Attack On Swimming!

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Makoto: Uhm...Haru, where are we? 

Haru: I don't know.

Eren: Hello there...Are you guys lost? 

Makoto: Yes! Uhm, we actually don't know where we are...

Eren: Well, you guys are in the military police's station. You guys are new comers, how did you even make it here?

Haru: The water took us here. 

Eren: Huh?

Makoto: He means that we were swimming when all of a sudden we appeared here.

Eren: in like the ocean? 

Makoto: Yes, we were training for the relays but somehow we have ended up here.. 

Eren: Ocean!? You guys have been to the ocean and swam in it?! Oh my god! Didn't you get attacked by titans?

Makoto: What?...No, there are no titans..

Eren: Woaaaa! How was it? Is it really big? Is there a lot of...what do you call it...sand? 

Haru: Yes, lots of it. 

Levi: Eren. what's with all the commotion back here? 

Eren: They were in the ocean! 

Levi: What? That's impossible.

Eren: That's what I told them!

*Eren and Levi keep arguing about how that is an unbelievable journey.*

Makoto: Haru-chan...I think we are in a mental institute. 

Haru: There is no pools here, are there?

Eren: Yes! We have pools of titan blood!

Makoto: Let's get out of here Haru-chan.

Haru: I told you to drop the -chan.


{A/N} Ayye! If you want to collaborate right now, comment! ^-^

Also, I want to know something.

Have you guys shared this story? 

If you guys have, tell me so that I can give you a big hug!!!! >_< 

One last question! 

Who is a cosplayer? 

(^-^)/ I am! 

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