

"Well, you already know everything that happened. Now let me use the phone, please and thank you." JJ said. 

"Why do you think you're her girlfriend? Surely you aren't a dyke." he said. 

"Excuse me?" JJ asked.

"Pretty girls aren't dykes." he simply said. 

"I know what I like. So does she." JJ said.

"I think you need a mental health evaluation." he said, looking at her with disgust. 

"No. I don't. Now that phone call?" she said. He rolled his eyes and lead her to the phone. JJ called Hotch and told him where she was and what happened. 

"So your name is JJ?" the guard asked her with a smirk. 

"Only my friends call me that. You aren't my friend, so you can call me Jennifer. You just messed with the wrong blonde." JJ said. 

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