Chapter 28

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"Actually, can you take me to the bar that's on St. Parkersburg Blvd.?" Emily asked the taxi driver. He nodded his head and headed to the bar. It was only about two minutes from where they were. Emily paid him and went inside. She knew she was being stared at because of her being in a fancy dress and being all dolled up. She walked over to where the bar stools were and sat down.

"Can I get four shots of water and cranberry juice, please?" Emily asked the bartender.

"Long night?" she asked.

"I guess you could say that." Emily said.

"Care to share?" she asked Emily. Emily hesitated but decided that the bartender wouldn't remember her anyway, so she told her what had happened. She left out the parts of her being tortured and everything. But she told her about what had happened at the Gala and how she was mad at JJ for basically nothing and being pregnant.

"So that's why you ordered shots of water and cranberry juice." she said.

"Yeah. Normally I would being drinking tequila and blue lagoons right now, but I kind of can't." Emily said.

"I never got your name." the bartender said.

"Prentiss. Emily prentiss." Emily said.

"I'm Chloe. Chloe Donaghy." she said. They shook hands and smiled. Emily noticed that she was beautiful, but she wasn't JJ.

"Hey I'm going to see a movie after my shift ends in about, I don't know, an hour. I'm going to see the new James Bond movie. I think you should come with me. It's just going to be me and a couple of my friends. I think it will cheer you up, and you'll get along great with my friends." Chloe suggested.

"I don't know. I mean, we literally just met." Emily said.

"Come on. People use Tinder and meet up with random strangers all the time. Except this will be without all of the romantic stuff. Just a stranger hanging out with a girl and her friends." Chloe said. Emily let out a sigh.

"Fine. I guess I'll go." Emily said.

"Great! Though you may need to change out of that dress. It's a little too formal for the movie theatre." Chloe said. Emily chuckled and agreed with her.

"While I wait for you to get off of work, I will go get some new clothes." Emily said. Chloe agreed to it, and so that's what Emily did after paying for her "drinks". She took a taxi to the nearest store and got some new clothes. She just chose a pair of jeans, a simple t-shirt, and a pair of flip flops. After she purchased the clothing, she changed immediately into it and hailed another taxi. She told him to go the hotel that she booked a room at and dropped off her stuff there. Then she went back out to the same taxi and went back to the bar. Chloe was just getting off her shift.

"You ready?" she asked. Emily nodded her head. They met up with her friends outside, and Chloe was right. She got along with them great. Emily actually liked the movie they watched. She really liked the James Bond movies, but she never really had the chance to watch them all over again.

"That was a good movie." Krista, one of Chloe's friends said.

"I agree." Gail, the other friend, said.

"I should be getting back. It's been a long night for me. Thank you, again, Chloe, for being me here with your friends. I had a great time." Emily said.

"No problem! You seemed like you needed it." Chloe said.

"Oh shoot. I think I left my water in there." Emily said, realizing she had left empty handed.

"I have an extra one. Would you like it?" Gail asked.

"Are you sure?" Emily asked, not wanting to burden her.

"Absolutely. I have plenty where that came from." she said. She handed Emily the bottle. Emily grabbed it and thanked her. She took a drink and closed the cap. She knew that she made a mistake because everything started getting fuzzy.

"What-what's in this?" Emily asked. She tried closing and opening her eyes, but it didn't help.

"You shouldn't have taken JJ away from me." Chloe said. Emily was really confused. She kept slipping in an out of consciousness, so she only heard partial conversations. Then everything went black.

~One month later~

"Brooklyn, I'm starting to get worried. I mean, I know she said she needed space. But I didn't think she meant this long. I mean, she's gone completely off the grid. I've missed out on so much of her life already. I've probably missed her first appointment with her gynecologist and first ultrasound. I know it's Ian's, but that doesn't mean I won't love that baby any less. I mean, I'm going to be the step-mom. Or maybe she doesn't want me apart of its life. Maybe that's why-"

"Jayje. I'm sure everything is fine. She has a lot to process right now. Everyone is different in how they process things like this. Maybe going off the grid and cutting all contact for now is her way of coping and processing. And don't say such nonsense. Of course Emily wants you to be the parent of her child. You're getting married, JJ. She may even ask you to adopt it." Brooklyn said.

"Yeah babes. Look, Spencey and I always say that trusting each other and remaining loyal is a big part of relationships. You have to just trust her. She will let you know when she is fully revived and relieved of the burdens. And you, missy, have to remain loyal to the promise you made her. You will keep her wishes by not contacting her until she has contacted you. Got it?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah. Does Spence really allow you to call him Spencey?" JJ asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Matthew asked, clearly confused.

"That's a story for him to tell." JJ said. She sighed before talking again. "I just have a bad feeling about this. I just feel as if she's in danger of some sort." JJ said.

"Trust her and trust that she's okay." Matthew said. JJ nodded and got back to work.


Hey guys! Here's another chapter for you! I hope you like it!

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