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- 2 weeks later -

Anahi Brewster

Sitting in the hospital room, Cairo on one of the chairs as he messed with the drawers and cupboards. I swear you couldn't take his ass nowhere, he did this with every checkup we had. Rolling my eyes, I laid against the examining table, my legs crossed at the ankles.

"Oh shit, we gon need these." Cairo held up some bandaids. Was he serious right now? "You know we do."

"You act just like a child, Cairo. Put it back." I shook my head, rolling my eyes yet again. "We can buy some at the store."

"Why do that, when it's out in the open and free? Com'on baby, relax." He pulled out some bandaids, stuffing them into my purse. This nigga got on my nerves at times. "It was only a few, you mad at me?"

"Shut up, talking to me." I waved him off, as a low deep chuckle parted his lips. Shaking my head, I rubbed my belly as I felt my babies move around. I was really having twins, and the doctors don't even know that. It took for me and Cairo to see their little feet on opposite sides of my stomach to find out. Life is beautiful. "Can you pass me my water, please."

Cairo chuckled mildly, licking his lips before passing the bottle my way. Annoying.

Looking towards the door as the doctor came in, I sent her a smile. She returned it looking between me and Cairo, before starting on the procedure as our other check-ups. I winced at the cold jelly like substance over my stomach, you'd think I'd be used to it by now, but it's different every time. Dr. Lenox looking at the screen, a shocked expression on her face as she saw that there were two babies instead of one. I knew it was common for most doctors to miss it, as one baby tends to hide behind the other, but they were in that position like yin and yang. She advised that I double up on my prenatal pills, as if I haven't already been because before we knew I was having twins, Cairo pressed me about doing so. Other than that my babies were healthy, and their heartbeats were strong. I couldn't wait to give birth, because they were weighing me down.

"Where you wanna eat?" Cairo asked, throwing his arm over my shoulder as we walked out of the clinic and to his car. "I know you hungry, so what you and the twins want?"

"I was thinking that you cook, baby..I want your mofongo and some steak." I looked up at him, sending him a big smile. "Pleaseeee." I poked out my bottom lip.

"Say less baby, I got you." He chuckled, bending down and pecking my lips as we reached the car. He opened the passenger side door for me, helping me in before getting in on his side. "At least let me feast before I start cookin." He looked to me, a crooked smile on his lips as he started up the ignition.

"Sure poppa." I chuckled silently, sitting comfortably in my seat. My thoughts wandering. "How do you still find me attractive being this big?"

"I find you attractive all the time, what you sayin?" Cairo twisted his lip up, his brows furrowing in. "You not even big baby, you're carrying twins. It's expected for you to gain weight, you carrying life. And throughout every pregnancy you've always been the most beautiful woman in my eyes, so why you questioning me like that?"

"I don't know..sometimes I don't see myself the way you see me, and being pregnant puts a toll on women...and shit, I just feel really big." I sucked up my tears. I know I'm beautiful, creating life is beautiful, but gahdamn!

"Baby, why you actin like you a special guest on My 600lb life? You not even big, and I'm not tryna hurt your feelings 'cause I know you sensitive right now, but cut it the fuck out. I love you, aight." I kept my silence, stuffing my hands into my lap, as my arms rested on my belly. "Say it back."

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