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A/N: this chapter will be written in omniscient and in flashbacks only, so please pay attention to the months/years as I'll be jumping around 💕

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Flashback - May 2020

Looking down at the three positive pregnancy tests, Nayeli's eyes watered. She thought her and Cassius were careful when they were having sex, but from these results it tells her otherwise. Little did she know she was five months pregnant. Nayeli being naturally tiny, the little pudge in her stomach wasn't that visible, and she thought it was just her eating habits, her weight tended to fluctuate so she didn't think much of it.

She loved to eat, and she wasn't ashamed of that.

"How am I gonna tell him?" Nayeli muttered, roughing up her curls as she masked her tears.

It's not that Nayeli was scared of his reaction, Cassius made it known that he wanted more kids. Kids with her. She just didn't know if she was ready for this reality, having kids were a lot of responsibility and she was at the rising point in her career. But she couldn't be selfish, she always wanted kids of her own. To love and nurture them, just like her mother did with her for those eleven years of her life; she'd take whatever she learned from her mother into her parenting, on top of what Anahi had done for her, her father too.

Throwing away the tests, Nayeli washed her hands with hot water and soap before walking out of her bathroom and laying against her bed as she thought of ways of telling him. Cassius' birthday was approaching, so she thought of letting him know during the birthday dinner she planned for them. Photos of the sonogram in a birthday card, that's what she planned on doing.

"Hello?" Nayeli answered her phone, biting into her thumb nail. She didn't bother to look at the caller ID, as she knew it was her sister. "How you doing over there, Ani?" She chuckled into the phone, hearing the background noise.

"Girl, tired as hell. This pregnancy taking a toll on me, and these kids got me watching all the movies." Anahi snickered, licking the corner of her lip. Kairi and KJ laying in the bed with her as they were watching Trolls 2. It was giving her a headache, but if it kept her babies occupied, then she'd settle. "I'm calling because there was something on my heart...you pregnant?"

Nayeli took in a breath, shaking her head. "Yeah...but imma go to the clinic tomorrow and see how far along I am." She bit the corner of her lip, moving onto her side, looking at nothing in particular. "I'm nervous to tell him."

"Don't be. You know he'd be happy that you're carrying his child." Anahi smiled on her end, she knew Nayeli would be a great mother. The way she opened her arms up to Royalty was already a given, they had a healthy relationship. Nayeli, Cassius and Maya knew how to communicate, and Maya wasn't for drama as she had moved on. Anahi prayed to have that, but everyone is built different. "Did you want me to go with you?"

"Anahi, you can barely walk." Nayeli snickered as Anahi smacked her teeth. She was waddling, then stop every fifteen steps to catch her breath. "You're about ready to pop, so I don't want to put that strain on you. I'll ask Liv to go with me."

They talked briefly more, mostly about nothing, but it was their sister time. They enjoyed their talks whether it be something intellectual or goofy, it was something they did. Tossing the phone to the side, Nayeli inhaled a deep breath and planted her hands onto her little belly. She smiled to herself, rubbing the little pudge. "I love you." She murmured, closing her eyes as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Nayeli's day already had started. It was nearing afternoon, and her doctors appointment wasn't until another hour, but her and Olivia were sitting in the waiting room as she filled out the paperwork. She was calmer today than the day before, she was genuinely excited to find out how far along she was. She was just thankful that she had support from both Anahi and Olivia. She'd get it from Cassius once he's aware, she knew that.

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