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Anahi Santiago


Pissed the fuck off was an understatement.

Normally I would just brush the shit off if someone called me a bitch, but hearing it come from Cairo's mouth is probably what hurt most. One of the first people I have met out here, and it turned out sour? I had to distract myself and bounce back, this wasn't about to have me moping.

It's been three days and it's still on my mental..like what the fuck? He ain't that special, he was just another nigga around the way.

"Wait, wait, wait, retract that back for me." Jada said sipping from her smoothie, her brows knitted together. I crossed my eyes, not really feeling the need to repeat myself. "He did what now?"

"It's not all his fault." I started, it wasn't. "Some words were exchanged, he called me a bitch and I called him a bitch too. I guess niggas don't like being called bitch," I paused, rolling my eyes.

Maybe this was all wrong.

"He asked about our work arrangements and stuff, I told him we're planning on opening a spa and shit...then it led to him saying something about a position being opened at his and Cassius' shop. I told him we didn't need a handout, and that's when shit got bad."

Jada just looked at me, letting that marinate. The silence was going to kill me, moving my eyes over to the sidewalk, I chewed on my bottom lip. The hell am I nervous for? This all would have been brushed off by now, but it's not..it's still here.

"I can see why you felt it was a handout, but it wasn't Anahi. It was an offer, boo." She chuckled mildly, scratching the itch off her forehead. "I can't speak too much on what happened cause I wasn't there, but I can speak on you two..y'all both are one in the same." I looked at her with a raised brow, twisting my mouth to the side. "Don't look at me like that, it's facts. The attitude, the way y'all act towards people. Same shit, you're the female version of him. Y'all match each other." She smiled, shrugging.

I rolled my eyes, was what she said a reach? I really don't know, but it had me thinking. Shaking my head, I decided I didn't want to talk about this anymore. She's friends with Cairo first, so her loyalty really lies with him.

"Enough about that." I waved off the conversation, chuckling. "What you been up to?" I sipped some of my smoothie, looking at her briefly, then back out as some people walked passed.

"Girl," she rolled her eyes hard, the smack of her teeth coming after. "My dumb ass boyfriend being on his insecure shit. I don't have time to be getting questioned if I'm out 'cheating'. The fuck do I look like?" Her nostrils flared, it's as if she was insulted that he would assume of her doing that. Niggas ain't shit. "He just being a man baby, and I can't deal."

I shook my head gently, furrowing my brows. "Let's be honest, Jada..if a man gotta question you about 'cheating' he must be out here doing something behind your back. Don't even argue with the man, pack his shit and leave it out on the front porch, and change the locks."

"Girl, I'm sayin! But you better than me, I would've burned his shit just like Bernadine. Don't play with me." She laughed, but her tone held seriousness.

Shit, that was next level...but that ain't a lie either. Let's be honest, how many of you would burn a niggas shit if you catch him cheating?


Walking into the house, it was quiet for the most part, only noise audible was the tv coming from the living room. I kicked off my shoes, and placed them by the door and made my way towards the kitchen to grab me something to drink.

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