Lovely Spy

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Eren: Having a relationship with an international spy isn't easy, much less safe. I can't go out of the house without letting him know. Just in case of an "emergency",which simply means that Icould get kidnapped any second.

Levi: Yet here you are, still dating me.

Eren: Dies it look likeI have a choice?

Levi: What's that supposed to mean?

Eren: I mean, why would I leave you. With your looks, abilities and terrible cooking skills, no one would want to leave you.

Levi: Aww sugar, aren't you just sweet?

Eren: Yes, I've heard that sugar is sweet.

Levi: I just love it when you're sarcastic.

Eren: And Ijust love when you are naked.

Levi: Really?

Eren: Yes.

Levi: No doubt?

Eren: Not a single one.

Levi: Sarcasm?

Eren: Noteven a dab.

Levi: You know...My bedroom is upstairs. 

Eren: Yes, I know. I've been there many times.

Levi: What do you say we head there for a little bitof fun?

Eren: I wouldn't mind at all.

Shit, I am such a failure at love.

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