Chapter 41

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""Hey mom, can I ask you a question?" Emily asked Elizabeth. She had woken up from her nap just an hour before she had to pick up Declan since his soccer practice was two hours long, and they were already an hour into it. 

"Of course. What's up?" Elizabeth asked. 

"Do you think I would be a good firefighter? The thought has been on my mind for quite some time now. I know that I'm not supposed to do anything that would risk me getting a severe concussion again, but I think this is something I really want to do." Emily said. 

"Do you think that this is what you're meant to do?" Elizabeth asked. 

"I think so. I mean, bull riding and dance didn't work out for me. JJ and I were supposed to also audition for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, but that never happened because of being kidnapped and everything else. I guess I've kind of always wanted to be one but didn't feel as though I was brave enough. But after what I've been through, I think I will be able to do the job." Emily explained. 

"Then I think that you should go for it. It's a dangerous job, and I should tell you 'no' because you could get another severe concussion and possibly die from it. However, I can't tell you 'no' if this is something you're truly passionate about." Elizabeth said. Emily nodded her head, glad she consulted someone about it. She decided that before she got Declan from the school she would put gas into her car. Elizabeth insisted that Emily go by herself and that she would stay with Daviana. Emily wanted to object, but she couldn't since she never got to spend time with Declan for obvious reasons. 

Emily took her time getting gas since she still had a little bit before she actually had to be at the school. Once she was done, she got in her car and texted JJ asking how her day was going. She then went to the school and waited in the parking lot for Declan. She saw him walk out about 10 minutes later and was grateful because there was a guy next to her who kept staring at her. "Hey bud! How was your first day of school?" Emily asked Declan after he got in the car. 

"It was actually pretty great! I made some new friends, and so far I like all of my classes. Which reminds me, I have a midterm project in my music composition class due in December that I need to get started on immediately. Which we're really only learning about composition, but apparently the only two assignments we are assigned are arrangements of different songs. The midterm one we get to pick on our own, but the final project we choose from a hat which song we arrange. Then I have a paper due at the end of the week for AP English, and I have a ton of homework for AP algebra." Declan continued talking about his day, and Emily just listened. She didn't know where all of this chatter came from because he wasn't a chatter box when he first arrived. Just asked a lot of questions. 

"Well I'm glad you had a great first day." Emily said once he was done. Declan already answered basically all of her questions, which is why she didn't question further. 

"Hey mom?" Declan asked. 

"Do you think that all of us could get some ice cream after my game Friday?" Declan asked. 

"I don't see why not. But just remember that JJ works second shift, so she won't be able to make it. However, your grandma might be able to." Emily said, looking in the mirror to see his reaction when she said 'grandma'. 

"Grandma? I thought nana Doyle died a few years ago?" he asked. 

"Not nana Doyle. I'm talking about Grandma Prentiss. She's actually home right now with Davi." Emily said. 

"Oh. I've only heard bad things about her. Dad told me what she said to you when you were growing up. I figured you weren't talking to her since she called you worthless and stuff like that." Declan said. 

"For once your dad didn't lie to you. But she's changed since then, and she's a lot better now. Trust me, she wouldn't be with Davi or even in the house if she was still like that." Emily said. 

"Okay." he said, not knowing if he could trust her. He was definitely very hesitant. They got home, and Declan got out of the car and into the house. He was met with Elizabeth sitting in the living room with Daviana watching a movie. 

"You must be Declan." Elizabeth said, standing up with Daviana in her arms. Declan just nodded his head. "It's great to finally meet you after all of these years." Elizabeth said with a slight smile, tears threatening to fall. She couldn't believe how big he was and how much he looked like Ian. 

"Mom, Declan suggested ice cream after his soccer game on Friday, and since JJ can't come would you like to join?" Emily asked. 

"Of course I would!" she said. Emily nodded, and Declan asked if he could go to his room. Emily allowed him, and so he left. "I don't think he likes me very much." Elizabeth said with a saddened voice. 

"It's just because Ian told him how you were when I was growing up, and I think that's who he sees you as still." Emily explained. 

"But I've changed since then." Elizabeth said. 

"I know, but he doesn't see that right now. He will come around. Just give him a little time to see that you've actually changed." Emily said to Elizabeth. She nodded and realized that she had to get to her own home. Elizabeth said goodbye to Emily and Daviana. She tried to say goodbye to Declan, but he ignored her. 

Nothing really happened between the time Elizabeth left to the time JJ got home with Nala. Just eating dinner quietly and taking care of Daviana. "Babe? I'm home!" JJ announced when she walked through the door. There wasn't an answer from anyone in the household, so JJ instinctively pulled her gun out and began searching the house. She cleared the downstairs, so she went upstairs. Daviana was in her crib asleep, Declan was asleep in his bed, but Emily wasn't anywhere. However, she saw the bathroom light on and started to relax. Emily emerged from the bathroom with nothing on, not even a towel. 

"Jesus, JJ, you scared me!" Emily said. JJ couldn't concentrate because Emily was completely nude in front of her. JJ even started drooling a little bit. 

"Okay. We have got to stop meeting like this." JJ said. Emily started smirking. 

"Like what you see?" Emily asked. 

"Very much so." JJ said. JJ grabbed Emily and tossed her on their bed. She climbed on top of her and began kissing her hungrily. She kissed down her neck and immediately found her soft spot. 

"F-fuck, JJ!" Emily moaned softly. She tilted her head back to give JJ more access to her neck. Emily was too caught up in what was happening, but she then finally realized. "Oh you sly dog." Emily said, gently pushing JJ away. JJ was breathing heavily and eyes full of lust. "You know I can't have sex for another week." Emily said. 

"You know what I say? Fuck the doctor's orders and let me fuck you because I have been craving you for so long and dying to be inside you, having you beg for me and to be able to cum. Fuck I need you so badly." JJ whined. 

"How about this weekend we have Declan and Daviana spend the weekend with my mom so we can have our time together. No interruptions or having to sneak around." Emily suggested. 

"Fine, but you owe me so much sex after putting me through Hell these past five weeks." JJ said. 

"Deal." Emily said. Emily got dressed while JJ got in the shower. Emily assumed she was taking a cold shower since she was still flustered. After JJ was done in the shower, she climbed into bed next to Emily. She turned onto her left side, and Emily instinctively turned over onto her left side and draped her arm over JJ, pulling her closer to her. 


Hey guys! Next chapter will be smut, so be prepared. This one was a little boring. I hope you like it anyway!

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